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Reflection Question:

1. Cite 2 values, virtues or principles that you strongly hold. Then, name at least 2
persons whom you would want to impart your values, virtues, or principles. Why
did you choose those persons?

*Kalusugan at Kagalingan, Kaligayahan. The two people to whom I would like to impart my
values are my mother and father. They were my choice because I want to spend as much time
with them as possible and I want them to live long, happy lives.
*Family values typically include love, respect, trust, loyalty, and support. These values help
strengthen family bonds and create a sense of belonging, which is crucial for individual growth
and development. Family values also provide a foundation for healthy relationships and can help
individuals develop social skills and emotional intelligence. Education values involve a
commitment to learning, personal growth, and intellectual curiosity. These values promote
critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity, and they are essential for success in both
personal and professional settings. Education values also help individuals develop a sense of
responsibility, discipline, and perseverance, which are necessary for achieving goals and
overcoming obstacles. I will share these values with my nephew and student who is struggling
with their studies and help them develop a love for learning. I also consider volunteering at a
local community center or organization that promotes family or education values, such as a
tutoring program or a youth mentorship program.
*Hard work and persistence pay off in the long run.
Honesty and integrity are essential to build trust and strong relationships.
Continuous learning and skill development are key to staying relevant in a fast-paced world.
Collaborating and building connections with others can create more opportunities.
Setting clear goals and having a plan of action helps achieve success.
If I were to choose two persons whom I would want to impart these values or principles, I would 
My younger sister: As someone who looks up to me for guidance, I would want her to understan
d the importance of hard work, honesty, and lifelong learning. I would like her to develop a grow
th mindset and have a positive attitude towards work and life.
My best friend: He is someone who is highly ambitious and motivated. He is already quite succe
ssful in his career, but I believe that he could benefit from the principles of collaboration and buil
ding connections with others. I would like to encourage him to network more and help him under
stand the importance of teamwork in achieving bigger goals.
*Family and Health and wellness. I want to include all my family members, but if I were to pick
2, I would choose my mother and father, I choose them to have a good health as long as they
live. I want them to be present and see me succeed in life. I want them to live as long as they
could so that they can taste the fruit of all their hard work and mine. I want them to be live
healthy and give back of all the sacrifice and hard work they have given to me.

*Happiness and Family, I chose my two friends Neil and Rod. I chose those two person because
they both lost their fathers lately. I wanted to impart them happiness and family to let them know
that they are also part of my family and we can be happy together and they're already like
brothers to me.
Group Members:
*Cura, Marc Wilson

*Dytianquin, Jessie

*Carig, John Philip

*Penson, Marc Franz

*Gamazon, Harold

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