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UNIT 9 Human Biology

(t28) ©Ken Redding/Corbis; (t29) ©ISM/Phototake; (t30) ©Martin Dohrn/Royal College of Surgeons/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (t31) ©Dennis Kunkel/Phototake Inc./Alamy Ltd; (t32) ©Professor Cinti and V. Gremet/Photo Researchers,

28 Human Systems and Homeostasis

Inc.; (t33) ©Gusto/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (t34) ©Nestle/Petit Format/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (bg) blood cells ©William Fowle/Electron Microscopy Center, Northeastern University; CT scan, x-ray, sperm-egg ©Getty Images;

29 Nervous and Endocrine Systems


30 Respiratory and Circulatory Systems



Immune System and Disease

32 Digestive and Excretory Systems



Protection, Support, and Movement

hand x-ray ©Jim Wehtje/PhotoDisc/Getty Images; skull ©Artville

34 Reproduction and Development


BIOZINE Brain Science—We Are Wired to Learn!

TECHNOLOGY Scanning the Brain
CAREER Neuroscientist

Unit Project 795

Purpose  Examine personal food choices, • write an essay that explains why personal
Untitled-15 795 relate diet to nutrition, and understand the food choices are important to health and 5/31/2011 2:18:00 PM

relationship between balanced nutrition well-being

and healthy body functions. Preparation  Make a copy of the project
Overview  Students analyze two food guide description and rubric for each student.
resources and compare them to the USDA Project Management  Allow three weeks for
dietary guidelines. Students will the completion of the project. Have students
• analyze and compare two food guide check in weekly to monitor progress.
resources to the USDA dietary guidelines Online Student Resources  Unit 9 Project
• consider some of the scientific community’s
objections to the USDA dietary guidelines
• use food guide resources to plan a healthful
diet for one week

28 Instruction and Intervention Support

Human Systems and Homeostasis
1  Core Instruction

Chapter Introduction
■■ Review the TE Wrap for features such as Activate Prior Knowledge, Addressing Misconceptions, and
Teach from Visuals.
Additional online resources available for this chapter include Biology Video Clips, Interactive Whiteboard
resources, and Visual Concepts.

Section Instruction Labs

28.1 ■■ Textbook  Levels of Organization

Animated Biology  Human Organ Systems

Homeostasis and Exercise
Examining Human Cells
Teaching Visuals  Organization of the Body (Fig. 1.3)
PowerPresentation and Notes 28.1

28.2 ■■ Textbook  Mechanisms of Homeostasis

Animated Biology  Keep an Athlete Running

Hormones and Homeostasis
Negative and Positive Feedback
PowerPresentation and Notes 28.2 ■■ QuickLab  Negative Feedback Loop

28.3 ■■ Textbook  Interactions Among Systems

PowerPresentation and Notes 28.3

796A  Unit 9: Human Biology

Find all of your resources online at PREMIUM Content

2  Support and Intervention 3  Specialized Support

■■ Interactive Reader ■■ Vocabulary Practice Worksheet (English and Spanish)
Interactive Review Games ■■ Chapter Audio Files (English and Spanish)
Concept Map ■■ ELL Strategies
■■ Study Guide B (English and Spanish) ■■ Differentiated Instruction  Inclusion, Below-Level, and
Section Self-Checks English Language Learners
■■ Assess and Reteach (TE Wrap) ■■ Study Guide A (English and Spanish)
■■ Section Reinforcement Worksheets (English and Spanish)
■■ Modified Lesson Plans for English Learners

Where do I find it? PRINT DVD online

Enrichment and Challenge Animated Biology ■ ■

Biology Video Clips ■ ■

■■ Data Analysis Practice Worksheet
Interactive Whiteboard resources ■ ■
WebQuest  Hypothermia (28.3)
■■ Differentiated Instruction Pre-AP (TE Wrap) Labs ■ ■

■■ Pre-AP Activity  Determination of Muscle Cells, PowerPresentations and PowerNotes ■ ■

The Dangers of Cold Exposure
QuickLabs ■ ■ ■
■■ The Inside Story and Take It Further (TE Wrap)
WebLinks Teaching Visuals ■ ■

■■ Active Reading Worksheets Textbook ■ ■ ■

■■ Unit Project That’s Amazing! Video Inquiry ■ ■

Visual Concepts ■ ■

Assess and Reteach ■ ■ ■

Interactive Reader ■ ■ ■

Interactive Review ■ ■
Study Guide B ■ ■
■■ Diagnostic Test (English and Spanish)
■■ Section Quizzes (English and Spanish) Virtual Investigations ■ ■

■■ Chapter Tests A and B (English and Spanish) Vocabulary Practice Worksheet ■ ■

■■ Extended Response Test (English and Spanish)
■■ Alternative Assessment (English and Spanish) Chapter Audio Files ■ ■

Online Assessment and Remediation Differentiated Instruction: Inclusion,

■ ■ ■
■■ ExamView Additional Banks Below-Level, and English Language Learners
Study Guide A ■ ■

Modified Lesson Plans for English Learners ■ ■

Section Reinforcement Worksheets ■ ■

Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis  796B


28 28 Human Systems

and Homeostasis
. Focus and Motivate 28.1 Levels of Organization
How does this ice climber 28.2 Mechanisms of Homeostasis
hang on to his body 28.3 Interactions Among Systems
Project the image of the thyroxine Data Analysis
hormone from Media Gallery and have INTERPRETING INVERSE RELATIONSHIPS
students read the caption. Ask, What cell
process provides the energy and heat
necessary for survival? cellular respiration
Explain to students that the body does
its own balancing act. For a human body
to function, body temperature cannot go
much below or above the optimal
temperature of 37°C (98.6°F), no matter
what the outside conditions are. Main-
taining body temperature depends not
only on cellular activities but also on
different body systems working together.
In particular, the endocrine and nervous
systems interact to stabilize body
temperature. Point out that the heat
given off during cellular respiration helps
to maintain internal body temperature. ONLINE BIOLOGY

Biozine ■ Homeostasis and Exercise ■ QuickLab Negative Feedback Loop
■ Examining Human Cells
Students can access BioZine at ■ Hormones and Homeostasis to learn about
■ Negative and Positive Feedback
some of the latest research in the
biological sciences.


(t) ©Ken Redding/Corbis

(t) ©Ken Redding/Corbis

Human Organ Systems What’s inside you?
In a Hurry? In this activity, explore the human organ
Levels of organization can be reviewed systems and find out!
using the headings and FIGURES 1.3
and 1.4 in Section 1. Focus on Section 2
to make sure students understand
homeostasis and feedback loops.
796 Teacher Demo
Unit 9: Human Biology

Section 3 provides in-depth examples

of homeostatic interactions and Model  Demonstrate the effectiveness of Materials
Untitled-561 796 5/25/2011 2:38:48 PM
disruptions. water as a cooling agent, modeling the • 2 test tubes in test-tube rack
effect of sweat on cooling the body.
• hot tap water in plastic-foam cup
• dropper
• timer
• 2 thermometers
• paper towels
• 2 rubber bands
Safety  Wear safety goggles and heat-resistant
796  Unit 9: Human Biology
Activate Prior
Direct students’ attention to the
photograph of the ice climber. Ask,
How quickly do you think this climber
will reach the top of the ice wall? It will
take a long time. For the climber to
move even a short distance requires
careful coordination and planning at
each step.
Q How does this ice Discuss with students their experience
of activities that require a high degree of
climber hang on attention and coordination, for example,
skateboarding or ballet. Ask, What
to his body would it be like for you if you had to
concentrate on every step you took or
temperature? every movement of your hands? would
be hard to do anything
This climber has to concentrate on Discuss that the human body maintains
every move—one slip could mean coordination between cells, tissues, and
serious injury or even death. His body is systems that goes well beyond anything
working just as hard on the inside to a human can experience at a conscious
provide energy and to maintain a stable level. Tell students that in this chapter,
body temperature. The climber’s clothes they will see how body systems must
help prevent heat loss, while his body’s work together to maintain life.
internal systems increase his body heat.

Preview Vocabulary
English Learners  Students have seen
the words structure and function in
their study of cells and organelles. Tell
them that in this chapter, they will be
looking at levels of organization or
structure that start with the cell.
cell tissue organ organ system
RE ADING TOOLBOX This reading tool can help you learn the material in the following pages. organism
USING LANGUAGE YOUR TURN The structure of cells and the tissues and
Analogies Analogies compare words that have similar Use information found in the chapter to complete the
organs they form enable a certain
relationships. You can write analogies with words or with following analogies.
function, or job, to be done. Have
colons. For example, the analogy “up is related to down in 1. heart : pump :: kidney : _____
students watch for words in the text that
the same way that top is related to bottom” can be written 2. nervous system : nerves :: endocrine system : _____
are “function” words: support, protect,
transmit, receive, move, regulate, absorb,
“up : down :: top : bottom.” To answer an analogy problem,
secrete. Students should approach this
you must figure out how the words are related. In the
chapter with these questions in mind:
example given, up is above down and top is above bottom.
What job does a structure do, and how
does it do it?
Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis 797

