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FORUM: 3rd Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural)

QUESTION OF: The question of government’s right to limit civil liberties in times of conflict


1. Urges member states to provide the public with specific and abundant explanations as well as
reasons for the limitation of their civil liberties in order to avoid civil disorder, which will be
presented to them by various experts such as but not limited to:
a. Influential political figures such as
i. the president and/or the prime minister of the state in question
ii. the governor and/or ministers of defense/war, health, finance, state, etc.
b. internationally verified and unbiased/independent scientists in the fields of:
i. politics and military
ii. economics and trade
iii. medicine and public health
iv. history and sociology

The clarification of the reasons behind the new measures to curb crises should be publicized
through mass media such as but not limited to:

a. Television
b. Social media
c. Newspapers
d. Radio
e. Magazines

2. Calls for member nations to use domestic and international diplomacy in order to make drastic
steps towards the solution of the problem and the preservation of the public safety:
a. In the domestic political stage governments of member nations are strongly
recommended to orchestrate and moderate the dialogue between political parties and
thus to optimize the content and quality of their relations and configure the minimum of
political consent
b. In the international political stage member states are called to interact with other
members through the use of negotiations and discussions in the world system, and
through a number of events. This will lead to a thorough presentation and analysis of
the crisis and the necessity of the limitation of the civil liberties

3. Recommends the establishment of a non-governmental organization titled the Crisis

Management Organisation (CMO), which will consist of a limited number of members
(renowned scientists and internationally valued personalities) and will present the primary
mission of:
a. working in close communication with the Human Rights Council to monitor and analyze
the crisis in nations in need and furthermore estimate the social impact of the limitation
of civil liberties
b. advising the government in question about the recommended course of action by
drafting new guidelines when needed
c. organizing an international fundraiser in order to provide for the people whose liberties
were revoked, by:
i. funding and organizing medical clinics with the assistance of volunteers and
retired doctors
ii. providing shelter for foreigners visiting that country during a time of conflict
iii. regulating food distribution to those who were deprived of their political rights
iv. supervising schools to ensure the uninterrupted attendance of students
v. organize online schooling with the help of volunteers teachers and/or retired

Recommends a specialized fund called Green

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