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(What lies within?)

By: Czarina Mae Q. Tadeo

In shadows cast upon a nursing path,

A young woman's journey with passion fraught.
Deep love for healing, for those in need,
Yet hidden hatred in her heart takes seed.

Betrayal's sting, a bitter taste it brings,

From those she trusted, like sharpened stings.
Friends who make her feel unwanted, small,
Invalidated, underappreciated overall.

In darkness, thoughts of ending her own pain,

Suicidal whispers haunt her troubled brain.
She tends to hurt herself, her solace found,
When disappointment weighs her spirit down.

Academic validation, her proud shield,

A constant quest for worth, a heart concealed.
Confident in beauty, yet insecurities hide,
A mirror's gaze can't quell her inner tide.

The black sheep, she stands apart, alone,

A family's expectations, a burden she's known.
Sensitive to the words, the judgmental eyes,
Each opinion a dagger, the pain it belies.

Perfection's call, a burden hard to bear,

She strives relentlessly, her soul laid bare.
Her own worst critic, unable to see,
That imperfections don't define her destiny.

Mentally, she falters, not always okay,

Yet onward she marches, come what may.
As the breadwinner, she carries the weight,
Success a must, a duty she can't abate.

Behind her facade, a complex soul resides,

A woman of contrasts, where darkness collides.
But within her struggles, a strength does dwell,
A resilient spirit, ready to break free from this hell.

She seeks solace in healing others' pain,

A nurturer's heart, her true purpose to gain.
Though battles rage within, she fights the fight,
For in her nursing journey, a flicker of light.

So let us see beyond her veiled facade,

A woman with dreams, not just a charade.
For deep within the chaos, her spirit may bloom,
A story of resilience, of light breaking through.

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