Untitled-561 797
Demonstrate Discuss  The water in the “wet” tube returns to
5/25/2011 2:38:53 PM
equilibrium (room temperature) faster than the
• Wrap a dry paper towel around one test tube
water in the “dry” tube. When body tempera- 1. filter
and a wet paper towel around the other.
Secure each towel with a rubber band. ture rises, the hypothalamus activates the sweat 2. glands
glands. Ask
• Use the dropper to fill the two test tubes with
hot water. • What effect do you think sweating has on
• Place a thermometer into each test tube. Note body temperature? Sweating helps decrease
the temperature of the water on the board, body temperature through the cooling effect
then make a temperature reading of the water of evaporation.
in each tube every minute for ten minutes. • Why it is that on a humid day, no amount of
sweating seems to help? For sweat to cool the
After ten minutes, the data should show that
body, it must evaporate from the skin.
the water in the “wet” tube has cooled at a rate
Moisture in the air limits evaporation.
faster than that in the “dry” tube. Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis  797
28.1 Levels of Organization
. Plan and Prepare
KEY CONCEPT The human body has five levels of organization.
Objectives determination
Specialized cells develop from a single zygote.
• Describe cell specialization and tissue Specialized cells function together in tissues, organs, organ systems, and the
levels of organization. organ whole organism.
• Identify how levels of organization organ system
work together in an organism.
Connect to Your World
Section Resources > Climbing a wall of ice requires careful interaction among all parts of the body. You
probably know that the brain and muscles work together to coordinate the climber’s
movements. The heart and lungs also have to work together to help provide energy
Online Student Resources
for the climb. Yet every human body starts out as a single cell, a fertilized zygote.
Study Guide (English and Spanish) How does a single cell give rise to all the different types of cells, tissues, and organs
PowerNotes in the human body? Further, how do such different parts coordinate their activities
Reinforcement Worksheet to keep the body functioning?
Section Self-Check
Interactive Reader
Online Teacher Resources Specialized cells develop from a single zygote.
If you were to watch an emergency medical team in action, you would quickly
Teacher Toolkit
notice that each person has a special job. One keeps in radio contact with the
main hospital. Another monitors the patient’s vital signs. Still others perform
Activate Prior Knowledge  Have life-saving procedures. All emergency teams are made up of people, but each
students think about the way employ- person within the group has a different job.
ees in a large company are organized. Likewise, multicellular organisms are made up of cells, but different cells
Ask, How would you describe the in the organism have different functions. Take a moment to study the images
relationship between different jobs, of the blood cells and nerve cells, or neurons, in FIGURE 1.1. You will notice

(tl) ©Susumu Nishinaga/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (b) ©David McCarthy/Photo Researchers, Inc.

(tl) ©Susumu Nishinaga/Photo Researchers, Inc.; (b) ©David McCarthy/Photo Researchers, Inc.
divisions, and levels of responsibility in that the red blood cells are round with a concave center. This structure gives
a company? Every part of the company them more surface area to help deliver oxygen to all parts of the body. In
is dependent on every other part contrast, neurons develop extensions that transmit and receive messages
functioning properly and efficiently. Tell from other neurons.
students that in this section, they will Humans, like almost all multicellular organisms, are collections of special-
learn about how the body’s levels of ized cells that work together. These cells arise from a single cell, the zygote,
organization work together. which is formed by the union of an egg and sperm. The zygote divides and
differentiates into more than 200 different types of human cells. These cells
allow you to do everything from lifting a glass, to learning people’s names, to
. Teach maintaining your body temperature on a cold day. Cell specialization involves
two main steps: determination and differentiation.
FIGURE 1.1 The disk-shaped red
blood cells (top) carry oxygen to
TEACH FROM VISUALS all parts of the body. The neuron Determination
(bottom), through its extensions, The cells produced during the first few divisions of the zygote are known as
receives and transmits messages embryonic stem cells. These cells have the potential to become any type of
Figure 1.1  Have students observe the from and to other neurons. (colored
specialized cell in the body. Within a few weeks, however, a process called
differences in appearance of the cells. SEMs; magnifications: blood cells
28003; neuron about 16003) determination occurs in which most stem cells become committed to develop
• In what way are all the cells in the
body alike? have the same DNA Differentiated
798 Unit 9: Human Biology Instruction
• What accounts for the differences
in these two cells? Different genes English Learners
Untitled-568 798 5/25/2011 2:50:43 PM
are turned off and on depending on Have students preview the chapter by having
cell type. them look at headings, illustrations, and key
Remind students of the Hox genes they terms. Ask them to predict what will be
learned about in the unit on genetics. important and why they think so. Set up a
four-column table with the headings What I
Know I Know, What I Think I Know, What I
Think I’ll Learn, What I Learned. Have
students fill in the first three columns, leaving
the last column empty until they complete
the chapter.
Teacher Toolkit, Section C, DRTA
798  Unit 9: Human Biology
into only one type of cell. For instance, a stem cell might become a cardiac R E A D I N G TO O L B OX
skeletal muscle tissue, smooth muscle, stratified epithelium, columnar epithelium, ©Ed Reschke/Peter Arnold, Inc.; zygote ©Dr. Yorgos Nikas/Photo Researchers, Inc; group of sperm ©CNRI/Photo Researchers, Inc.; New-Human bone marrow cells ©Carolina

skeletal muscle tissue, smooth muscle, stratified epithelium, columnar epithelium, ©Ed Reschke/Peter Arnold, Inc.; zygote ©Dr. Yorgos Nikas/Photo Researchers, Inc; group of sperm ©CNRI/Photo Researchers, Inc.; New-Human bone marrow cells ©Carolina

muscle cell or a spinal neuron. These committed cells still retain all of the
genetic information needed to build an entire organism. However, during Greek and Latin Word Origins  Students
Use a supporting main ideas
determination, they lose their ability to express some of this information. strategy to take notes about know the word species, which shares the
Once a cell is committed to becoming a specialized cell, it will develop into processes such as cell same Latin root as the word special,
only that type of cell. For instance, a cell that will become a neuron can only specialization.
meaning “of a certain kind.” Tell students
be a neuron, even if it is transplanted into another part of the body. During Specialized cells develop that it is possible to think of specialized
from embryonic stem cells.
normal development, determination cannot be reversed. cells as belonging to a species. A “species”
determination—cells of muscle cell is distinct from a “species” of
Differentiation are committed to be
skin cell, in a similar sense that one species
one type of cell
Differentiation is the process by which committed cells acquire the structures
of bird is different, yet similar, to another.
and functions of highly specialized cells. Differentiation occurs because differentiation
specific genes in each cell are turned on and off in a complex, regulated supporting detail
pattern. The different structures of these specialized cells, such as those shown
in FIGURE 1.2, allow them to perform specific functions within the body. The Inside Story
The function of muscle cells, for example, is to produce movement by What does it mean that you are 16
contracting and relaxing. However, skeletal muscle and smooth muscle cells
or 17 years old if your cells regularly
have different structures. Skeletal muscle cells align in bands of orderly rows
replace themselves? Dr. Jonas Frisén, a
and contain many nuclei. They are responsible for nearly all voluntary muscle
stem-cell biologist at the Karolinska
movements, such as lifting your
Institute in Stockholm, has developed
foot to kick a ball. In contrast, FIGURE 1.2 Cell Differentiation
smooth muscle cells are shorter
a way to estimate the ages of human
and have only one nucleus. They
Cells develop specialized structures and functions during differentiation. cells. He developed a scale for con-
perform involuntary movements, verting the carbon-14 in tissues into
such as raising the hairs on your Connective cells
calendar dates. Using this dating
Smooth muscle cells in
arms and legs. in skin intestinal wall technique, Dr. Frisén estimates that the
average age of cells in an adult’s body
Biological Supply company/Phototake Inc./Alamy Ltd; areolar tissue ©Educational Images/Custom Medical Stock Photos

Biological Supply company/Phototake Inc./Alamy Ltd; areolar tissue ©Educational Images/Custom Medical Stock Photos

