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Buyer Persona

“I want to create memories Identifiers: Influences:

that will impact my family.”  An active  Family and
participant in friends
“I would like to discover online groups  Instagram
the wonders of the zoo.” involving  Facebook
parenting  Online ratings
“The zoo creates  Active on social
unforgettable memories media, especially
Age: 25-40 years old when I am with my family.” Instagram
 Wants to book
Income: $51,945 to $89,487 “I like the fun when with
online instead of
family in the zoo.”
paying at the gate
Occupation: Stay-at-home
mom, nurse, teacher, painter,  Mostly available
and office administrator over the
Status: 53% married, 15% Goals: Challenges: Opportunities:
divorced/windowed, and 32  Loves fun  Balancing work  Promotions
single/not married  Wants an educative and family life is and discounts
experience problematic  Easy-to-use
 Participates in activities  Wants to booking
that involve family minimize system
 Strives for a work-life expenses while  Quick online
balance getting a quality payment
experience options
 Finding exciting
suitable for
children is
Empathy Map

Says: Thinks:
 “I need activities that are fun and educative.”  “I want my children to have a nice time in the
 “I want my children to enjoy themselves.” zoo.”
 “I want to book my visit online and pay  “I want to visit zoos that are pocket friendly.”
conveniently.”  “Spending more than $10.00 for adults or
 “I check online recommendations before $5.00 for children on a zoo visit is too much.”
visiting a zoo.”

Does: Feels:
 Checks online to see reviews of zoos  Stressed: Because of the inability to spend
 Visits zoos that are fun and also educative more time with children
 Visits a zoo two in a month  Excited: Wants to enjoy with family
 Involved in online forums that promote  Happy: Thinking about the positive experiences
positive parenting in the zoo

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