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Nama : Nur Havizah, AMG

NIM : 2022 03 026
Jurusan Alih Jenjang S1 Gizi
1. Pecel Madiun
One of the foods that characterize the Javanese people is pecel madiun. Pecel Madiun is

a culinary specialty of Madiun, East Java. This culinary at first glance looks like pecel in general.

However, it turns out that there are significant differences from other pecel. Even though they

live in the Banggai Regency, where the majority are not Javanese, Madiun pecel is still a

mandatory food at every Javanese event.

One of the characteristics of Pecel Madiun is the addition of kaffir lime to the peanut

sauce. Then, the vegetables in Pecel Madiun are more diverse. The boiled vegetables in Pecel

Madiun consist of long beans, turi flowers, sprouts, kenikir, spinach, cassava leaves and papaya

leaves. Apart from that, there are also other ingredients such as lamtoro (Chinese petai), basil,

and pieces of krai.

Another characteristic is Pecel Madiun wrapped in banana leaves. Pecel Madiun is

more delicious when eaten with rice, peyek, and various side dishes. Such as tempeh, tofu, empal

meat, beef offal, fried eggs, or salted eggs.

2. Bakso Malang

Meatballs have become some people's favorite culinary. This main menu made from

beef and tapioca flour is often found in various regions in Indonesia. in Luwuk Banggai

meatballs are sold a lot, it's just that there are various kinds of meatballs, there are Malang

meatballs or often called Arema meatballs, Magetan meatballs.

One area that is famous for meatball snacks is Malang. However, what is the difference

between Malang Meatballs and ordinary meatballs? the following explanation. The most striking

difference between the two meatballs above is the sauce. But the taste of the meatballs is not

much different.

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