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Raymund Joshua T. Preña S.T.S.

October 4, 2022

Reading Comprehension Task

1.) What is the framework of de-development of rich countries all about?
The framework of de-development of rich countries is all about thinking of ways on how
these countries can “catch-down” to more appropriate levels of development. We have been
using more than half of our planet’s resource capacity every year and some countries have grown
too much. This makes pushing poor countries to grow not an option anymore and instead, rich
countries should de-develop.
2.) How is the de-development framework different from traditional frameworks of

The traditional framework is essentially “growth,” allowing society to improve its

capabilities by distributing a portion of wealth from the rich to the poor while maintaining a
balance. On the other hand, studies have shown that we have grown too much because we
have already exceeded our planet’s biocapacity by 50 percent per year. As a result,
instead of the traditional framework, Peter Edwards proposed that instead of the poor
countries catching up, the rich catch up and have an efficient and happy life, which is also known
as the de-development framework.

3.) According to Hickel, how can rich countries de-develop?

According to Hickel, rich countries can de-develop by reducing their consumption of

resources and think of ways to get rich countries to catch down to the level of development, by
living efficiently and happily.

4.) Why does Hickel frown upon pundits using terms such as de-growth, zero growth or
de-development in describing an alternative framework?
According to Hickel, it would be "off-putting" for starters as these terms are repulsive.
He claims that the terms de-growth, zero growth, or de-development point to the hindrance of
human progress and the purpose of life. A kind of thought that is agreeable as
humans tend to be curious and innovate ideas for the future.
5.) Some people might think that de-development is about giving things up. How
does Hickel explain that this is not the cause?
He emphasizes that we need to think about what we do in order to live the life we desire
and to know what it is all about. In addition, according to Hickel, fast progress
is unfavorable because humans tend to ignore natural rules. We should also be
sympathetic to those who are in need since we are all different, and some people have had
setbacks in their lives that have shaped them into the person they are now.

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