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Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2017.DOI

Predictive Current Trajectory Control for

PMSM at Voltage Limit
Genji Pei 1 , Liyi Li1 ,(Senior Member, IEEE), Xiaonan Gao2 , Jiaxi Liu1 , and Ralph Kennel2 ,
(Senior Member, IEEE),
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China
Technical University of Munich, Munich, German
Corresponding author: Liyi Li (e-mail:

ABSTRACT This paper presents a fast predictive current trajectory strategy for permanent magnet
synchronous motors (PMSMs) at voltage limit. The current hexagon obtained from the voltage hexagon
of the inverter represents the region that the currents can reach in the next switching periond. The nearest
avaliable current point to the reference is solved by geometrical method on the current plane. The output
of the proposed algorithm is divided into four cases according to the position of the current points. The
algorithm combines FCS-MPC and DPCC, has the merits of both method and also the fast dynamic
at voltage limits. In order to increase the robustness against the parameter variations, moving horizon
estimator is utilized. The rotor flux is eliminated in the algorithm and the voltage errors caused by resistance
and inductance mismatches are compensated by the estimator. Several experiments are performed with
DPCC, FCS-MPC and the predictive current trajectory control method. These comparisons validate the
effectiveness of the proposed method.

INDEX TERMS disturbance observer, geometrical solution, PMSM, predictive control, voltage limit

I. INTRODUCTION the model. However, like other vector control methods, the
N many industrial applications, especially high- performance is limited when the available voltage is insuf-
I performance ac motor drives, permanent magnet syn-
chronous motors (PMSMs) are widely used for the merits
ficient [6], i.e. the current command cannot be achieved in
one control period due to the voltage limit. When the current
of high power denisty and good control performance. The command is large, the output voltage is saturated and the
current loop is the innest part of the control system and couple of the dq-axis currents becomes large.
produces voltage reference. However, if the high current Finite control set model predictive control (FCS-MPC)
dynamic is required and a large current command occurs, predicts the currents with the basic voltage vectors. Then
the calculated voltages from the current regulators may the vector which minimizes the cost function is selected
easily go beyond the limits of the DC-link voltage and the and directly applied to the inverter. Without a modulator,
current regulators may be seriously saturated [1]. To avoid the switching frequency is variable and the current harmonic
the performance deteriation and improve the dynamic, a well- is large. Some new structures and improvements have been
designed current regulator is necessary. proposed to address this issue. Ref [7] extends more candi-
Predictive control attracts much interest due to its fast date voltage vectors to make the prediction more accurate,
dynamic and simple structure [2]. As one of the predictive and reduce the torque ripple. A new method, in [8] and
control method, deadbeat control aims to control the states to [9], is proposed to minimize the cost function and reduce
track the reference values at the end of the switching period, the harmonic with a deadbeat solution. However, the control
by solving the volt-second vector based on the mathematical ability at the physical limits is not concerned in these work.
model. There are two kinds of deadbeat control for PMSM In this work, the MPC and DPCC are well combined in a new
drives, deadbeat direct torque and flux control (DB-DTFC) predictive strategy for good performance, and the dynamic at
[3], [4], and deadbeat predictive current control (DPCC) limits is considered.
[5]. Deadbeat control is a high bandwidth feedback control To improve the current control performance at current and
method which calculates the reference voltages directly by voltage limits, many methods have been proposed. Anti-

VOLUME 4, 2016 1

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2962742, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

