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Nisha Rani (NISN050394)

Ramandeep Kaur (RAMR250997)

Week 6 – Assignment

Case Studies

Grade: 15 %
Group assignment: 2 members

Active supervision involves all your skills as a teacher. Read the following
scenarios. Identify the problems related to supervision. Then brainstorm
possible solutions.

1. It’s a beautiful day outside. You and your co-teacher, Jana, are on
the playground with your class of preschoolers. The children all seem
busy outdoors.

You and Jana sit at a picnic table under the playground awning and
begin to chat. A few girls come join you. Before long, you are both
honored guests at a pretend picnic.
Ans. Me and my co-teacher Jana’s preschoolers are playing in outdoor playground

and appears busy as, it is a beautiful day, me and Jana sit under the shade at a picnic

table and start to conversate with each other even, few girls join us. Before long we

both honored guests at a pretend picnic. But, there is no caretaker or supervisor with

the children during the play time to pay attention towards their activities introduced

hazards to children for instance, they can go outside if there is no provision of

fence or the door and they have to suffer from incidents in the scenario of
busy road next to the play area, even, children can hit each other also, injured

from the objects like swings, monkey bar along with motor vehicle owing to

less physical strength according to age level and, owing to unfamiliar

surroundings where they play. In addition to these, serious situations may occur

like collisions or fall on the hard surface.

To ensure the pre-schoolers safety from injuries while going outside for picnic in the

playground, the active participation of educators and facilitators will play

considerable role while engaging self in activities instead of sitting at the table and

chat with others along with, the prearrangement for the protection of the children will

be beneficial to provide security to them. As most of the injuries are predictable

and preventive measures will be implemented in the difficult situations for

instance, the playing area must be safe with the provision of fence or door to stop

children to go outside, the surface should not be slippery, the organisations of

the objects must be stable and to avoid collisions, the kids must be divided

into groups while giving the opportunity to play even, keep an eye on their

activities in which they are involved so that they could play with those

objects which are according to their strength and age. Also, the children must be

counted even after 15 minutes to ensure their presence at the place. With the

appropriate strategies, educators become capable to fulfill their responsibilities

towards the children and towards their parents who send their child to their

educational institution while trusting on the facilitators.

2. You and your co-teacher, Melanie, have been working hard to find the
right arrangement for your classroom furniture. Melanie suggested that
you create a cozy corner where children can relax.
You love the idea. She offers to bring in a tent that her own children
loved. When she brings it in and sets it up, you realize that the fabric is
solid on all sides and the doors zip closed
Ans- The appropriate organization of the facilities in the classroom is essential for the kids

who come there for study to prevent them from injuries also, to promote safe learning

environment for them. For this purpose, me and my co- teacher, Melanie planned to

introduce right arrangement for class furniture, at the same time, Melanie gave an idea

to create cozy corner to provide the opportunity of relaxation to students by bringing a

tent inside the classroom, she suggested that idea because their own kids enjoy this facility

even, I also agreed with her at the time but when she set up the tent, I realized that the

tent is made of solid fabric from all sides even, the zip of the door closed, both features of

the tent led to suffocation as, if the children will rest inside it, they will have to confront

breathing problem owing to suffocation because there is no source of ventilation which is

necessary to survive imposes detrimental impact on respiratory system also, cause of child

death. In addition to these, when the door zip is closed, educator or supervisor is not able

to observe what going inside for instance, two kids inside the tent could harm to each other,

any mishappening will happen in this situation. Also, during the teaching time, it is difficult

for the educator to keep an eye on those children who sleep there to check their laying
position at the same time.

Therefore, firstly, rest area must be at the separate place instead of arranging the rest

facility in the classroom owing to provide the opportunity of active supervision of all the

children along with, necessary facilities must be arranged there. For instance, the sleeping

bed must be comfortable to provide relief to kids during the rest time also, according to age

appropriate, for preschoolers, there is no need of cribs but the difference between the bed

height and the floor must be minimum to prevent children from falling. For the air

circulation, windows provision is required, to keep an eye on those kids who are in the rest

room to check their laying positions and their body movement, special caretakes must be

there along with, the camera’s facility plays considerable role to supervise to observe the

whole circumstances of the place are in the favour of children. Also, the classroom

furniture should be in working condition, age appropriate and well organized to avoid

collisions among the kids.

3. A new child has enrolled in your classroom. Although she has only been in

your room for an hour, she has found every door. She has already run outside

to the playground twice and made it into the hallway once.

Ans. There were 24 children in the classroom, and I was the only educator to teach them and to
supervise all their activities owing to hectic schedule and the absence of assistant helper

there, various challenging situations confronted not only by me to deal with the children’s

but also, by the newly introduced children as, it was completely unfamiliar surrounding

for the kid and did not know about the rules and regulations of the institution, about

the directions where to go or where it is not allowed to go lead to safety threat for the kid.

Though, she was in my class for an hour, but I did not know when the child went outside

the classroom because there was no one outside the classroom to stop child to go outside

even, the child did not know to take the permission to leave from the classroom as, it was

her first day after that, she got the access of every door because the lack of knowledge


directions put her in trouble. The children might be panic owing to find difficulty to find

the right directions even, she was found outside twice in the playground where any

mishappening could happen with her along with this, she also went to the corridor

once from where she could go outside or get injured with the material near by the hallway.

To provide comfortable and secure environment to the newly enrolled children, the


and helpers must be according to the ratio of the children in the class which ensure to keep

an eye on every single child, ringing bells must be attached with the doors to the help of the
teacher to be aware who is going outside from the classroom also, the door handle needs to


out of the reach of kids and the introduction of symbols which indicates towards directions

along with this, security guard for the protection of kids to send them at the right classroom.

Last, but not the least, special assistant must be placed with the new children to ensure their

safety and well- being also, attendance for approximately twice while going outside in the


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