Other cells have even more

may be seven to ten years.
specialized structures and func-
tions. Sperm cells, for instance, A hotly debated topic is whether
develop whiplike tails that enable the brain generates new neurons. Using
them to swim. Cells lining the gut Bone Skeletal his technique, Dr. Frisén has shown that
cells muscle
are elongated and tightly packed to
ZYG OTE cells
cells from the visual cortex in the brain
provide more surface area for the are the same age as the individual.
absorption of nutrients. These are the cells that enable you to
Not all cells continue to develop see and interpret what you see. Still to
into specialized cells. The process be determined are whether the cells
of programmed cell death, called associated with the cerebral cortex,
apoptosis (ap-uhp-TOH-sihs), is involved with memories and con-
also a normal part of development. sciousness, are also as old as you are.
For example, when your hands Epithelial cells Epithelial
first formed, your fingers resem- in skin cells in stomach
bled a mitten. The death of cells
between the fingers allowed
Sperm cells
individual fingers to develop.
Analyze What are some of the
reasons that multicellular organisms B Contrast How do the structures of sperm cells and epithelial cells in Answers
need specialized cells? A the stomach differ? A Analyze  Multicellular organisms
need specialized cells to build special-
Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis 799 ized tissues and organs that carry out
functions such as respiration, digestion,
and elimination. Specialization also
Below Level Pre-AP allows multicellular species to become
Untitled-568 799 5/25/2011 2:50:47 PM
Have students note how key vocabulary Tell students that there are about 25 trillion much larger than unicellular species can.
words are used in the text. In their note- red blood cells in the human body, each with B Contrast  Sperm have a head and a
books, have them write what each word a life span of about 100–120 days. Red blood long tail that enables them to move.
means based on their reading of the text. cells that are worn out and die are replaced Epithelial cells are elongated, are tightly
Have them check the definition in the by new cells produced in the bone marrow packed, and have hairlike cilia at the
Glossary. Then have students use the word in and stored in the spleen. Have students calcu- surface to move materials.
a sentence and draw a picture that will help late the number of blood cells the human
them remember the meaning. body loses due to natural cell death each
second. 25 trillion cells 4 10.4 million seconds
Teacher Toolkit, Section D, Student 5 2.4 million cells per second  This is about
­Vocabulary half the number of red blood cells in one
cubic millimeter of blood.
Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis  799
. Teach continued Specialized cells function together in tissues,
organs, organ systems, and the whole organism.
Specialized, or differentiated, cells are only the first level of organization in a
Science Trivia multicellular organism. Scientists organize multicellular structures into five
• Skin is the largest organ of the basic levels, beginning with cells and moving to increasingly complex levels—
human body. tissues, organs, organ systems, and the whole organism. These five levels in the
human body are shown in FIGURE 1.3.
• Unlike other organs that are distinct
and separate structures, skin covers 1 Cells Each type of specialized cell has a particular structure and a
the entire body. chemical makeup that enable it to perform a specific task. Some cells in
• Adults have about 1.7 square meters the lungs, for instance, are involved in the exchange of gases. Others
(20 ft2) of skin. secrete mucus that helps to trap foreign particles and to protect the lungs
• Skin makes up about 15–20 percent from pathogens, such as bacteria and viruses.
of a person’s body weight. 2 Tissues Groups of similar cells that work together to perform a specialized
• Every minute approximately 30,000– function are known as tissues. The human body is made up of four general
40,000 dead skin cells are removed types of tissues.
from the body. • Epithelial tissue consists of protective sheets of tightly packed cells
DIGESTION AND connected by special junctions. The skin and the membranes that line
• In a person’s lifetime, he or she will ELIMINATION
lose around 18 kilograms (40 lb) of the stomach, the lungs, and other organs are epithelial tissues.
In addition to serving as a
dead skin. protective layer, epithelial tissue • Connective tissue serves to support, bind together, and protect other
can absorb materials and secrete tissues and organs. Tendons, ligaments, bone, and cartilage are all
• Your body will produce an entirely special types of fluids. Your
new layer of skin in one month’s ability to digest food and connective tissues.
time. eliminate waste depends in part • Muscle tissue is capable of contracting to produce movement. The
on the specialized functions of
human body contains skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle tissues.
epithelial tissue, as you will
learn in Digestive and • Nervous tissue transmits and receives impulses in response to
Excretory Systems. stimuli, processes information, and regulates the body’s response
to its environment.
3 Organs Different types of tissue that function together form an
organ. For example, the lungs are organs composed of all four types of
tissues. Muscle and connective tissues expand and contract the lungs.
Nervous tissue sends and receives messages that help regulate gas
exchange in the lungs and the rate at which a person breathes. Epithelial
tissue forms the inner lining of the lungs.
4 Organ systems Two or more organs working in a coordinated way form
an organ system. The organ system that allows you to breathe includes
not only the lungs but also the sinuses, the nasal passages, the pharynx,
and the larynx (the voice box). Organ systems perform the most complex
activities in the body.
5 Organism Together, the organ systems make up the entire organism. For
you or any other organism to stay alive, all of the systems must interact
and work together. As a result, anything that harms one organ or organ
system will affect the health of the entire body.

800 Differentiated
Unit 9: Human Biology Instruction
Teach with Technology Pre-AP
Untitled-568 800 5/25/2011 2:50:48 PM
Students might enjoy viewing a portion of The human body, with its five levels of
the 1966 film Fantastic Voyage. In this science organization, can be compared to the
fiction film, a miniaturized medical team is structure of an ecosystem with its different
inserted into the human bloodstream with levels of organization. Have students explore
the goal of removing a blood clot in the brain this analogy by developing a visual presenta-
of an important scientist. The film was made tion that illustrates their interpretation of this
long before the advent of computer anima- idea. Students should provide a written
tion yet provides an entertaining realization explanation of the thinking behind their
of the body. interpretation.
Teacher Toolkit, Section D, Analogies

800  Unit 9: Human Biology

FIGURE 1.3 Five Levels of Organization Biology
All levels of organization interact and work together to maintain the body’s health.
Human Organ Systems Figure 1.3  Point out to students that
Epithelial lung cell
the numbers in the diagram correspond
These cells have tiny to the numbered list on the previous
hairlike structures page. Ask
(cilia) at the top.
• What cells are featured in the figure,
and what system do they belong to?
2 TISSUES epithelial cells of the lung and
Epithelial lung tissue respiratory system
Cells with cilia are packed together
in the lung’s inner lining. They
• Looking at the drawing of the girl
act like a conveyor belt to and the organs identified in
move foreign particles caption 4, what parts of the respira-
and pathogens out of
the lungs.
tory system lead from the nose to
the lungs? nose leads to pharynx and
larynx, then to trachea and into lungs
• What is the primary function of the
3 ORGANS respiratory system? exchange gases,
Lungs supply oxygen needed to release
The lungs are composed energy, remove waste carbon
of four types of tissue.
The lungs are the site dioxide
where gases are

Science Trivia
• The size of an average human body
cell is ten micrometers.
• It would take over 39 million cells to
Respiratory system
cover the floor of a high school
This system includes the basketball court.
lungs, trachea, larynx,
pharynx, sinuses, and nose.
• It would take 6000 cells to cover a
The nose and sinuses filter, sheet of notebook paper.
moisten, and warm the air
before it enters the lungs.
• Roughly 1000 cells would be needed
to cover a dollar bill.
((t) ©Photo Researchers, Inc.; (c) ©Dr. Gladden Willis/Getty Images

((t) ©Photo Researchers, Inc.; (c) ©Dr. Gladden Willis/Getty Images

The respiratory system is one of several
organ systems that work together to keep
the human body functioning properly. Answers
A Critical Viewing  Air first enters
through the nose and sinuses, where it is
filtered, moistened, and warmed. If the
A CRITICAL How might a sinus infection affect the rest sinuses were blocked by infection, the
VIEWING of the respiratory system?
person would have to breathe through
the mouth and there would be a greater
Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis 801 chance of harmful pathogens or foreign
matter entering the lungs. Drainage from
the sinuses could also spread pathogens
Below Level to the airways, producing a lower
Untitled-568 801 5/25/2011 2:50:59 PM
Have students look at the full list of systems respiratory infection.
in Figure 1.4. Point out that the first letter
of each system can be used to make the
words miners and cider. After reviewing the
information, have students close their books.
Give them five minutes to write down as
many systems as they can remember and a
function for each. To help them remember,
remind them that miners like cider.
Teacher Toolkit, Section C, Quick-Write

Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis  801

FIGURE 1.4 Major Organ Systems
Circulatory heart, blood vessels, blood, lymph nodes, transports oxygen, nutrients, wastes; helps regulate body tem-

Take It Further lymphatic vessels perature; collects fluid lost from blood vessels and returns it to
circulatory system
In 1989, the National Library of Medicine Digestive mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small⁄large breaks down and absorbs nutrients, salts, and water; eliminates
set out to create a digital atlas of the intestines, pancreas, gallbladder, liver some wastes
human body called the Visible Human Endocrine hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, influences growth, development, metabolism; helps maintain
Project. The University of Colorado adrenals, pancreas, ovaries, testes homeostasis
Heath Sciences Center created the atlas Excretory skin, lungs, kidneys, bladder eliminates waste products; helps maintain homeostasis
by combining CT and MRI images of Immune white blood cells, thymus, spleen protects against disease; stores and generates white blood cells
cross sections of a male and a female
Integumentary skin, hair, nails, sweat and oil glands acts as a barrier against infection, injury, UV radiation; helps
cadaver. Both bodies, from a 39-year-old regulate body temperature
male and a 59-year-old female, had been
Muscular skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles produces voluntary and involuntary movements; helps to cir-
donated to science. The Visible Human culate blood and move food through digestive system
Project provides medical, research, and
educational communities with the Nervous brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves regulates body’s response to changes in internal and external
environment; processes information
unique opportunity to see organs and
systems in relation to one another, along Reproductive male: testes, penis, associated ducts and glands produces reproductive cells; in females, provides environment
female: ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina for embryo
the entire length of the human body.
Respiratory nose, sinuses, pharynx, larynx, trachea, lungs brings in O2 for cells; expels CO2 and water vapor
Skeletal bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons supports and protects vital organs; allows movement; stores
minerals; serves as the site for red blood cell production

Answers The major organ systems in the human body, including their main parts
A Compare and Contrast  Tissues are and primary functions, are listed in FIGURE 1.4. Keep in mind that all of the organs
composed of one specific type of in these systems developed from specialized cells and tissues that arose from a
differentiated cell. Organs consist of single cell, the zygote. The major parts and functions of each organ system are
two or more types of tissues. Organ examined in greater detail in the following chapters on human body systems.
systems are composed of two or more How do these complex organs and organ systems keep functioning and
organs working in a coordinated fashion. working together properly? As you will read in Section 2, the body has sophisti-
Organs and organ systems perform cated mechanisms for maintaining a stable internal environment.
more complex activities than tissues do. A Compare and Contrast How do tissues differ from organs and organ systems?


. Assess and Reteach 28.1 Formative Assessment


Assess  Use the Section Self-Check CELL CYCLE
1. How does the process of cell 3. Apply What organ systems must
or Section Quiz, both available at work together to bring oxygen to the
determination differ from the 5. In the spring, tadpoles lose their process of cell differentiation? body’s cells? tails as part of their life cycle. At a
Reteach  Have students make a graphic 2. Briefly define and give an example 4. Predict A cell has undergone determina- certain stage in development, the
organizer that shows the hierarchical of each of the five levels of tion to become an endocrine gland cell. human fetus acquires individual
relationships among cells, tissues, organs, organization in multicellular If it is transplanted to a leg muscle, what fingers and toes. What occurs in
do you think will happen to this cell? some cells of both species to
organ systems, and organism. organisms.
explain these changes?

