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Teacher Program - Fees and Budget Form

Living Expenses Monthly Cost Annual Total Minimum Amount

Monthly Cost x 12 months

Housing Deposit Must equal at least 1-month of rent cost

Housing Rental Review Host School Contract Addendum
Utilities (electricity, gas, etc.) $1,200 ($100 per month)
Flight + US Ground Transportation $1,000+
Daily Transportation Review Host School Contract Addendum
Food $4,800 ($400 per month)
Phone/Internet $1,800 ($150 per month)
Uniform Expenses Review Host School Contract Addendum
Licensure Fees Review Host School Contract Addendum
Union/CBA Dues Review Host School Contract Addendum
J-2 Living Expenses (if applicable) $10,800 per J-2 ($900 per J-2 per month)
Other Expenses Such as clothing, toiletries, etc.
Total Living Expenses $ 0.00 $ 0.00 Annual total for all above expenses.
J-1 Program Fees Total Cost Fee Information
Spirit’s Annual Program Fee +
Spirit Fees Premium Host School Placement Fee (if applicable)
Sending Agent Fees (if applicable) Total for all fees charged for Sending Agent services.
Spirit J-1 Medical Insurance $840 This fee is billed annually.
Estimated $50-$500 per month based on number of dependents.
Host School Medical Insurance Review Host School Contract Addendum for school’s specific cost.
SEVIS/Visa Fees $405 This fee will be paid directly to the US government
Total J-1 Program Fees $ 0.00
J-2 Program Fees (if applicable) Total Cost Fee Information
J-2 Visa Application Fee $160 per J-2 applicant, to be paid directly to the US government
J-2 Sending Agent Fees Total for all J-2 application fees charged by Sending Agent (if applicable)
J-2 Spirit Program Fee $500 per year, per dependent (billed annually)
J-2 Medical Insurance $840 per year, per dependent (billed annually)
Total J-2 Program Fees $ 0.00
Annual Estimated Net Total Annual Income
Annual Pre-Tax Salary Post-Tax Salary Annual Post-Tax Salary – Total Living Expenses
Annual Pre-Tax Salary x .80 – Total J-1 Program Fees – Total J-2 Program Fees

I understand that this budget estimates one calendar year of expenses and is subject to unexpected increases, including program fee
and insurance cost increases after my first program year. I also understand that Spirit Annual Program Fees and Medical Insurance Fees
for both my J-2 dependents and me will need to be paid to Spirit each year when I renew my program. These fees will be due as part of
the Program Renewal/Extension process each spring.
I agree to the fee terms and budget listed above as a participant in Spirit’s Teacher Program in the USA. If net total program income is
negative, I confirm that I have the equivalent funds available to me and will provide a Bank Statement showing I am able to support
myself and any dependents while in the U.S.

Participant Signature Signature Date

*Please note – this document must be signed by the participant BEFORE the Host School Contract and Addendum.

Version 4/5/2023

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