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What is ETHICS?

- Ethics is the study of what is right or wrong in human conduct. This is a branch of Philosophy
that studies moral principles. Hence, Ethics is also known as Moral Philosophy. It is composed of
reasoning involved, beyond rules, usually considered universal, and for the survival of the

1. Based on what you searched, read and analyzed, identify and list the three (3) major words that are
related or associated with ethics and explain them in your OWN WORDS.

Beyond rules- we have a limit to every human action because sometimes we are not aware that what
we are doing is not right anymore.

Usually considered universal- It is the common sense of every person that already knows what is right
and wrong to do.

The reasoning involved- every action we do whether it is right or wrong, we have always a reason
behind it.

2. Then, based on your answers in number 1, discuss one (1) importance/relevance of ETHICS to you as
an individual and one (1) importance to our society/community

- Ethics is very important to me for the reason that it makes me confident and feel good because you are
being respected by other people. It is also important for society as well to be an ethical person since
many of us people interact with each other in schools, offices, other people’s houses and etc.

Reference: George, A. A. (2018, August 2). Ethics – Definition and Concept Made Easy; With Examples.
ClearIAS. Retrieved September 7, 2022, from

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