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Level: Basic Superior EBG Working day: Morning and Evening Period:

Area: Foreign Language Course: 10th Basic superior School year: 2021 - 2022

Lic. Marina Peredo N.

Teacher: Date: October 7 th, 2021 Proyect #4
Lic. Vivían Pabón

Topic: Duties and rights of children.

Read .

Your duties and rights as a parent

Children have the right to be safe, to be treated with affection, to be educated, to have
medical care and to be protected against cruelty and abuse. Parents have the duty to
protect their children’s rights until they are old enough to make their own way in the
The authority to make decisions concerning and affecting the care, welfare and proper
development of the child is known as ‘parental responsibility’.
Family law in Australia defines the responsibilities that parents have in relation to
bringing up their children. These include:

• to protect your child from harm

• to provide your child with food, clothing and a place to live
• to financially support your child
• to provide safety, supervision and control
• to provide medical care
• to provide an education.

Who has parental responsibility?

The Family Law Act states that birth parents, adoptive parents, those who become
parents through artificial conception or surrogacy and those who satisfy presumptions
of parentage are the only people to possess 'innate parental responsibility', which
means they are legally authorized to exercise parental responsibility without a court
Although other adults, such as step-parents, may be involved in the care and support of
a child, only these parents, or those recognized as parents by the court, have the
ultimate authority for making decisions about a child.
Your obligations continue until your child has turned 18 and don’t end with divorce or
separation. The government and the court encourage both parents to share in the
exercise of their parental responsibility for a child, even in the case of separation.

Your rights as a parent

As a parent you also have rights.
The law allows parents to bring up their children according to their own values and
beliefs. Decisions such as religion, education, discipline, medical treatment and where
the child lives will not be interfered with unless there are good reasons or the child’s
well-being is at risk - for example, if there is abuse, if the child is not receiving education
or necessary medical treatments.
Working parents have the right to child-care services and to access information on
payments and services for which they are eligible.
However, the concept of parents’ rights does not include the right to have custody or
contact with your children, for example after separation. In situations where parental
responsibility may be altered, the law requires the best interest of the child to be the
paramount consideration.
Activity # 1

Answer the question.

What do children have rights to?


What are the duties of the parents?


Activity # 2

Unscramble the words, write sentences.

a.- supervision / to / control /safety, / provide /and


b.- harm/your/protect/to/child/from


c.- clothing/to/place/your/food, /child/with/to/and/live/a/provide


d.- provide /care/provide/to/medical


e.- education/an /to/ provide


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