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Exam: Mid-term 2022-2023 Subject: Grammar

Date: 20th of Nov, 2022 Duration: 1h 30 mins

Name:……………………………………… Grade: ( 4)

Q1-Complete the next sentences : ( /4)

1- Mr Stafford …………….to Turkey last summer. (travel).

2- Henry ………… his notebook to his teacher yesterday. (Give).
3- The game ……..ten minutes ago . (Start ).
4- There ………. Fifty people at the party on the last Saturday.

Q2- Change the positive sentences to negative sentences: ( /2)

1-She sent him a letter.

_____________________________ an e-mail.

2-He gave us his phone number.

______________________________________his e-mail address.

Q3-Circle the correct answer: ( /4)

1-was it snowing (when / while) you went to bed last night ?

2-(when /while) I was walking home ,I found 50 dollars in the street.

3-I wasn’t sleeping (when /while ) he came back .

4-(when /while) I walked into the room , Dave was reading my diary.

Q4- Complete with plural of the words in brackets. ( /4)

1-Can you get two ……….(loaf) of bread and some ……… (tomatoes) from the

2- …………(deer) live in ………..(forest ) .


3-Dinner’s ready.Can you get the …….(knife) and ……..(fork) please?

Good luck 
Ms. Amani – English Teacher
Exam: Mid-term 2022-2023 Subject: Grammar

Date: 20th of Nov, 2022 Duration: 1h 30 mins

Name:……………………………………… Grade: ( 4)

Q5-Put (T) true or (F) false in front of following sentences : ( /8)

1-We use the ing form after go to talk about a particular activity or sport ( ).

2- We use past simple to talk about action started and finished in the past ( ).

3-The past of teach (thought). ( ).

4-We often use ago ,last , yesterday with past continuous ( ).

5-A proper noun begins with a capital letter ( ).

6-Adverb comes before the verb ( ).

7-We use past continuous to talk about an action was in progress at specific time in the
past( ).

8-When we use a plural noun , we must use a plural verb ( ).

Q6-Complete with a/an or the . ( /3)

1-This is …….. MP3 player and that’s……..laptop,Grandpa !

2-Is your mother …….. teacher?

3- ………….. air conditioner is …………machine that makes the air in ……….. room
or car stay cool .

Q7-Circle the correct answer. ( /4)

1-No , I don’t want (go / to go )!

2-Will your sister let us (use / to use ) her computer?
3- They promised (be / to be ) back at six.
4-I’d rather (stay /to stay ) at home tonight.

Good luck 
Ms. Amani – English Teacher

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