28.1 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT 802 Unit 9: Human Biology

1. In cell determination, stem cells commit to systems consist of two or more organs 4. Because determination is usually not
becoming a certain type of cell, such as Untitled-568
a 802
working together (example: brain and spinal reversible, the cell and its daughter cells 5/25/2011 2:51:01 PM
muscle cell. In cell differentiation, cells cord). will continue to develop as endocrine cells.
develop the actual structures and functions 3. The respiratory system brings oxygen into 5. Both are examples of programmed cell
that make them specialized cells. the body. Part of the muscular system death, or apoptosis.
2. A cell is the smallest unit of life (example: coordinates the movement of the lungs.
neuron). A tissue is a group of similar cells The circulatory system picks up oxygen
that work together to perform a specialized from the lungs and delivers it to body cells.
function (example: nerve tissue). Organs
consist of two or more types of tissues that
function together (example: brain). Organ

802  Unit 9: Human Biology

G O n l i n e! Chapter Labs
Find these labs online at

Homeostasis and Exercise

Time  45 minutes
Purpose  Measure the effects of
exercise on body systems
Overview  Student teams will test the
effect of exercise on the circulatory and
respiratory systems and on perspiration

level. They will predict the effect of
exercise on heart rate, breathing rate,

and perspiration level, and then use the
data they’ve collected to graph the
relationships between the independent
and dependent variables.
Examining Human Cells
Time  45 minutes
Purpose  Observe cells and relate their
structure to their function
Overview  Students will observe
prepared slides of muscle, bone, and
nerve cells. They will draw and label cells
as they appear under high power.

Hormones and Homeostasis

Time  45 minutes
Web Biology
VIDEO C L I P Purpose  Research how a disorder of a
BIOLOGY particular endocrine gland affects the
Keep an Athlete Hypothermia Maintaining Homeostasis, rest of the body
(c) ©Michael Krasowitz/Getty Images

Running Regulate a runner’s Skin Find out how sweat

Learn about hypothermia and
homeostasis to get her to and goose bumps help your
the end of a course in the
its potentially life-threatening
body maintain homeostasis.
QuickLab  Negative
consequences. Find out what
best time without stopping.
happens when you get so cold Feedback Loop
that homeostasis breaks down. Time  5 minutes
Purpose  Model negative feedback
ONLINE BIOLOGY 803 Negative and Positive
Untitled-566 803 5/25/2011 2:46:32 PM
Time  45 minutes
Purpose  Develop a further understand-
ing of negative and positive feedback
through graphing
Overview  Students graph data and
determine whether a positive or
negative feedback loop is likely to
control the process depicted in
graphic form.

Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis  803

28.2 Mechanisms of Homeostasis
. Plan and Prepare
KEY CONCEPT Homeostasis is the regulation and maintenance
Objectives homeostasis
of the internal environment.
• Relate homeostasis to the internal negative feedback Conditions within the body must remain within a narrow range.
environment of the body. positive feedback
Negative feedback loops are necessary for homeostasis.
• Explain how negative and positive
feedback maintain homeostasis.
Connect to Your World
Section Resources > The complex tissues, organs, and organ systems in your body must respond to a wide
variety of conditions. For instance, during the summer, you might walk out of a cold,
Online Student Resources air-conditioned store into a stifling hot summer day. Your body temperature has to
remain the same under both conditions in order for you to survive. In fact, your life
Study Guide (English and Spanish)
depends on your body’s ability to maintain the delicate balance of your internal
PowerNotes chemistry.
Reinforcement Worksheet
Section Self-Check
Interactive Reader
Conditions within the body must remain within a
Online Teacher Resources
narrow range.
Teacher Toolkit During every moment of your life, trillions of chemical reactions are taking
place in your body. The enzymes that control these reactions work best within
a narrow range of conditions. One of these conditions is your internal body
Activate Prior Knowledge  Have temperature, which should remain between 36.7°C and 37.1°C (98.2°F and
students think about what life would be 98.8°F). If it rises only a few degrees, you could easily die from overheating. At
like in an environment that hovers temperatures over 41°C (106°F), many enzymes stop functioning. If your
around 38°C (100°F). Ask, If you had to internal temperature falls below 27°C (80°F), your heart may fail.
live at one constant temperature setting,
Likewise, the levels of trace minerals in your body must stay within strict
what would it be? Answers will vary;
limits. For instance, if calcium levels are too high, you can slip into a coma. If
most will likely choose moderate
they are too low, your heartbeat becomes irregular.
temperatures. Discuss the normal core Biology
body temperature, 37°C (98.6°F).
You live in a constantly changing environment. Your body must cope not
only with temperature changes but also with pollution, infection, stress, and
many other conditions. Every change is a challenge to your body. What keeps
Keep an Athlete Running
the human body from breaking down every time the internal or external
. Teach environment changes?

Homeostasis and the Internal Environment

R E A D I N G TO O L B OX Fortunately, the body has many control systems that keep its internal environ-
ONLINE Biology ment stable. Together, these control systems are responsible for maintaining
VOCABULARY The word homeostasis is homeostasis. Homeostasis (ho-mee-oh-STAY-sihs) is the regulation and
formed from two Greek words: maintenance of the internal environment—temperature, fluids, salts, pH,
Have students look at how a runner homos, meaning “similar,” and nutrients, and gases—within the narrow ranges that support human life. Your
maintains homeostasis in an stasis, meaning “standing” or
“stopping.” internal control systems respond quickly to change, whether from outside
Animated Biology simulation. conditions or internal ones, as shown in FIGURE 2.1.

Vocabulary Differentiated
804 Unit 9: Human Biology Instruction
Academic Vocabulary  Students may English Learners
wonder if the word homeopathy relates Untitled-570 804 5/25/2011 2:57:38 PM

to homeostasis. Homeopathy is a Check on students’ comprehension as you go

nonmedical approach to treating illness through the material describing various
by using small amounts of the same control systems in the body. You can use
substance believed to be the cause. The simple signals, such as thumbs up or thumbs
aim is to “cure like with like” by stimulat- down for understanding. Or ask questions in
ing the body’s defenses. There are no which students write responses on a sheet of
conclusive scientific studies to prove its paper or an index card.
effectiveness. Teacher Toolkit, Section C, Signals; Card

804  Unit 9: Human Biology

Control Systems in the Body FIGURE 2.1 Homeostasis and Change
Internal control systems require TEACH FROM VISUALS
Control systems in the skin help reduce or conserve body heat.
sensors, a control center, communica-
FIGURE 2.1  Explain the figure in terms
tion systems, and targets.
of the four body control systems. Tell
Sensors Sensors, also called

hot temperature
Blood flow to the students that the control center for
receptors, gather information about pore skin increases.
Tiny muscles regulating body temperature is located
conditions inside and outside of the expand the pores. in the hypothalamus region of the brain.
body. In cold or hot weather, for Sweat glands Ask
instance, sensors in your skin and release water to
nasal passages gather data about
sweat cool the body. • What sensors are involved? tempera-
air temperatures. The body has ture sensors in the skin
thousands of internal sensors and • What are the targets? sweat glands,
other specialized sensors that detect normal temperature Pores and
blood vessels, and muscles in skin
muscles are
changes in the outside world. relaxed. Blood • What kinds of messages are involved
flow to the skin
Control center A control center, often is normal. Sweat
in this communication system? nerve
the brain, receives information from hair glands are not impulses and hormones
the sensors. It then compares this follicle active.
information to the set points, or ideal
values, at which the body functions goose Blood flow to the
cold temperature

best. When conditions move above or

below a set point, the control center
bump skin decreases.
Tiny muscles
responds by sending messages contract the A Apply  Her skin would respond the
pores and the
through a communication system. skin around way it does in hot temperatures: pores
Communication systems Communi- body hairs to would open, and sweat glands would
cation is controlled by the nervous conserve heat. release water to cool the body.
(tr) ©Lori Adamski Peek/Getty Images; (cr) ©age fotostock/SuperStock; (br) ©Steve Mason/Photodisc Green/Getty Images

(tr) ©Lori Adamski Peek/Getty Images; (cr) ©age fotostock/SuperStock; (br) ©Steve Mason/Photodisc Green/Getty Images