windup is an intuitive method to avoid voltage saturation to express the machine variables and dynamics. The current
[10] [11]. Since the voltage references cannot be linearly and voltage limits are considered in the proposed method.
synthesized in this condition, the current tracking perfor- Different from the other methods, the basic current hexagon,
mance is significantly degraded. Feedback method [1], [12] within which the current points can be reached in next control
has a simple concept to avoid the voltage saturation. This is period, is first obtained with the basic voltage vectors of the
achieved by alleviating the voltage deficiency with a current inverter. Then, the relative position of the reference current
feedback scheme. In [1], d-axis current is intensified in the point and the current hexagon is defined in four cases, and
transient state of the PI regulator to secure the voltage margin. the solutions are operated separately. The proposed strategy
The settling time is reasonable reduced. calculates the regulating capability at every operating point
Time-optimal control at voltage and current limits are in the discrete domain without the deriatives of the voltage or
researched in DB-DTFC [6] [13] [14]. In [6], a minimum- the torque. It switches freely between two predictive control
time ramp trajectory method is proposed as a suboptimal method, i.e. DPCC and FCS-MPC in transient state and also
control algorithm for DB-DTFC IPMSM drives to improve has good control performance in steady states. Moreover, to
transient torque response at voltage limits. In [14], a time increase the robustness of the system against the parameter
optimal torque trajectory method is proposed using dynamic variations, a moving horizon estimator (MHE) is utilized
programming and pontryagin’s maximom principle as its to estimate the disturbance. Therefore, the back-emf term
optimization methods. The fast transient dynamics and dead- including the flux-linkage is eliminated in the algorithm and
beat response at every PWM instant can be achieved along the influence of the parameter mismatches is compensated.
the time optimal trajectory. This paper is orgnized as follows. Section II introduces the
Moreover, the idea of using derivative and extremum is mathematical equations of PMSM and the basic knowledge
used in [15]. The method obtains the voltage vector for a of DPCC and FCS-MPC. Section III presents the algorithm
fast torque response by calculating the partial derivative of of MHE and updates the control model. In section IV, the
torque to d-axis voltage. The obtained formula maximizes proposed current control strategy is elaborated. Section V
the torque change in each sampling time. Ref [16], [17] provides the experiments results to validate effectiveness of
process the voltage feedback information and obtain geomet- the proposed method. Section VI concludes the work.
rical optimization algorithms to select the constraint-optimal
dq-current setpoint adjustments. The algorithm has a fast II. MOTOR MODEL AND PREDICTIVE CONTROL
dynamic in torque response. Ref [18] presents four differnet METHODS
real-time strategies on the current, flux linkage and voltage A. MACHINE MATHEMATICAL MODEL
plane to visulize the physics of the machine dynamics. These The voltage equations of PMSM in the rotating reference
four strategies control the system with different targets for frame (dq-axis) are presented as (1).
fast torque response or time minimization to reach current
reference. Ref [19] operates the time-optimal control for 
current trajectory and presents the numerical solution. Ref ud = Rs id + Ld d d − ωe Lq iq

dt (1)
[20] utilizes Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle to obtain the
uq = Rs iq + Lq d iq + ωe Ld id + ωe ψf

time-minimum current trajectory. dt
It is a drawback of the model-based methods that the
algorithm relies on the accuracy of the model parameters. A where ωe = pωm is the electrical angular speed. ωm and
common solution in predictive control is to use a disturbance p are the rotor speed and polepairs. Rs , Ld , Lq , ψf are the
observer (DOB) [21]. Different observation methods are used phase resistance, inductance of d-axis, q-axis and the rotor
to improve the robustness, e.g. extend kalman filter (EKF) flux linkage, respectively. The electromagnet torque can be
[22], sliding-mode observer (SMO) [23], extended states controlled through the dq-axis currents by:
observer (ESO) [24]. Moving horizon estimator (MHE) is a
new method compared with the methods mentioned above. 3
Te = pψf (iq + (Ld − Lq )id iq ) (2)
It can provide a robust and stable estimation in case of 2
convergent process and measurement disturbances, due to its The predictive controller design and the digital process
full information version [25], [26]. Recently, MHE is used as require a discrete machine model. The most commonly
a high bandwidth estimator for sensorless control of PMSM used discretization method in motor control is forward
in [27] and [28]. Ref [29] uses the MHE theory to estimate the Euler method, i.e. at the kth sampling instance, d dt id
rotating nonlinearties of the PMSM. In this paper, we present id [k+1]−id [k]
Ts , where Ts is the sampling time and the time for
a MHE algorithm to estimate the back-EMF and disturbance
executing the control algorithm. The discrete-time model in
due to its high bandwidth performance.
dq-axis is expressed in (3):
In this paper, we propose a current trajectory optimization
strategy based on predictive control with MHE. The algo-
id [k + 1] id [k] ud [k]
rithm is described on the dq-axis current plane and solved =A +B + D[k]
iq [k + 1] iq [k] uq [k]
with geometrical method, which is a simple and intuitive way (3)
2 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2962742, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

FIGURE 1. The block diagram of DPCC. FIGURE 2. The block diagram of FCS-MPC.

