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Rodas Fitwi

Impact of life events on PIES

James has gone through a bereavement to a person that he was very close with.
Because of this it will impact his development when growing up.

In James' development it will impact him physically.he has just experienced his
grandma's death in who had brought him up. During adolescence there are many
changes that they go through(go through puberty). At this stage they will be more
independent but losing someone who brought you up will change him. He is now not
attending his scout clubs anymore. In this it is leading him to do less exercise as he
used to do before. He would have done plenty of activities and made him stay healthy
however now he's staying at home he may be comfort eating at home which will cause
him to gain weight. If he is not burning the calories that he's eating by staying at home it
will cause him to be an unhealthy weight.when James either comfort eats or does not
eat at all it is going to make him overweight or underweight for his age. It is 6 months
later and he is still not over the death. This gives us the idea that if he is not doing any
physical exercise it will cause him to be overweight and unhealthy leading to health
problems. It seems that he has no father figure meaning if it was just his mum and
grandma there will be a lack of money support. They won't be able to pay for food, get
the right nutrients for his muscles to grow stronger. He may also have an impact on his
sleep. Staying up at night crying, not getting enough sleep means he will have a lack of
strength and energy to do anything, and a lack of motivation. With James having his
lack of motivation he will be healthy leading him to have risks for when he is older. If
being ill at a young age causes things such as diabetes it will be hard for him to be
cured meaning it will impact him on the things he does in his future. With James staying
up at night and not getting the right amount of sleep that he is needing he will be not
having good enough concentration skills. James is in adolescence and he is still in
school learning, he will have mocks comin and gcse and without the right concentration
that he's needing. He will be to tired and sleepy and all that he would want to do is sleep

During intellectual development, in adolescence they will gain a lot of new knowledge.
At the age of 15 he will now be preparing for his mock exams or his GCSE and the last
thing he would have wanted was his grandma to pass. Instead of focussing and having
full attention he would be daydreaming and having poor concentration. With James now
doing this it will have an impact on his future and career. There are main exams in
which he needs to pass in which will determine his future, college, how many years he
does in college etc. this will impact james as the jobs that he gets in his future and his
education he receives will have a main part in his gcses and him not concentration in
school and focussing will lead to him not being engaged in the lessons and getting the
preparation he needs. He will be staying up thinking about his grandma rather than
revising. He would be overthinking and upset about the death. Would be overthinking
how his life is going to be without his grandma being there, may have wanted to do all
this for his grandma and now she's not here he may want to stop going to school,
focusing on school. Because of her death he would also have some absence in
school,meaning that he is missing key context in school that he needs, not doing well on
assignments which can all impact his career, college etc. with him having sleep
problems,, staying up at night crying it will lead in him not being engaged in school,
sleeping during his lessons, behavior change etc. another impact that this has is his
problem solving. He used to go to his scout club and he would have done a lot of
problem solving when doing activities to earn badges.

Emotionally it will have an impact on him as he used to be positive and enthusiastic.

And after his grandma's death he seems to be more anxious and negative. It shows he
would be more negative, and won't enjoy activities that he would have enjoyed before.
It will cause him to have mood swings and be more moody. He would have been lost for
words when it happened and may feel empty as the person he was so close to was
gone and she won't be there for him again. Would be overthinking his life that he is
going to have without her and how everything is going to be different. Having to stay in
the house where his grandma was giving him reminders which will make him tearful,
angry in why it has happened to him.he may also not feel safe anymore. His grandma
not being there will make him feel unsafe, causing him to isolate. Him still being very
upset after 6 months can also lead him into depression. If he is lacking sleep if things
don't seem to be going his way he will be snappy to others and frustrated. He doesn't
feel comfortable around other people meaning low self esteem. James will now in this
life stage being going through puberty and with his hormones changing he will be
experiencing different feelings and have enough on his mind already. He could have a
low self esteem and have different mood swings and now with his grandma gone he will
be feeling all lonely and by himself so he will be struggling to cope, so on top of
hormones changing and him feeling insecure at some point whether it was, facial hair,
skin breakouts etc.