system and the endocrine system, B Draw Conclusions  The processes

which carry messages to all parts of A Apply If the girl in cold temperature starts jogging, how would the necessary for life work best within a
the body. These messages, in the form control mechanisms in her skin respond as she runs?
narrow range of conditions. To maintain
of nerve impulses or hormones, tell these ranges, the internal environment
targets in the body how to respond to
of the body must remain stable.
internal or external changes.
Targets A target is any organ, tissue, or cell that changes its level of activity in
Biology I DE O C LI P
response to a message. For instance, in a cold environment, a message might
cause the muscles to start shivering to generate more body heat. PREMIUM CONTENT Vocabulary
Maintaining Homeostasis,
B Draw Conclusions Why is it so important to maintain homeostasis within the body?
Academic Vocabulary  Point out how
the words associated with a mechanical
MAIN IDEA system are applied to a living system.
Negative feedback loops are necessary for mechanism  a system of parts that
operate or interact like those of a
homeostasis. machine
Sensors, control centers, communication systems, and targets work together in control  an instrument used to operate,
what is known as a feedback loop. Feedback is information from sensors that regulate, or guide a machine
allows a control center to compare current conditions to a set of ideal values.
sensor  a device that receives and
In a feedback loop, information moves continuously among sensors, a control
responds to a signal
center, and a target. Most functions in the body are regulated by negative
feedback loops. set point  the point at which a circuit is
either activated or deactivated
Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis 805 target  something aimed or fired at
feedback  return of a portion of the
Below Level output of a system to the input, used to
Untitled-570 805
Have students relate homeostasis to feedback 5/25/2011 2:57:41 PM maintain performance or control
loops by using a graphic organizer, such as a loop  a closed circuit
concept definition map. A concept definition
map starts with a general category, in this case,
how a body regulates its internal environment.
A particular concept is identified, either
negative or positive feedback. Then students
include separate boxes to list properties and
examples of each concept. Students should
also compare one to the other.
Teacher Toolkit, Section D, Definition Map
Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis  805
Negative Feedback
. Teach continued In negative feedback, a control system counteracts any change in the body
that moves conditions above or below a set point. Negative feedback loops
help keep the internal environment stable. A thermostat is a good example of
how a negative feedback loop works. A sensor in the thermostat continuously
CONNECT TO measures air temperature in a room. A control mechanism then compares the
Biochemistry  Oxygen is used by the current room temperature to a set point, say 21°C. When the temperature falls
cell in the breakdown of glucose and the below 21°C, the thermostat sends an electronic message that turns on the
accompanying release of energy in the furnace. When the sensor indicates the air temperature is at or just above
form of ATP. A lack of oxygen can lead 21°C, the thermostat sends another message that turns off the furnace. As a
result, the room always stays within a few degrees of the desired temperature.
to cell death because ATP production
stops, and as a result, there is no energy CONNECT TO Negative feedback loops in the body work in a similar way. They are the
for cell activities. reason why you cannot hold your breath for a long time. The control systems
involved in this feedback loop are shown in FIGURE 2.2. As you hold your
As you read in Cells and Energy,
cells require a constant supply breath, sensors in the circulatory and respiratory systems send information to
of oxygen to maintain cell the brain stem, the body’s respiratory control center. Sensors signal a gradual
History of Science metabolism. Oxygen is not
stored in the human body in any
increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) and a decrease in oxygen (O2). The control
The physiologist Walter Bradford great amounts. Once oxygen center compares this information with the set points for these gases. When the
reserves have been used up, the change becomes too great, the control center takes steps to counteract it.
Cannon coined the term homeostasis, body must have a fresh supply Messages are sent to the muscles of the diaphragm and the rib cage to relax
which he described for the general of oxygen to prevent cell death.
and then contract, forcing you to exhale and then inhale deeply. At this point,
public in 1932. In his book The Wisdom
you cannot stop these muscles from moving. You will continue to breathe
of the Body, he proposed these four
rapidly and deeply until the gas levels return to their set points.
general features of homeostasis:
1. The body, being an open system and FIGURE 2.2 Negative Feedback Loop
subject to change, requires mecha-
nisms to maintain constancy and a Negative feedback counteracts any change in the body that moves conditions away from a set point.
steady state.
You inhale and hold your breath. When O2 /CO2 levels
2. Steady-state conditions require that The O2 levels in the blood begin to are restored, normal
any tendency toward change be met decline and CO2 levels begin to rise. breathing resumes.
with resistance.
1 5
3. Homeostasis must be maintained by
a regulating system that consists of a
number of cooperating mechanisms
acting simultaneously or in sequence. 2 Sensors alert the brain
stem as O2 /CO2 levels
You continue to
4. Homeostasis does not occur by inhale and exhale
move too far from the set
chance but is the result of organized points. Messages are sent
more deeply and 4 through the nervous and
self-government. rapidly than nor-
endocrine systems to the
mal until O2 /CO2
muscles of the diaphragm
levels return to 3 and the rib cage.
their set points.

Answers The muscles of the diaphragm and the rib

cage relax, forcing you to exhale. As the
muscles contract, you inhale deeply.
A Infer  Sensors would detect too
much oxygen and too little carbon A Infer If you continued to breathe rapidly and deeply for too long in step 4,
dioxide in the blood. Your breathing how would this affect the negative feedback loop?
would stop or slow down for a short
time until the gases returned to their
set points; then normal breathing
806 Differentiated
Unit 9: Human Biology Instruction
would resume.
English Learners Pre-AP
Untitled-570 806
Have students work with the analogy used in Have students set up a cycle diagram that shows 5/25/2011 2:57:45 PM

the text, comparing a negative feedback system a fever as a combination of positive and negative
in the body to a thermostat. Have students read feedback mechanisms. Tell students that the
the text and create two cycle diagrams. The first body raises its temperature in response to
should show how a thermostat regulates pathogens invading the body. Once the patho-
temperature. The second can detail the negative gens have been destroyed by heat, negative
feedback loop shown in Figure 2.2. Tell feedback brings the body temperature back
students to incorporate the terms control down. Have students think about the experience
system, sensor, set point, target, communicate, of having a fever and relate physiological
and feedback. responses, such as shivering and sweating, to
what is happening in the bloodstream.
Teacher Toolkit, Section C, Cycle Diagram
806  Unit 9: Human Biology Teacher Toolkit, Section C, Cycle Diagram
Negative Feedback Loop MATERIALS
You can experience a negative feedback loop by doing a
Time  5 minutes
hardcover book at least 6" 3 9"
simple demonstration.
PROBLEM How does a negative feedback loop work? Purpose  Model a negative feedback loop.
1. Balance the hardcover book on your head.
2. Walk 3 meters forward and backward—once with eyes open, then with eyes closed.
Lab Management
ANALYZE AND CONCLUDE Use books that are not too heavy.
1. Analyze Describe the negative feedback loop that helped keep the book balanced
on your head. How did closing your eyes affect your ability to balance the book?
2. Connect Think of another example of a negative feedback loop that you might
observe in your everyday life. Explain how you think this loop works. Analyze and Conclude
1. As sensors in the scalp detect changes
Positive Feedback in the book’s position, they send
Negative feedback loops maintain homeostasis by counteracting, or reversing, messages to control sensors in the
change to return conditions to their set points. In some cases, however, the brain, which then send messages to the
body actually needs change to accomplish a specific task. In positive feedback, muscles. Students may have adjusted
a control center uses information from sensors to increase the rate of change their speed, shifted their head or body,
away from the set points. Though not as common in the body, this type of or grabbed the book with their hands.
feedback is important whenever rapid change is needed. When students closed their eyes, they
For example, if you cut your finger, positive feedback mechanisms increase lost sensory information about body
the rate of change in clotting factors in the blood until the wound is sealed. position relative to their surroundings,
Once the injury heals, another positive feedback loop occurs as chemicals are which may have made the balancing
released to dissolve the clot. Positive feedback also occurs in the release of task more difficult.
certain growth hormones during puberty. Your body needs higher levels of 2. Other feedback systems include
these hormones to accomplish all of the changes that take place at this time. cooling systems in a car engine;
A Infer Why are most of the functions of the body regulated by negative, rather than thermostats that control air condition-
by positive, feedback mechanisms? ers or furnaces; and the body’s signals
SELF-CHECK Online for hunger and thirst. All these feedback loops involve preset values
28.2 Formative Assessment PREMIUM CONTENT and information about changing
conditions that are relayed to control
centers, which then send messages to
1. A system to maintain homeostasis 3. Predict When a newborn baby ZOOLOGY targets to counteract changes and
must have at least four parts that nurses, the mother’s body is 5. Reptiles regulate their body restore conditions to the preset values.
function together. Name these stimulated to produce milk. What temperature by changing
parts and briefly explain what each would happen to the milk supply if their environment. A snake,
one does. the mother chose to bottle feed for instance, must lie in Answers
2. What is the main difference rather than breast feed? Why? sunlight to warm its body.
A Infer  Negative feedback is the
between the way negative feedback 4. Sequence Suppose you go on a long Mammals, on the other hand,
can regulate their internal means by which the body maintains
and positive feedback mechanisms hike in hot weather. Describe a possible
regulate change in the body? negative feedback loop that would environment to gain or lose homeostasis. Positive feedback occurs
keep your body from overheating. heat. How might this ability only in situations in which a change
give mammals an advantage away from set values is needed.
over reptiles?

28.2 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis 807
Assess and Reteach .
1. Sensors gather information. A control 3. A baby nursing creates a positive feedback
Untitled-570 807 center analyzes and compares the infor- loop that causes the mother’s body to 5/25/2011 2:57:48 PM Assess  Use the Section Self-Check
mation to the desired values. Communica- lactate. Bottle feeding eliminates the or Section Quiz, both available at
tion systems send messages from the stimulus.
control center to regulate the change. 4. Sensors would detect a rise in body
Targets receive and respond to the Reteach  Write the following headings
temperature, increasing blood flow to the on the board: Sensors, Control Center,
messages. skin, activating sweat glands, and increasing Communication Systems, Targets. Have
2. Negative feedback loops counteract heart and breathing rates. students tell you what to list beneath
change to return to a set point, while 5. Mammals can live in a wider range of the headings for the respiratory control
positive feedback loops accelerate change habitats and tolerate rapid changes in system shown in Figure 2.2.
away from a set point. external conditions.

Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis  807

28.3 Interactions Among Systems
. Plan and Prepare
KEY CONCEPT Systems interact to maintain homeostasis.
Objectives thermoregulation MAIN IDEAS
Each organ system affects other organ systems.
• Describe the interaction A disruption of homeostasis can be harmful.
between organ systems in terms
of homeostasis.
• Describe the effect of disruption Connect to Your World
of homeostasis. > The moment a race car pulls in for a pit stop, the pit crew springs into action. Each
person has a special role that must be coordinated with the efforts of the team. As

Section Resources one member jacks up the car, others are changing the tires, putting in fuel, and
checking the engine. If anyone fails to do a job properly, it affects the entire team
Online Student Resources and places the driver at serious risk.
Study Guide (English and Spanish)
Reinforcement Worksheet
Section Self-Check
Each organ system affects other organ systems.
Interactive Reader At its most basic level, the body is a community of specialized cells that
interact with one another. On a larger scale, all of the organ systems form a
Online Teacher Resources type of community regulated by feedback mechanisms. This interaction
PowerPresentation among organ systems means that what affects a single organ system affects the
Teacher Toolkit entire body.
Like highly trained crew members, each organ system in your body must
Activate Prior Knowledge  Relate do its own special job. But for you to remain healthy, each system also must
homeostasis to the idea of balance. Ask, coordinate with other organ systems through chemical messages and nerve
What is it like to be on a balance beam or impulses. The relationship among your organs and organ systems is not
walking across a log bridge, and your always obvious—for example, when the body produces a substance such as
vitamin D. In other cases, you are more aware that some organs are affecting
weight shifts? Typically you move back
others, as in the regulation of your body temperature in hot or cold weather.
and forth to reestablish balance; if you do
not, you fall. Discuss how when one body Vitamin D Production
system is out of balance, it affects others. You may know that sunlight plays a part in the production of vitamin D in
your body. You may not know that the liver, kidneys, circulatory system, and
endocrine system are necessary for this process as well. The skin contains a
FIGURE 3.1 Precision teamwork is
. Teach the secret to a pit crew’s success.
Likewise, your life depends on
substance that in the presence of ultraviolet light is changed into an inactive
form of vitamin D. As FIGURE 3.2 shows, this form enters the blood and is
every organ system doing its job carried to the liver. The liver changes the inactive form of vitamin D into
TEACH FROM VISUALS at the right time and in the right another compound, which is then carried to the kidneys. Here, this compound
is converted into active vitamin D.
Figure 3.1  Have students observe The blood transports active vitamin D throughout the body, where it
what the members of the pit crew are interacts with hormones that regulate the amount of calcium and phosphorus

