Capstone Compressed

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My Capstone

• I have always been passionate about taking care of my
body by working out, skincare, and cooking healthy
• But I have never focused on how my diet would affect
all those things, I have been taking care of myself on
the outside, but not on the inside. Not to say I'm super
unhealthy but, there is always room for improvement.
• I wanted to use my capstone as motivation to try
something new, because I have always had thoughts
about going vegan or vegetarian, but I never have.
• I can use my capstone to find new recipes, try new
foods, and see how these diets affect me, not just the
people online.

How Can Popular Diets Affect My
Physical And Mental Health?
• I have always been passionate about taking care of my
body by working out, skincare, and cooking healthy
• But I have never focused on how my diet would affect
all those things, I have been taking care of myself on
the outside, but not on the inside. Not to say I'm super
unhealthy but, there is always room for improvement.
• I wanted to use my capstone as motivation to try
something new, because I have always had thoughts
about going vegan or vegetarian, but I never have.
• I can use my capstone to find new recipes, try new
foods, and see how these diets affect me, not just the
people online.

“The way to get
started is to quit
talking and begin
doing.” -I chose this quote because I struggled
with starting different lifestyle diets and
Walt Disney
being persistent and committing to them.

-Like I said I’ve always wanted to try

different diets and talking about it with my
family but, like this quote said I finally
stopped talking and got started.

3 Diets

I am going to be selecting 3
different popular diets to try.
I’m going to take note of how
they affect my physical health,
My mental Health, and my skin.
What is it?
The pescatarian diet is when you
follow a vegetarian diet, but you also
eat fish and other seafood.
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Why Can The Pescatarian Diet
Cause Acne?

§ Shellfish is high in iodine, which

can cause acne and a red splotchy
face. Since I was eating a lot of
prawns (which are shellfish) it
gave me those affects.

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What is the Mediterranean diet?

It is a primarily plant-based diet that includes
daily intake of whole
grains , olive oil, fruits, vegetables, beans and
other legumes, nuts, herbs, and spices
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The vegan diet is based on plants ( such as
vegetables, grains, nuts, and fruits) and foods
made from plants

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Started Finished Food Rating Results

Pescatarian March 28th April 11th

Mediterranean April 18th May 4th

Vegan May 10th May 24th 2.8

Control March 14th March 28th

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