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1. A, C, F, H, K, ?
(a) M
(b) N
(c) L
(d) O
2. MP, OR, QT, SV, ?
(a) UX
(b) TW
(c) TU
(d) XU
Sol. +2 series
3. WTQ : DGJ :: NKH : ?
(a) MPS
(b) LOR
(c) NQT
(d) ORV
Sol. Pair of opposite letters.
4. Book : Pages : : Ladder : ?
(a) Steps
(b) Walking
(c) Parts
(d) Levels
Sol. Book have pages. Ladder have steps.
5. A ‘Square’ is related to ‘Cube’ in the same way as a
‘Circle’ is related to …?
(a) Sphere
(b) Circumference
(c) Diameter
(d) Area
 Ans.(a)
Sol. A square is a two-dimensional figure
consisting of sides whereas a cube is a three-
dimensional figure. Similarly, circle is a two-
dimensional figure and a sphere is a three-
dimensional figure.
6. Select the related word from the given alternatives.
Play: Concert :: ? : Cinema Hall
(a) Symphony
(b) Musician
(c) Movie
(d) None

7. USPL is to NRUW as LJGC is to ……?……
(a) EILN
(b) CEHL
(c) EHIJ
(d) ESUW

Same pattern follow by LJGC then we get EILN.

 Ans.(b)
Sol. The first, third, fifth and seventh letters of
the first group are each moved one step
backward to obtain corresponding letters of the
second group. The movement of other letters is
not required to find the answer.
9. YAWC : UESG : : QIOK : ?
(a) MINC
(b) MIKE
(c) KOME
(d) MMKO
Sol. There is a gap of three letters between each
corresponding letters of ‘YAWC’ and ‘UESG’.
10. UTS : EDC : : WVU : ?
(a) XWV
(b) WXY
(c) SJM
(d) RPO
 Ans.(a)
Sol. The letters of each group are in reverse
11. DGPGJ : MPQPS : : KNENQ : ….?
Sol. The third letter of second term is the next
letter according to alphabet to the third letter of
first term.
12. ADE : FGJ :: KNO : ?
(a) PQR
(b) TPR
(c) PQT
(d) RQP
 Ans.(c)
Sol. In first term, two letters are missing
between first two letters while last two are
continuous but in second term first two letters
are continuous and two letters are missing
between last two letters.
13. DWH is related to WDS in the same way as GLC is
related to ……?……
(a) LGX
(b) LGY
(c) LGU
(d) LGV
Sol. The first two letters of the first group are
written in a reverse order in the second group. The
third letter is replaced by a letter occupying the
same position from the end of the English
alphabet, as it occupies from the beginning.
14. BRIGHT is related to JSCSGF in the same way as
JOINED is related to….?….
15. REQUEST is related to S2R52TU in the same way
as PEARL is related to….?…..
(a) L13TN
(b) T42NP
(c) R31PN
(d) Q21SM
 Ans.(d)
Sol. Clearly, vowels, A, E, I, O, U are coded as
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 respectively. Each of the consonants
in the word is moved one step forward to give
the corresponding letter of the code. So, the
code for PEARL becomes Q21SM.
‘review exam analysis book’ is coded as ‘ts ie mn as’
‘current admit exam analysis’ is coded as ‘mn bn st ie’
‘current quiz analysis book’ is coded as ‘cd as mn bn’
‘review book image article’ is coded as ‘ts as yj yx’
1. Which of the following is the code for ‘admit’?
(a) St
(b) bn
(c) ie
(d) mn
(e) None of these
2. Which of the following quiz is coded as ‘bn’?
(a) quiz
(b) book
(c) admit
(d) Current
(e) None of these
3. What may be the code of ‘quiz orange’?
(a) st ie
(b) cd mn
(c) ie bn
(d) mn ie
(e) cd qw
4. Which of the following code is coded for ‘Exam’?
(a) mn
(b) ie
(c) bn
(d) cd
(e) None of these
5. What will be the code of ‘article?
(a) yj
(b) as
(c) yx
(d) Either (a) or (c)
(e) None of these
‘rescue wound operation improve’ is written as ‘cl sa nk jo’,
‘update warning issue threat’ is written as ‘ha fa rs da’,
‘improve threat wound update’ is written as ‘sa rs cl da’ and
‘rescue improve operation update’ is written as ‘cl nk jo da’.
6. What is the code for ‘improve threat’ in the given
code language?
(a) cl fa
(b) cl rs
(c) da fa
(d) rs da
(e) None of these
7. What is the code for ‘warning’ in the given code
(a) ha
(b) fa
(c) rs
(d) da
(e) Can’t be determined
8. What is the code for ‘Update’ in the given code
(a) ha
(b) fa
(c) rs
(d) da
(e) None of these
9. What may be the code for ‘rescue person warning’ in
the given coding language?
(a) jo nk cd
(b) nk fa rs
(c) nk ct fa
(d) ha cl sa
(e) None of these
10. What is the code for ‘operation’ in the given coding
(a) jo
(b) cl
(c) nk
(d) Either (a) or (c)
(e) ha

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