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Anngela D.


Going through the Research 1 proposal defense has been an enlightening journey.
Presenting our research proposal to our panel of experts was.The pressure of presenting our
study to a panel of experts can be overwhelming. We feel nervous, anxious, and unsure of
ourselves. However, it is important to remember that we have put in the time and effort to
present our research in front of our panelistThe questions and feedback from the panel
were valuable. Rather than viewing criticism negatively, I embraced it as a tool for
improvement. Each question pointed me toward areas that needed further clarification or

1. .
2. One way to combat the nerves is to practice our presentation beforehand. This will give us
an opportunity to work out any kinks in our delivery and ensure that we are well-prepared
for any questions that may arise.

3. Another strategy is to focus on the content of our study rather than the panelists
themselves. By keeping our attention on what we have learned and discovered, we can stay
grounded and confident throughout the presentation.

4. Finally, it is important to remember that the panelists are there to learn from us as well.
They want to hear about our research and understand its significance in the field. By
approaching the presentation with a sense of collaboration rather than competition, we can
create a more positive and productive environment for everyone involved.

5. Overall, while presenting our study to a panel of experts can be intimidating, it is also an
opportunity for growth and learning. By preparing ourselves mentally and emotionally,
focusing on the content of our research, and approaching the experience with a
collaborative mindset, we can make the most out of this valuable experience.

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