where" # (3). The cost function for current control is usually designed
1− RLs
T s ω e [k]T s as:
A= ,
−ωe [k]Ts 1 − R Ls Ts

gj = |i∗d (k) − idj (k)| + i∗q (k) − iqj (k)

" # " #
Ls 0 0
B= Ts , D[k] = ωe [k]ψf Ts
0 L s Ls The jth voltage vector Uj which minimizes the cost func-
tion will be selected to operated by the inverter. Note that
B. DEADBEAT PREDICTIVE CURRENT CONTROL one-step prediction also needs to be implemented to reduce
Deadbeat predictive current control aims to make the motor the influence of digital time delay.
currents track the references in the next sampling instant by
calculating a proper voltage command. According to the DB III. DISTURBANCE ESTIMATION WITH MOVING
theory, the reference voltages can be obtained by replacing HORIZON ESTIMATOR
the predictive currents with the reference currents as (4): It is one of the drawbacks of model-based control method
 ∗   i∗    (DPCC and MPC) that the algorithms are sensitive to the
ud [k] −1 d id [k] 
parameters and the disturbance. In this work, we use the
∗ =B ∗ −A − D[k] (4)
uq [k] iq iq [k] MHE to estimate the disturbance due to its fast dynamic.
These voltages will be implemented by the modulator at The estimated disturbance are the voltage terms including the
next sampling instant in the digital system. Therefore, one- back-EMF and the voltage errors caused by the parameter
step prediction is performed in predictive control methods mismatches. The moving horizon estimator is operated with
to reduce the digital time delay. Otherwise, overshoots and a fixed horizon N and a cost function for optimization.
oscillations will appear. The brief block diagram of DPCC It estimates the states with the information of the past N
in dq-axis is shown in Fig.1. In the DPCC of dq-axis, the periods.
currents at k + 1th instant is first obtained with (3) for the
one-step prediction. Then the reference voltages are modified A. THE MODEL OF MHE
as: The voltage equations in dq-axis with disturbance (fd , fq ) is
 ∗   i∗    written as follows [21].
ud [k + 1] −1 d id [k + 1] 
=B ∗ −A − D[k + 1] di

uq [k + 1] iq iq [k + 1] ud − fd = Rs0 id + Ls0 d − Ls0 ωe iq

(5) dt (7)
 uq − fq = Rs0 iq + Ls0 q + Ls0 ωe id

C. FINITE CONTROL SET MODEL PREDICTIVE where Rs0 = Rs − ∆R; Ls0 = Ls − ∆Ls and subscript
CONTROL ’0 ’ denotes the nominal value. Taken the unmodeled un-
Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control is one of the certainties εd , εq into consideration, the disturbance can be
direct control strategies for electric drives. The method pre- expressed as:
dicts the machine variables with the feasible voltage vectors 
of the inverter. The optimal voltage vector, which is to be fd = ∆Rid + ∆Ls d − ∆Ls iq ωe + εd

dt (8)
applied in the next sampling period, is selected with a cost fq = ∆Riq + ∆Ls diq + ∆Ls id ωe + ωe ψf + εq

function. The design of the cost function decides the control dt
performance of the method. The brief block diagram of FCS- ψf = ψf 0 + ∆ψf . Note that the back-EMF term is included
MPC is shown in Fig. 2. In a 2-level voltage source inverter, in fq , therefore, the flux is elimated in the equations. Replac-
8 basic voltage vectors (Uj , j = 0, 1..7) are used in the basic ing D[k] with the estimated term, the model with parameter
FCS-MPC. The equivalent dq-axis voltages are calculated mismatches can be expressed as:
with each switching state Sabc , then the predicted dq-axis
currents idj , iqj can be obtaied with the different voltages and x[k + 1] = A0 x[k] + B0 (u[k] − f [k]) (9)
VOLUME 4, 2016 3