His social development will also have an impact on this. During this life stage, more
relationships are built,informal and formal. They will be making friends as they are more
confident in what they do however as they may have a lack of sleep they may cancel
plans, distancing itself from their friends, families etc. if being snappy and frustrated to
others around you from your lack of sleep, others may be fed up and not want to deal
with the attitude causing them to lose friends however some may understand what
you're going through and will show you the support that you need, making new friends
in which will help you. With missing school and isolating from the bereavement, you will
be not spending time with friends, your friends may make others friends and slowly start
leaving you out. Not going to scout will make him forget friends he was making and
when he was having fun however now he is sad. He is now avoiding social situations
and doesn't feel comfortable around people, meaning that he is more withdrawn and
isolated. This bereavement can however make his relationship with mom stronger than

Alisha is in middle adulthood and is experiencing the bereavement of her husband. This
bereavement will impact her in many ways. It was an unexpected death in which she
didn't see coming. Alisha will have changed to her physical development. One way is
that Alisha is now taking anti depressant drugs to get over her husband's death, with
taking anti depressant drugs there will be side effects because of it. A side effect would
be sleeping problems. With staying up and not sleeping Alisha would have drank
caffeine to stay awake in which if she always drinks caffeine it can lead her blood acid
levels to increase which will lead into her having breathing problems. From her being
depressed she will have lack of motivation to do many things, lack of exercise which
can cause a weight gain. Alisha can have eating p[roblems one reason may be she
doesn't have the money to cook and buy a healthy meal to eat. This is because all that
she had to help her is her husband, she would have had a plan with him, she is getting
near to the end of her life stage meaning that she will be retiring soon and as her
daughters have moved out she will be alone with no support or help for money.. Her
being depressed can cause Alisha to gain weight from comfort eating or even missing
meals and not eating. From doing both of thesewill be an impact such as if she
continuous to comfort eat she wil be gaining weight in which willmake her unhealthy and
obese.because of this it an lead into her getting type 2 diabetes. However with losing
weight to the point your underweight and unhealthy it can lead you into having a low
blood pressure. Weight loss can also lead to anorexia. All of this will have an impact on
the individual's health. All of this, such as not sleeping, can lead to headaches from
staying up and crying. Lll of this can lead into stress for Alisha making her smoke or
drink.bones will also get weaker quicker from not getting enough nutrients.
Intellectually there will be a change in alisha development.alisha can't face going out.
Meaning that she will have an absence within her work place. Alisha is 55 and would
not necessarily be retired, alisha's husband may have paid many things for her,
meaning that he would have paid the bills etc. this means that alisha is going to struggle
financially in how to pay her bills. She may have never paid as her husband did all the
time. As she cannot face going outside her not going to work means she will not be
gaining enough money to pay the bills. Her only income would have been going to work
and as she is isolating and avoiding others she will be going into debt. She will be
overthinking her situation and how her future is going to be without her husband and
how she will come.

Alisha would have had a change massively. After her husband's death she became
depressed. This causes many things such as sleep, eating problems etc. after the death
she possibly had low self esteem. The death was unexpected so she may be
overthinking that she could have done something to prevent this death. May blame
herself for it.after the death she may isolate and feel unsafe, not feeling secure without
her husband. Being at her home alone by herself. With the death being unexpected it
would have been a shock to her. Would be tearful.alisha also would have been tearful
for the fact that she would have been retiring with her husband at the same time,
planning to go on trips and just to enjoy the rest of her life with him and now its all gone,
would be upset that no one is there for er now for love and support, seen as her
daughters would be old and moved out now She may also have stress having to deal
with everything herself. Will not be able to cope with circumstances. Going into debt will
just make her more dressed and make her depression a lot worse.will start to be
unmotivated in a lot of things. It sas she always has a reason not to come, suggesting
that because of this death she is isolating herself and avoiding herself from others.

There would also be a change in social development. Her daughters try to show her
support and help but she seems to not want it. They invite her over but never seems to
come. It shows because of this bereavement she is starting to ignore family and doesn't
want to be around them. She has positive friends and family around her trying to show
support but she doesn't visit. As of this she is avoiding other people and not wanting to
talk with others. She doesn't seem like she wants to see her grandchildren and she
may be unmotivated, not have the confidence as she sees herself to blame. Her
relationship with her daughter is also impacted due to her depression. She may have
low self esteem due to her depression and feel the need that no one wants to talk to
her, meaning that she will isolate herself from others and situations. She will be quite
lonely as no husband will be there until dies , making her depression worse. Lonely in
her house. Alisha's daughters have moved out, with them moving out all she had left
was her husband. With her age of 55 she would have had plans made with her husband
and since it is unexpected she would have not needed many friends as she would have
been with her husband every single time.

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