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Materials Development

“Materials development is basically dealing with selection, adaptation, and creation of teaching
materials.” (Nunan, 1991)

Developing materials in instructional materials for language learning:

1. Know your students well

2. Understand learning outcome/s
3. Think smart and practical
4. Adapt/adopt well-proven instructional materials
5. Create contextualized materials

Materials Evaluation

“Materials evaluation is the activity which measures the value of a set of learning by making judgments
about the effect of the materials on the people using them including the measure and appeal to the
learners: materials validity, flexibility, materials ability to interest the learners; materials potential
learning value; delivery and measurement.” (Tomlinson and Masura, 2004).

Evaluating instructional materials for language learning:

1. Alignment of purpose
2. Capacity of learners
3. Localization and contextualization
4. Physical appearance of the instructional material
5. Challenge for lifelong learning

Adaptation of Instructional Materials

The adaptation of materials denotes the modification of the original composition to suit the context of
the intended learners.

“Adaptation is one or more of a number of techniques: supplementing editing, expanding, personalizing,

simplifying, modernizing, localizing, or modifying cultural/ situational content.”

Guide when you adapt instructional materials:

1. Choose a renowned and credible author.

2. Ask permission from the author of the chosen instructional materials or simply acknowledge
him/her in the adapted material.
3. Modify certain ideas to suit your purpose and context.
4. Validate the material by experts of the field.

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