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2962742, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

where x[k] = [id [k], iq [k]]T , u[k] = [ud [k], uq [k]]T .f [k] = IV. PREDICTIVE CURRENT CONTROL WITH
[fd [k], fq [k]]T is the disturbance term. A0 , B0 are the new GEOMETRICAL SOLUTION
matrixes, which replace the parameters Rs , Ls in A, B with DPCC and FCS-MPC have the merit of fast dynamic because
nominal values Rs0 , Ls0 . The extended observer model is: of the model-based characteristic. However, the performance
( will be degraded when the calculated voltages beyond the
x̂[k + 1] = A0 x̂[k] + B0 (u[k] − fˆ[k]) limits. In this section, a hybrid control strategy is proposed
fˆ[k] = fˆ[k − 1] + ∆fˆ[k − 1] and the nearest current point to the reference is solved every
Then the MHE model can be obtained with the extended
models of the past N sampling periods. A. CURRENT COMMAND SETPOINT
A current regulator, which is usually used as the inner loop
X̂ = Φx̂0 + Γ(U − F̂ − ∆F̂ ) (11) of the speed and motion control, aims to find the appropriate
voltages to drive the motor currents from the current values
where X̂ = [x̂[k−N +1] , ···, x̂[k+1] ]T is the states vector, x̂0 =
to the command points. Given a dq−axis current request,
x̂k−N . U = [u[k−N ] , · · ·, u[k] ]T is the control vector, F̂ = the command setpoint for the regulator is a certain point
[fˆ[k−N −1] , · · ·, fˆ[k−1] ]T is the disturbance vector, and ∆F̂ is with the commanded dq−axis current values, (idcom , iqcom ).
the increment of the disturbance, which is also the optimation Given a torque request, the dq−axis current commands are
result of the cost function. Φ and Γ are the extended matrixes infinite. Considering the copper loss and the temperature rise,
after the iteration. the desirable current references idcom , iqcom can be obtained
 

B0 0 ... 0
 with MTPA trajectory as (15) [30]. Where is is the stator
A0  A0 B0 phase current.
.. B0 ... 0 
Φ= , Γ =
  
.. ..

.   ..   q
N +1
 . . . 0   ψ −
ψf2 + 8 (Lq − Ld ) i2s
A0 N −1
 f

0 B0 A0 B0 . . . B 0 i
dcom =
4 (Lq − Ld ) (15)

 q

s dcom
The cost function J is designed as a quadratic form to value
J = (X − X̂)T (X − X̂) + ∆F̂ T Λ∆F̂ (12) To improve the performance at the operating points near the
current and voltage limits, we propose a hybrid predictive
where X = [x[k−N +1] , · · ·, x[k+1] ] is the measured actual control strategy and obtain the solution with geometrical
states. The first term values the errors between the mea- description on the dq-axis current plane.
sured currents and the estimated currents. The second term Fig. 3 shows the basic voltage and current hexagon in the
is a restriction of increment of the estimated disturbance. αβ-axis voltage and dq-axis current plane, respectively. The
Λ = diag(λ1 I2 , · · ·, λN +1 I2 ) is the weighting matrix, which current point at the current instant is i0 (id0 , iq0 ). With one-
influences the convergence performance of the estimator. I2 step prediction, id0 = id [k + 1], iq0 = iq [k + 1]. This paper
is 2 × 2 identity matrix. To obtain the optimal control term uses one bold letter to express the current point on the plane
∆F̂ , a linear quadratic problem is stated as: or the vector from origin to the point, two bold letters to
min J(X̂, ∆F̂ ) express the vector from the first point to the second one and
|·| to express the length of the vector. The radius Imax of
s.t. X̂ = Φx̂0 + Γ(U − F̂ − ∆F̂ )
the current circle is the maximum allowable current of the
The cost function J can get the minimum value when its system. The six basic current vectors i0 ij (j = 1, 2, ...6) in
gradient to ∆F̂ equals zero: (b) correspond to the basic voltage vectors Uj in (a). The
predicted current vertexes ij (idj , iqj ) can be obtained with
∂J estimated disturbance and (9).
=0 (13)
∂∆F̂ The points in the current hexagon and the points in the
voltage hexagon correspond to each other. Taken point up on
By substituting (11), (12) into (13), the optimal result of the side as an example, the point in dq-axis is up = (λU1 +
∆F̂ can be expressed as: (1 − λ)U2 )e−jθ . Considering the steady-state, the voltage
−1 T equation can be expressed as u = (Rs + jωe Ls )i + Φ. Then
∆F̂ = − 2ΓT Γ + Λ · 2H T Γ (14) the correspond point ip on the current plane is:
where H = X − Φx̂0 − Γ(U − F̂ ). The output of MHE fˆ up − Φ (λU1 + (1 − λU2 )) e−jθ − Φ
ip = =
is the N + 1th term of F̂ + ∆F̂ . In this work, due to the Rs + jωe Ls Rs + jωe Ls (16)
computation burden, the number of N is set as 1. = λi1 + (1 − λ)i2
4 VOLUME 4, 2016

