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Three Types

Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Week 6, Training Session 8
Cold Market:
Ø We do not invite cold
Ø Connected, but we do
not “know” them.
Warm Market We Know:

What do we do with Cold Market,

people we do not know?

Connect with them and be Curious

… turn them into warm market.
What do we Ø Be Curious.
do when Ø Be Present to them.
Connected? Ø Serve them.
What do we do with
Warm Market?

Initial Invite

Hey Allison,
A few months ago, I was introduced to a product line. I fell in love with it so much I
decided to create a second income with it. The company is ___ years old but is
growing fast. I know you've heard this story before, and it probably isn't for you …
it actually isn't for most people. And that's perfectly OK with me. I'm reaching out
to see if you would honor me by "just taking a look" and hearing my story. No is
ok. Maybe is nice. Yes, is awesome. What do you say?

Social Media Invite

Hi Christine,
You may have seen some of my social posts about the income option we are
creating. It’s based on a product line we fell in love with as customers and we just
couldn’t keep quiet about it. The company started sending us money for sharing
and it has taken off from there. I know this may be out of the blue and not for you.
A “no thanks” is perfectly OK. I do know that if you try these products you are also
likely to fall in love and most people I know appreciate a check in the mail. If you
would honor me with a brief look, I would like to tell you my story. Can I get a yes?
Inviting Someone You Haven't Talked To In Awhile

Dear Brian,
It has taken too long for me to reach out. I've waited to ask you thinking
you would say no or think I'd lost my mind. I want to ask you to “just
take a look” at what I'm doing with an income option I'm pursuing. I
found this product line a few years ago, fell madly in love with it, and
cautiously started telling a few people about what I'd seen. The
company shares its revenue with me, but I love this stuff so much I'd
tell people about it regardless. I trust you'll hear this in the spirit it’s
offered. All I'm asking is that you honor me with a “look.” If you’re not
interested, I get it. Most people are not. I won't be offended. If we're
both lucky you may see what I see. Are you open?
Inviting A Close Friend Or Family Member

Hi Megan,
I've been afraid to reach out. For two years now, I've wanted to talk to you.
But I know how these things go and I just didn’t want to mess up our
friendship. I'm clear now that it won't and what I have to share is far more
valuable than the fear. No is a perfectly acceptable answer. Most people
either tell me no or don’t even bother to respond. LOL! A few years ago, I tried
a product that a neighbor told me about. Our whole family fell in love with it.
We became forever fans. We told a few people about it and they also fell in
love. Now the company pays us. We love the plan B income as we get paid
for life on any business we create. Regardless, we would tell people our story
if we never got compensated. And we wanted to tell you. Maybe these kinds
of products are not of interest to you. That’s perfectly OK. And I believe you
care deeply about the health of your family and you may see the same kind of
solutions here that we did. Will you allow me to tell you our story?
Ghost Invite Follow-up

Dear Sara,
I know you're busy … perhaps even overwhelmed. Maybe you intended to
reply and maybe you just didn’t know what to say. Here's the message I sent
you last week/month. Would you at least honor me with a reply even if the
answer is NO? I respect your NO, but don’t know what to do with the silence.

When Someone Says YES

Hey Lindsay,
Thank you for agreeing to __________. As you might expect, in my business,
people make promises to me all the time. Most don't keep them. They don't
really mean, YES, I will. I'm used to it, I get it. My requests aren't the most
important thing on anyone’s list. I always want to give people the safety and
freedom to say NO or even MAYBE. After all, it's your time and attention I'm
asking for. So, thank you for saying YES. I trust you mean it.
No Response To An Invite or Video

Hi Eric,
I know you're busy and my request is not the most important thing on your list.
I respect that. Allow me to just drop the request in the top of your inbox in the
hopes that today is the perfect day for you to __________. I won’t be a pest
and I'll be persistent as I look for the perfect day for you to __________.
Example of 1 invite a day Ratios and Results:
6 days a week, 50 weeks a year

Year 1

Ø 300 Invites. 15 minutes a day.

Ø 60 Presentations. Ratio 1 out of 5. One
hour a week.
Ø 20 Enrollments. Ratio 1 out of 3. One
hour a week.
Year 1

Ø 274 No’s. Follow up twice a month with

something. One hour a week.
Ø 6 Enrollments from follow up. 2%

26 Enrollments. Compare that to your

enrollments last year.
Year 2
Ø 300 invites. 15 minutes a day.
Ø 75 Presentations. Ratio 1 out of 4. One
hour a week.
Ø 37 Enrollments. Ratio 1 out of 2. One
hour a week.
Ø 263 + 274 (from Year 1) = 537 No’s to
follow up every two weeks.
Ø 2% follow up Enrollments = 11
Ø 37 Enrollments + 11 = 48 Total
Enrollments or 4 per month
85 Total Enrollments - ALL of which know about the Income Option
Join us tomorrow for
LIVE Coaching with Richard!!
If you are interested in volunteering to be
coached LIVE with Richard,
please email:

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