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Modules:Customer Relationship Management


1 Introduction
2 Configuration
2.1 Reference Data
2.2 Business Partner
2.3 Sales Region
2.4 Pipeline Stage Consolidation
2.5 Pipeline Stage
2.6 Lead Source
2.7 Market Sector
2.8 Opportunity Type
2.9 Competitors
3 Opportunity Management
3.1 Opportunity window
3.1.1 Opportunity Header
3.1.2 Lines
3.1.3 Stage History
3.1.4 Task Log
3.1.5 Users
3.1.6 Competitors
3.2 Leads window
4 How to link a Sales Quotation/Order with an Opportunity
4.1 Steps to link an Opportunity with a Sales Quotation
4.2 Steps to link an Opportunity with a Sales Order

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company's interaction with current and potential customers. It uses data analysis about customers' history with a
company to improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on customer attraction, retention and ultimately driving sales growth.

CRM functionality in Openbravo basically allows users to cover previous stages of every sale (pre sales), tracking the leads/opportunities. 1/11
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An Opportunity is a contact which has been qualified. This person has entered into your buying cycle and is committed to working with you. You have already contacted, called or met him
and know their needs or requirements. When a contact shows interest in your business, you can create an opportunity that represents a potential sale.


Reference Data
This module has some reference data that you can import going to the Enterprise Module Management window.

This data includes a new entry for:

Document Type
Document Sequence
G/L Category CRM Opportunity

Business Partner
It is possible to define if the business partner is a potential customer or a current customer.

Sales Region
Create sales regions to be used in sales operations, assigning the Sales Representative. 2/11
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Pipeline Stage Consolidation

Window that allows to create the groups of the stages for reporting purposes in order to consolidate the information. Example: Initial phase, Qualification phase, Final phase.

Pipeline Stage
Window that allows you to create as many stages/status as you want to put the lead/opportunity in place. 3/11
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Lead Source
Master data of the lead sources. Example: e-mail, Telephone, Fax.

Market Sector
Master data of the market sector. 4/11
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Opportunity Type
Master data of the opportunity window.

Master data of competitors. 5/11
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Opportunity Management

Opportunity window
In the Opportunity window the leads/opportunities are registered.

Opportunity Header 6/11
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Document Type and Document No. identify the opportunity.

Business Partner identifies the customer or potential customer.
Contact information: Name, phone and email of the contact.
Customer or Potential customer. Read only flag that indicates if the business partner selected is a current customer or potential customer. It is automatically populated after the
business partner selection.
Budget: The budget for this Opportunity. It is possible to modify the value at any time.
Authority: It answers the following questions: who is this person? Does the person with whom you are in contact have the authority to make this purchase?
Need: The actual force that will motivate your potential sale through to approval and purchase by the target company.
Time frame: How long this sales cycle is going to take.
Sales Region: Dropdown list with the Sales Regions defined.
Sales Executive: Dropdown list with the list of employees defined as Sales Representative in Openbravo. In this drop down list the user will select the person in charge of the
Price List: It defines the price list that applies in this opportunity. If the customer has already a price list defined in the system, this field will be automatically populated. It can be
modified. For potential customers the price list should be selected by the user manually. 7/11
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Currency: Field that defines the currency of the opportunity. It is the same currency as the one in the price list.
Market Sector: Drop down list with the list of the values defined in the Market Sector window
Lead Source: Dropdown list with the values defined in the Lead Source window, master data of the lead sources.
Link Sales Quotation: Read only field where the user will see the relation with a Sales quotation if any. More info in How to link a Sales Quotation/Order with an Opportunity
Link Sales Orders: Read only field where the user will see the relation with a Sales Order if any. More info in How to link a Sales Quotation/Order with an Opportunity section.
Description Field: Text field to add what ever information is needed.
Opportunity Type: Drop down list with the values defined in the Opportunity Type window (master data).

The status can be changed by the user where a date will be requested in order to indicate the beginning of the sales stage that the user is selecting. This information will be saved in a sub
tab called Stage History. The status can be change at any time.

An opportunity can not be modified/removed if the Opportunity is in status: Closed Won, Closed Lost or Cancelled. Only it will be possible to modify/remove if its stage is Open.

Lines tab lists each product in the Opportunity window. The user can select the products that belong to the price list selected in the header and their quantity.

Stage History
In this sub tab the user can have a look at the stage history of its opportunity. 8/11
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Task Log
In this sub tab will be recorded the historical tasks/steps already done and pending to be done with the lead.

For each Lead is possible to register the task to execute. Example: send an email, have a call, demo meeting…

In this sub tab will be registered other Sales Representatives that are involved in the Lead/Opportunity but the primary Sales Representative in charge of the lead/opportunity is the one
define in the header.

In this sub tab the user will add the competitors for this Opportunity.

Leads window
This is a view where the user can check the relevant data related with the leads registered previously.

It is consolidated data: Lead contact name, Authority, Budget, Need, Time Frame, Total Amount Sales (sum of the lines of the sales quotation/order/contract), Next step, stage of the
opportunity, link with the Sales Quotation - Sales Order - Contract. 9/11
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How to link a Sales Quotation/Order with an Opportunity

Once the user has created the Opportunity and the Opportunity is Closed Won, it is time to create either a Sales Quotation or Sales Order and make the relation between both documents.

Steps to link an Opportunity with a Sales Quotation

1. Login into Openbravo
2. Go to Opportunity window
3. Fill the required values with the correct data.
4. Save it.
5. Go to Lines Tab and add the products and quantities of the opportunity
6. Assign any stage other than Closed Lost neither Cancelled.
7. Go to Sales Quotation window
8. Create a new one for the same business partner of the opportunity
9. Click in the Create Lines from Opportunity button
10. Select the Opportunity created previously and click OK
11. Complete the Sales Quotation 10/11
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Steps to link an Opportunity with a Sales Order

1. Login into Openbravo
2. Go to Opportunity window
3. Fill the required values with the correct data.
4. Save it.
5. Go to Lines Tab and add the products and quantities of the opportunity
6. Assign any stage other than Closed Lost neither Cancelled.
7. Go to Sales Order window
8. Create a new one for the same business partner of the opportunity
9. Click in the Create Lines from Opportunity button
10. Select the Opportunity created previously and click OK
11. Book the Sales Order

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This page has been accessed 3,452 times. This page was last modified on 30 October 2017, at 17:13. Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Spain
License. 11/11

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