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Name: Bùi Quang Linh

ID: 16145027

Topic: Some people prefer to shop in traditional stores. Other people prefer to do their
shopping online.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
There are a lot of people who love to shop in a traditional way. They enjoy going to
shopping malls and ordering places to shop. However, many people would rather shop
online. They can use the mobile devices to make their purchases. Personally, I prefer
shopping online.
One of the reasons they love shopping in a traditional way is they want to look at the
products in reality. For example, the slave of to technology, they enjoy looking the
new models like phones, laptops or other products and they can try them before
buying them. Another reason is going out to shop with friends. Surely hanging out
with friends will be more happiness than being alone. Sometimes, that is the reasons
to meet their friends.
However, with the development of technology, there are a growing number of people
who like online shopping because it is convenienceconvenient. Nowadays, they can
stay at home and shop online. In other words, everything they want to buy is shown on
the internetInternet. Another reason is safety. The explanation for that is the that
accident can happen when they move on the road. Especially, their home is far from
the shop.
In conclusion, there are advantages to both types of shopping. Although traditional
shopping is fun because of hanging out with friends and enjoying after shop, I usually
prefer online shopping because I am usually busy and don’t have time to come to the

231 words

Task Achievement: 7.0
Coherence and Cohesion: 5.5
Lexical Resource: 5.5
Grammatical Range: 6.0
Overall Band Score: 6.0

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