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The task of conducting a feasibility study requires sufficient time and guts.

I faced a lot of difficulties

throughout the procedure. Knowing my group members in advance, coming up with a title for our study
as the first and most crucial step in creating a feasibility study, gathering data, reviewing each chapter of
the study, and scheduling meetings are all parts of the process.

To complete the study, my fellow researchers give it their all. But it wasn't so simple for us to cross the
finish line; we had fights, miscommunications, and even many tears. Despite the fact that we are
imperfect, we persevered and put our own problems and anger aside to ensure the success of our study.

Numerous prayers have done, and we revised the statement numerous times, but in the end, we
succeeded. We again went over the files before the defense. The anxiety and feelings we experience on
defense day, yet we succeeded once more! And a heartfelt thank you to our advisor for his unwavering
assistance. After the study, I learnt a lot of things, including how to be more patient, how to give others
a chance, and how to respect others.

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