©Kevin Fleming/Corbis

©Kevin Fleming/Corbis
doing. Ask in the body. These two minerals are essential for building strong bones. If any
• What differentiates one member of organ along this path fails to do its job, the level of vitamin D in the body
the crew from another? Each has a decreases. Without enough vitamin D, children’s bones do not develop nor-
mally. Adults lose bone mass, which means their bones break more easily.
specific job: refuel, check tires, check
808 Unit 9: Human Biology Instruction
• What happens if a member of the
crew is missing or does not do his
job right? The car will not perform as Below Level
Untitled-569 808 5/25/2011 2:52:26 PM
it should, and could endanger the Model for students how to interpret the text
life of the driver. describing vitamin D production on this page.
Relate the analogy of the pit crew to the Work with students to come up with a
interaction of different systems in the sequence diagram of the events described
body. and the body systems involved. Students
can refer to Figure 1.4 in Section 1 for a
summary of the body systems. Then suggest
students do the same for thermoregulation
on the next page.
Teacher Toolkit, Section C, Sequence
808  Unit 9: Human Biology
FIGURE 3.2 Vitamin D Production
Each organ plays a critical role in the
production of vitamin D. ONLINE Biology
UV light
1 UV light strikes the skin, producing For more on thermoregulation
an inactive form of vitamin D. and hypothermia, see the
WebQuest for this chapter at
2 Inactive vitamin D circulates in the
4 Active vitamin D and
blood to the liver, where it is changed
hormones regulate the
into an intermediate compound.
amount of calcium and
phosphorus needed for
Integrating Physics
The intermediate compound is bone development.
carried to the kidneys, where it is
converted into active vitamin D.
Thermoregulation is a balancing act
A Identify What organs are involved in the
production of vitamin D? between systems in the body that
produce heat and those that lose heat.
Regulation of Body Temperature All body tissues produce heat as a
The process of maintaining a steady body temperature under a variety of CONNECT TO
product of metabolism—as bonds break
conditions is known as thermoregulation (thur-moh-rehg-yoo-LAY-shuhn). and new ones form. Tissues that are the
ANIMALS most active metabolically produce the
The most obvious organ systems involved in maintaining body temperature are In A Closer Look at Amniotes you
the skin and muscles. You sweat in hot learned that animals have many most heat. When at rest, most of the
weather and shiver when you are cold. ways of regulating their body body’s heat is produced by the liver,
Thermoregulation maintains a temperatures. For example, some heart, brain, and endocrine glands. When
However, far more is going on than what stable body temperature under a animals stay cool by panting, by
you can see on the surface. Thermo- variety of conditions, just as a being active only at night, or by in motion, the body’s skeletal muscles
regulation requires the close interaction thermostat regulates a furnace. Both getting rid of excess heat through produce 30–40 times the heat generated
of the respiratory, circulatory, nervous, mechanisms use feedback to keep their body structures, such as by the rest of the body.
temperatures within set ranges. large ears or thin skins.
and endocrine systems. Most heat loss occurs in the body by
control m e ss a g e s
Sensors in the skin and blood vessels four different mechanisms. Any object
provide information about body tem- that is warmer than its surrounding
perature to a control center in the brain environment radiates heat into that
called the hypothalamus. The hypo- in FURNACE
fo t
o c o n t ro l target environment. Under normal conditions,
thalamus protects the body’s internal the body loses 25–40 percent of its heat
organs by monitoring temperature. by radiation. Direct contact with a cool
When the hypothalamus receives information that the temperature of the Web object also causes the body to lose heat
blood is rising, it sends messages through the nervous and endocrine systems. by conduction. Convection occurs as
These messages activate the sweat glands, dilate blood vessels in the skin, and cool air replaces the warm air released
increase both heart and breathing rates. All of these activities carry heat away
Hypothermia by the body, creating more opportunity
from the center of the body to the surface, where excess heat can escape.
for heat loss. Conduction and convec-
When the temperature of the blood falls too low, the hypothalamus sends tion account for 15–20 percent of the
another set of signals to the skin and to the muscular, respiratory, and circula- body’s heat loss. Evaporation from the
tory systems. Blood vessels in the skin constrict, reducing blood flow to lungs, mouth, and skin removes substan-
prevent loss of heat. Muscles in the skin contract around the pores, reducing tial amounts of body heat. Water
their size. Rapid, small contractions of skeletal muscles cause shivering. The absorbs heat and, once it has gained
thyroid gland releases hormones that increase metabolism. All of these activities
enough energy, vaporizes.
increase body heat and reduce the loss of heat to the environment.
B Infer If a person’s circulatory system does not function well, how might
thermoregulation in his or her body be affected?

Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis 809 Answers

A Identify  The organs involved in
Pre-AP vitamin D production are the skin, liver,
Untitled-569 809
Present this scenario: You and your friends 5/25/2011 2:52:28 PM and kidneys.
have spent the day hiking on a cool fall day B Infer  A person with an impaired
and are about to drive home. You see circulatory system would be less able to
another hiker coming off the trail who is lose heat in hot conditions and con-
soaked and shivering. The hiker mentions serve heat in cold conditions.
having fallen into a stream. You are concerned
that the hiker may be suffering from mild
hypothermia, a lowered body temperature.
Describe the steps you would take to assist
this hiker en route to the local hospital.
Teacher Toolkit, Section C, Quick-Write
Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis  809
. Teach continued A disruption of homeostasis can be harmful.
Some changes may be too great or too rapid for your body to control through
feedback mechanisms. Homeostasis can be disrupted for several reasons.
Integrating • Sensors fail to detect changes in the internal or external environment.
Medical Science • Wrong messages may be sent or the correct ones fail to reach their targets.
• Serious injuries can overwhelm the homeostatic mechanisms.
Type 2 diabetes, once thought to be • Viruses or bacteria can change the body’s internal chemistry.
an adult disease, is becoming more
common in young people in the Disruption of homeostasis can begin in one organ or organ system and
United States. The Centers for Disease result in a chain reaction that affects other organs and organ systems. These
Control and Prevention estimates that effects can be harmful to your body over the short or long term.
206,000 people under the age of 20 Short-Term Effects
have some form of diabetes. Short-term effects usually last a few days or weeks. For example, when a cold
A significant risk factor for Type 2 virus first enters your body, your immune system may not be able to prevent
diabetes is being overweight or obese. the virus from multiplying. As a result, you develop a sore throat, runny nose,
The American diet has become loaded and dry cough, and your muscles and joints become inflamed. However,
with processed foods that are high in fat within a few days, your body’s immune system begins to kill the virus and
and sugar. These factors along with a lack to restore homeostasis. Usually, there is no lasting harm to your body.
FIGURE 3.3 Type 1 Diabetes
of exercise have put people at greater risk
of increased weight and Type 2 diabetes. Failure to control glucose levels affects the entire body. Long-Term Effects
The percentage of children under the age A long-term disruption of homeostasis, as in
the case of diabetes, can cause more damage.
of 19 who are overweight has increased
Diabetes occurs when the body fails to control
from about 4.5 percent to about
the amount of glucose circulating in the blood.
15.5 percent in the last 40 years.
1 Pancreas cells are attacked Normal glucose control Glucose levels are
by the immune system. controlled by two hormones—insulin and gluca-
Insulin production decreases,
gon—which are released by the pancreas. When
Take It Further and cells cannot remove
glucose from the blood. glucose in the blood rises above a set point, beta
Diabetes is a disorder linked to diabetic 2 Blood glucose levels rise. The cells in the pancreas release insulin. Insulin causes
retinopathy, which causes blindness. This kidneys excrete the excess cells to take in more glucose from the blood and
glucose along with large causes the liver to store glucose as glycogen. When
condition develops as a result of the amounts of water.
reaction between excess glucose in the blood glucose levels fall below the set point, alpha
3 The body begins to use fat cells in the pancreas release glucagon. This hor-
blood and proteins in the body. Glucose stored in the tissues as an
and proteins react to form a complex in pancreas energy source. As fat breaks
mone stimulates the liver to break down stored
fat down, the blood becomes glycogen into glucose and release it until levels in
which the proteins lose their flexibility. As
more acidic. the blood rise to the set point.
these proteins accumulate, they cause
the walls of blood vessels to thicken and 4 With changes in pH and fluid
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes What if the pancreas
balance, cell metabolism is
lose their elasticity. The weakened blood impaired. Cells throughout fails to do its job? The result can be diabetes
vessels bulge and eventually leak. Any kidneys
the body function poorly or mellitus, a condition in which the body can no
die, affecting every organ longer regulate glucose levels. There are two types
amount of blood that leaks from blood system.
vessels in the retina can obscure vision. of diabetes. Type 1 occurs when the body’s
Laser treatments can slow the leakage of immune system destroys the ability of beta cells
fluid and reduce the amount of retinal A Apply How do you think the to produce insulin. Type 2 is caused when insulin
muscular system might be production decreases or when insulin cannot
fluid. Similar damage occurs in other parts affected by Type 1 diabetes?
of the body, but it is not as readily move glucose into cells.
detectable as in the eye.
810 Differentiated
Unit 9: Human Biology Instruction
Answers English Learners Below Level
A Apply  Muscle cells depend on Untitled-569 810
glucose for energy. The less glucose Point out the similarities in the names of one Point out the example of diabetes described in 5/25/2011 2:52:31 PM

available, the more difficult it is for of the hormones and the sugar and fat the text on this page. The text first describes
muscles to perform work, repair injuries, involved in glucose regulation on this page. the normal interaction of insulin and glucagon
or increase mass. Have student set up a T-chart in their notes to control glucose levels. Have students
with a category for hormones (insulin, represent this with a cycle diagram. Then, in
glucagon) and stimulants (glucose, glycogen). contrast, have students create two cause-and-
The chart should include a description of the effect chains, one each for Type 1 and Type 2
function of each. diabetes. Have them compare this to the cycle
diagram that represents normal homeostatic
Teacher Toolkit, Section C, T-Chart control of glucose.
Teacher Toolkit, Section C, Cycle Diagram;
810  Unit 9: Human Biology Cause-and-Effect Chain

