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Name: NGUYỄN VŨ HOÀNG LINH I.D: 22004031

Class: EAP4-0922WSB-7
Assignment: Case Study: Coca-Cola
Assignment Question: (write out in full)

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ISB Western Sydney University


STUDENT: Nguyễn Vũ Hoàng Linh

ID: 22004031


TEACHERS: Mr. Williams Michael Frank & Ms. Vân Anh

DUE DATE: 01 – 11 - 2022


The case study discusses the development of Coca-Cola's promotional approach. Coca-Cola is

one of the world’s leading manufacturers of non-alcoholic soft drinks, created in 1886 by a man

named John S. Pemberton. Coca-Cola has expanded its market share since its establishment by

utilizing a variety of rich and varied means of advertising, making it one of the most

recognizable brands around the world. This case study examines the business strategy by using

SWOT analysis and suggests some probable ways for improvement.

SWOT Analysis (Group Work)


1. Worldwide brands, Strong brand identity 1. Product Diversification

& High brand valuation

2. Coca-Cola Environment Issue

2. Extended global reach

3. Human’s health

3. Dominant market share

4. Unparalleled distribution system


1. Increase advertising in the developing 1. Environmental controversy

economies 2. Increasing Health – Consciousness

2. Reduction in the usage of plastic 3. High competition

3. Produce healthier productions

Recommended courses of action

From the SWOT analysis, the following recommendations are made:

- Develop a unified customer experience strategy that prioritizes acquiring potential

clients and developing customer services.

- Build smart strategies to fight its competition like Pepsi-Co, Red Bull, etc.

- Maintain increasing the standards on product quality by diversifying and expanding

product models.

- Invite celebrities to advertise your company or new products by using viral videos and

influencer marketing.

- Build marketing campaigns that enhance customer requirements such as providing

discounts or buy one get one free offer on firm products.


Coca-Cola, one of the most well-known soft drink brands in the world, continuously develops

and gains meaningful client feedback to raise the quality of its products and services. In addition

to encouraging sustainable growth, Coca aims to minimize any potential danger to either

individuals or the environment. By utilizing the above techniques, Coca-Cola can obtain high

client admiration while also developing cooperative partnerships with several regional and

international businesses. As Coca-Cola products are of high quality and have an outstanding

brand reputation, consumers will favor them more.

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