Blood levels


0 50 100 150 200 250
D A T A A N A LY S I S Time (min)


Two variables are inversely related if an increase high
high high
in the value of one variable is associated with a glug
decrease in the value of the other variable. For
soes Discuss

Blood levels

Blood levels

Blood levels
example, the level of insulin decreases the longer u lin
a person exercises. Therefore, insulin levels have
Make sure students understand that the
an inverse relationship with exercise time. The graphs relate to the same event. Ask,
graphs at right show the levels of insulin, glucose, low low
0 50 100 150 200 250
Which hormone is released when the
and glucagon during moderate exercise over 250
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (min)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (min)
Time (min)
glucose level is high? insulin  when
minutes. Use the graphs to answer the questions. the glucose level is low? glucagon

1. Analyze Which variable(s) has/have an inverse relationship with time?

high Answers
2. Conclude What relationship exists between glucagon and the other 1. Glucose and insulin levels have

ag gon
Blood levels

Blood levels
two variables (insulin and glucose)? Explain. c inverse relationships with time.

2. inverse relationship; a high value of
0 50 100 150 200 250
glucagon is associated with low
0 50 100 150 200 250
Time (min) values of insulin and glucose.
In Type 1 diabetes, the failure of the pancreas sets up a destructive chain Time (min)
reaction in other organ systems, as shown in FIGURE 3.3. As glucose builds up Online Student Resources, Data
in the blood, the kidneys must remove it along with large amounts of water. Analysis Practice
Also, since the body is unable to use glucose as an energy source, it must use high
stored fat instead. As the fat breaks down, the blood becomes more acidic.
Blood levels
VIiDnsinuslEuin O C L I P
Blood levels
This altered pH disrupts the metabolism of the cells in every organ and every lin
system in the body. The long-term effects can result in heart disease, blindness,
nerve damage, kidney damage, and even coma and death.
In Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin, or the low
50 and the Immune
100 150 200 250
50 100 150 200 250 A Connect  Athletes require large
insulin cannot be used to move glucose into the cells. As a result, blood System Time (min)
Time (min)
amounts of energy to perform. If there
glucose levels rise, and the cells starve. Risk factors for developing Type 2 is not enough glucose taken into the
diabetes include chronic obesity, a family history of diabetes, and aging. body’s cells, the athlete will not have
A Connect Why might diabetes be a particular problem for an athlete? enough energy to maintain his or her

28.3 Formative Assessment PREMIUM CONTENT Assess and Reteach .

3. Analyze Why would giving EVOLUTION Assess  Use the Section Self-Check
1. Why do the organ systems in the
body need to work so closely syn-thetic insulin to people with 5. Some animals can store more
or Section Quiz, both available at
together? Type 1 diabetes restore their glucose glucose—in the form of
2. Explain why a long-term disruption homeostasis? glycogen—in their bodies Reteach  Use the terms from Section 2
of homeostasis can often be more 4. Predict If you lived in Alaska for than can other animals. What that describe control systems, and apply
damaging to the body than a the whole year, what changes might be the evolutionary them to one of the examples in this
short-term disruption is. might occur in your calcium and advantage of having these
extra energy stores?
section. Have students identify at what
phosphorus levels during the winter
point homeostasis can be disrupted.
versus the summer? Explain.

28.3 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis 811

1. All body systems contribute to maintenance 4. During winter months, because there is little 5. Answers may include the development
Untitled-569 811 of homeostasis. What happens in one sunlight and your skin is fully covered with of more efficient cellular metabolism,
5/25/2011 2:52:33 PM
system may require response from another. clothing, you would be exposed to very the ability to survive on an irregular food
2. Long-term disruption can produce a type little UV light. As a result, you would supply, or the ability to mobilize extra
of chain reaction in which more and more produce less vitamin D, and calcium and glucose rapidly to provide energy in
organ systems are affected over time. The phosphorus levels in your body would fight-or-flight situations.
result can be permanent damage to organs decrease. In summer, your skin would be
and possibly death. exposed to sunlight far more often. The
increase in vitamin D production would
3. In Type 1 diabetes, no insulin is made. When result in an increase in calcium and phos-
synthetic insulin is given to people with phorus levels.
Type 1 diabetes, glucose can enter cells, so
blood glucose levels return to normal.

Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis  811

Chapter review INTERACTIVE Review




INTERACTIVE Review Review Games • Concept Map • Section Self-Checks
Premium Content
28.1 Levels of Organization 28.2 Mechanisms of Homeostasis
Encourage students to go to The human body has five levels of organization. Homeostasis is the regulation and maintenance for a detailed Specialized cells in multicellular organisms arise from of the internal environment. Conditions within
review of each section, including the zygote. Most embryonic stem cells go through the body must remain within the narrow ranges
determination, during which they are committed to that support human life. Homeostasis is maintained
visuals and vocabulary practice.
becoming specialized cells. During differentiation, cells by internal control systems composed of sensors,
develop their specialized structures and functions. a control center, communication systems, and

group of sperm ©CNRI/Photo Researchers, Inc.; areolar tissue ©Educational Images/Custom Medical Stock Photos; Human bone marrow cells ©Carolina Biological Supply company/Phototake Inc./Alamy Ltd
Online Student Resources, Vocabulary Groups of similar specialized cells form tissue. target tissues or organs. The control centers use
Different types of tissues form an organ, and feedback to keep the internal environment stable.
Practice Worksheet
various specialized organs together form an organ In a negative feedback loop, control systems
system. All of the organ systems together make counteract change to maintain conditions within
up an entire organism. a narrow range. In a positive feedback loop, control
systems increase change away from set points.
Differentiated Cells
28.3 Interactions Among Systems

skeletal muscle tissue, smooth muscle, stratified epithelium, columnar epithelium, ©Ed Reschke/Peter Arnold, Inc.; zygote ©Dr. Yorgos Nikas/Photo Researchers, Inc;
Systems interact to maintain homeostasis.
Each organ system affects other organ systems.
For example, thermoregulation depends on the
interaction of the circulatory, respiratory,
endocrine, and skin systems. If one organ system
fails, it can affect other systems in a chain reaction.
Long-term disruptions of homeostasis, as in
diabetes, are more serious than temporary
short-term disruptions because more organ
systems can be damaged over time.


Cycle Diagram Use this note-taking strategy to summa- Concept Map Draw a concept map to help you remem-
rize what you know about how control systems work to ber the developmental steps of cells.
maintain homeostasis.
stem cells
center determination
example neuron
example differentiation

acquire structures

812 Unit 9: Human Biology

Reviewing Vocabulary 5. process of committed cells acquiring

Untitled-565 812
structures and functions of specific cells
10. Homeostasis means keeping or maintaining 5/25/2011
something so it remains the same.
2:45:16 PMU

1. a group of specialized cells working

6. counteracts change away from set points 11. Thermoregulation is the process of managing
7. increases change away from set points or regulating the temperature of a body or
2. different tissues working together an environment to keep it within set values.
8. process of maintaining a stable body
3. different organs working together 12. The electrical signal returns to its source, just
4. process of stem cells committing to as sensors in a biological source send out
9. An organ is an instrument or implement that
become specific types of cells information to a control center that sends
is built to carry out specific functions in the messages back to the biological source to
body. make changes.

812  Unit 9: Human Biology

chapter review

28 Review

18. Sensors in the blood and skin relay

information to the brain and endo-
crine systems. Messages from these
CHAPTER VOCABULARY centers cause blood vessels to dilate,
sweat glands to release fluid, and
28.1 determination 28.2 homeostasis 28.3 thermoregulation
differentiation feedback
heart and breathing rate to increase
tissue negative feedback to let excess body heat escape.
organ positive feedback 19. Negative feedback loop counteracts
organ system change away from set points. Positive
feedback loop increases change away
Reviewing Vocabulary Reviewing MAIN IDEAS from set points.
Keep It Short 13. Embryonic stem cells have the potential to become any 20. The organs in the body all work
For each vocabulary word that follows, write a short type of cell in the body. What happens to these cells together, like a well-coordinated
phrase that defines its meaning. For example: during the process of determination?
team. If one organ fails, it affects the
cell—the basic unit of life.
14. Once a cell goes through the process of determination, organ that depends on it. In time, the
1. tissue what happens next as the cells develop in the embryo? second organ will also fail, affecting
2. organ more organs in the system. The
15. Briefly explain how cell differentiation and cell death are
3. organ system both needed to develop such structures as human longer the problem remains, the
4. determination hands and feet. more organs are affected.
5. differentiation
16. A human being is composed of five levels of 21. Negative feedback loop; the body
6. negative feedback organization. Name each of the levels of organization acts to counteract an increase away
7. positive feedback and give an example of each one. from a set point.
8. thermoregulation
17. Organs have many specialized cells and tissues that 22. If people’s fluid homeostasis is not
enable them to carry out their functions. Describe two maintained, they become dehy-
RE ADING TOOLBOX GREEK AND LATIN specialized cells in the respiratory system that enable
WORD ORIGINS the lungs to function well. drated. If their glucose homeostasis is
9. The word organ comes from the Latin word organum, not maintained, they become
meaning “instrument” or “implement.” Describe how 18. Your body has control systems that keep its internal diabetic. If oxygen/carbon dioxide
this meaning relates to the definition of a living organ. conditions within the narrow ranges that support life.
On a hot day, how do your body’s control center and homeostasis is not maintained, they
10. Homeostasis can be broken into two parts: homos, sensors work together to help you stay cool? might die within a matter of minutes.
meaning “similar,” and stasis, meaning “standing” or
“stopping.” Write a brief definition of homeostasis 19. Your body has many feedback loops to help maintain
based on the meaning of these two parts. homeostasis. Explain the difference between a negative
feedback loop and a positive feedback loop.
11. A thermos is a container for keeping liquids hot. The
word comes from the Greek thermos, which means 20. Explain how the failure of one organ can lead to the
“hot” or “warm.” How does this meaning relate to the failure of other organs or of an entire organ system.
term thermoregulation? 21. When glucose levels in the blood rise above a set point,
12. The word feedback originally comes from the field of hormones are released that cause the glucose levels to
electrical engineering. Feedback occurs when part of a decline. Is this process an example of a positive or a
signal put out by an amplifier returns to its source. It’s negative feedback loop? Explain your answer.
that loud squeal you sometimes hear when someone is 22. Give two example of what can happen to a person if the
using a microphone. Explain how this meaning of body’s homeostasis is not maintained.
feedback relates to what happens in a feedback loop.

Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis 813

Untitled-560 813 Reviewing Main Ideas 16. cells (sperm, neuron), tissues (muscle,5/25/2011 2:35:37 PM
epithelial, nervous), organs (lungs, heart,
13. During determination, committed cells liver), organ systems (respiratory, circulatory),
acquire the unique structures and functions and the organism (human being)
they need to function as specialized cells. 17. Cilia, hairlike cells, help to move foreign
14. Differentiation occurs as cells acquire particles out of the lungs. Epithelial cells line
specialized structures and functions. the inner surface of the lungs to keep it
15. Cell differentiation creates cells that form moist.
specific structures, such as hands and feet.
Cell death is needed to separate parts of
the hands and feet into individual fingers
and toes.
Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis  813
Chapter review
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking 23. Compare Explain how the cells in the human body Analyzing Data Interpret an Inverse Relationship
23. A house is made up of wood, metal, might be similar to various building materials in The graph below shows the relationship between
plastic, glass, cloth, and other a house. different types of energy yield during exercise. Use
specialized materials. Each material 24. Infer Scientists are investigating methods to use the graph to answer the next three questions.
has a particular shape and function. embryonic stem cells to repair any tissue in the human
Likewise, different cells in the body body. What characteristic of embryonic stem cells could EXERCISE AND ENERGY YIELD
have specialized structures and make this type of treatment possible? 100
functions that make up an entire 25. Analyze Review the chart of organ systems on the last 80
energy yield

page of Section 1. Identify some interconnections
24. Embryonic stem cells have the between the immune system and the circulatory system.
potential to become any one of over 26. Apply Describe which organ systems you think would
200 different types of cells in the be involved in maintaining homeostasis when a person 20 energy yield
human body. gives a major speech or presentation. Include what may
be happening within the person just before, during, and 0
5 10 15
25. The circulatory and immune systems after the speech. Time (min)
both contain lymph nodes and
27. Synthesize For various specialized cells to work
lymphatic vessels. together, they must communicate with one another. Use
26. Circulatory, respiratory, integumen- the information you learned in the chapter Cell Struc- 33. Compare and Contrast Within what time period
ture and Function about cell parts to describe how you does the greatest amount of change occur in both
tary, digestive, excretory, nervous, variables?
think a neuron might communicate with a muscle cell.
endocrine, and muscular systems
would all likely be involved. Before 28. Compare and Contrast Explain how the difference 34. Analyze Which variable is inversely related to time?
and during the presentation, the between negative and positive feedback makes negative Explain.
feedback more effective in maintaining homeostasis in
person might be breathing faster, the body. 35. Conclude What relationship do the two variables have
sweating, have an upset stomach or to each other at the beginning and at the end of the
have to go to the bathroom more 29. Infer People with weak or damaged hearts often exercise period?
often, shiver or shake, and have a rac- have trouble regulating their body temperatures in a
hot or a cold environment. Explain why an impaired
ing heart. After the presentation, all heart might make a person less able to maintain Making Connections
the symptoms would likely disappear homeostasis. 36. Blog Your Morning Wake-Up Call Blogs have become a
and conditions return to normal. popular form of communicating personal experiences
Analyzing Visuals online. Think about the changes that occur in your body
27. Nerve cells have extensions that Use the diagram of the digestive system to answer the when you wake up in the morning—changes in your
reach out and lie on top of muscle next three questions. heart rate, in your breathing, and in the movements of
cells. At these points, the two your arms and legs. Describe in a blog entry some of
30. Analyze Why is this considered salivary the environmental and physical changes that you
different cells can exchange ions and an organ system? glands experience. Which organ systems seem to be involved?
transmit and receive information. What feedback loops might be working to make sure
31. Infer How do you think the
28. Positive feedback increases the rate mouth such changes do not become too great?
nutrients released from food esophagus
of change. Therefore, only negative leave the digestive system and 37. Apply Extreme sports test the limits of the human
feedback loops could be used to travel throughout the body? body. Describe one extreme condition, other than
counteract change and keep condi- 32. Predict When a person has the liver
temperature, facing the ice climber in the photograph
tions within the ranges that support flu and is vomiting, how does on the chapter opener. Explain how feedback mecha-
life. this condition affect the organ nisms in the climber’s body can maintain homeostasis
system and its ability to provide under the extreme condition you choose to describe.
29. A weak or damaged heart means that nutrients to the body?
the circulatory system cannot work
as well to cool or warm the blood in intestines
the body and either conserve heat or
let excess heat escape.

814 Unit 9: Human Biology

Analyzing Visuals
30. It consists of several organs working
32. Vomiting prevents a person from digesting
Untitled-560 814
food and absorbing water. Therefore, the
Analyzing Data 5/25/2011 2:35:39 PM

together. digestive tract would be unable to provide 3 3. in the first five minutes
31. Nutrients can only reach other parts many nutrients or fluids to the rest of the 34. Anaerobic energy yield; it declines as the
of the body by traveling through the body. length of time increases.
circulatory system. Therefore, there 35. Inverse relationships at both beginning and
must be a connection from the end; one is rising while the other is falling.
digestive organs to the blood—prob-
ably through diffusion into capillaries.

814  Unit 9: Human Biology

chapter review
❯ Standards-Based Assessment
By Teacher Assignment
1. A group of scientists investigates how the blood 4. No matter what the temperature is outside,
1. D 4. B
pressure of students changes while taking an your body temperature stays relatively constant
exam. To properly control their experiment, the at about 98.6°F. This is part of your body’s 2. A 5. A
scientists must first measure the ability to maintain
3. B 6. D
A number of questions on the exam. A osmoregulation.
B students’ grade point averages. B homeostasis.
C temperature and humidity of the exam room. C negative feedback loops.
D students’ blood pressure before the exam. D positive feedback loops.

2. The hormone glucagon increases blood sugar 5. The kidneys filter wastes and excess salts
levels while the hormone insulin reduces blood from the blood. If salt concentrations are
sugar levels. When blood sugar becomes too low, negative feedback mechanisms would
high, what is most likely to happen to insulin most likely
and glucagon levels for the body to maintain A decrease the amount of salts removed.
B increase the amount of salts removed.
A Insulin levels increase and glucagon levels
C slow down overall kidney function.
D increase the rate of kidney function.
B Insulin and glucagon levels remain the same.
C Glucagon levels increase and insulin levels

D Insulin and glucagon levels decrease. Think about what the body needs to do to
maintain homeostasis in this situation. Remember,
the feedback mechanism should affect only
3. Why is it important that oxygen and carbon salt concentration.
dioxide levels be closely regulated in the
human body?
A Both gases are needed for the proper 6.
functioning of cell processes.
B Oxygen is needed for cell processes and carbon excretory respiratory
dioxide is a waste product. system system
C Both gases are waste products that need to be
removed from cells.
D The carbon and oxygen from the gases are Which characteristic best fits in the overlapping
needed to build new molecules. area of this Venn diagram?
A absorbs nutrients
B brings in oxygen
C transports oxygen
D removes wastes

Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis 815

Untitled-567 815 Making Connections loops working to maintain homeostasis5/25/2011 2:48:01 PM

might include those in the circulatory,
36. Answers will vary. Students would probably respiratory, endocrine, and nervous systems.
notice as they wake up that their heart beats 37. Sample Answer: Conditions: extreme cold,
slightly faster, their breathing rate increases, extreme muscular exertion, extreme oxygen
and their legs and arms move and stretch. requirements, extreme energy (glucose)
They might sneeze or cough on waking. They requirements. Feedback mechanisms:
might also notice the air temperature of the maintaining body temperature, blood
room is warmer or cooler than under the glucose levels, oxygen levels, and activity in
covers. They may notice they are hungry or the brain to coordinate movements and be
need to go to the bathroom. Nearly all the aware of surroundings
organ systems would be involved. Feedback

Chapter 28: Human Systems and Homeostasis  815

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