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2962742, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS


(|icom | ≤ |I|max )

iref = icom if
|I| (17)
iref = max icom if (|icom | > |I|max )
|icom |
Then the desired current increment vector from the actual
current point to the reference can be expressed as:

i0 iref = iref − i0 (18)

FIGURE 3. Symbol for the hexagons and the operating points. (a) basic 2) find the sector j where i0 iref is located
voltage hexagon in the voltage plane. (b) basic current hexagon in the current
The basic of the following comparison and output voltage
selection is to find out which two basic current vectors i0 iref
is between, as shown in Fig. 3. Vector products are used in
this work. The vector product of i0 iref and the basic current
vector i0 ij can be expressed as:

i0 iref ×i0 ij = (idref −id0 )(iqj −iq0 )−(iqref −iq0 )(idj −id0 )
The value of (19) is the length of the product and the
symbol of (19) represents the direction of the product. On
a two-dimensional plane, if the vector product is positive, it
indicates that the second vector is clockwise in the first one
and the angle is less than 180 degrees. Therefore, if the vector
i0 iref is in the sector j between the two basic current vector
i0 ij and i0 ij+1 , then the following equation is satisfied:

(i0 iref × i0 ij ) · (i0 iref × i0 ij+1 ) < 0 (20)

3) determine whether iref is inside the hexagon

The third step is to find out whether the reference iref can
be reached within the next control period. If iref is inside
FIGURE 4. Flowchart of the proposed predictive control method. the hexagon, the DPCC can be directly used to calculate the
voltage reference. Otherwise, the algorithm needs to be mod-
ified. After the section j is determined in last step, the basic
In this way, the basic current hexagon shows the available current vectors are decided. The geometrical description is
current region which can be reached in the next period shown in Fig. 5. Where y is the vertical foot from i0 to line:
with the inverter voltage. However, when the current change ij ij+1 , x is the intersection of line: i0 iref and line: ij ij+1 .
is large, namely the reference current point is outside the The distance D from i0 to the side of the sector j is:
hexagon, the saturation will occur and the performance will
be degraded. The proposed predictive control method aims to D = |i0 y| =|(id0 − idj )(iqj+1 − iqj )−
find the optimal current points within or on the hexagon. The (iq0 − iqj )(idj+1 − idj )|
flow chart of the algorithm is shown in Fig. 4 and the steps
are listed and introduced as following. The angle θx between the i0 iref and ij ij+1 can be ob-
tained by:
1) determine the current reference i0 iref · ij ij+1
The reliable current points must be within the current limit. cos θx = (22)
|i0 iref ||ij ij+1 |
For a current reference, the point can be set directly on the
plane. For a torque command, the current reference is first Then the length of |i0 x| can be expressed as:
selected with MTPA (15) and then the target changes to D
the current point tracking problem. If the original current |i0 x| = (23)
sin θx
command icom is outside the circle, it cannot be reached
without violating the constraint. The command setpoint is If the value of |i0 x| is larger than |i0 iref |, the current
selected on the current circle along the direction of the vector reference point is in the hexagon. Otherwise, the algorithm
icom = (idcom , iqcom ). Then the command setpoint is solved needs to be modified.
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2962742, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

the hexagon, the position of the vertical foot from iref to the
line: ij ij+1 is solved. In Fig. 6, z(idz , iqz ) is the vertical foot
and the following equation is satisfied:
iqref − iqz idj − idj+1

 =
dref − idz iqj − iqj+1
iqj − i qz iqj − iqj+1

idj − idz idj − idj+1

Solving (24), the coordinate of point z is obtained:

 1
FIGURE 5. Determine the position of iref . (a) outside the hexagon. (b) inside
 i dz = (iqj+1 − iqj ) (idj+1 iqj − idj iqj+1 ) +

the hexagon. 
(idj − idj+1 ) (idj − idj+1 ) idref

+ (iqj+1 − iqj ) iqref

 2

 i qz = − (iqj − iqj+1 ) iqref + (idj − idj+1 )

 −i i +i
dj+1 qj (i − i dref )+i i
qj qj+1 dj qj+1
h = (idj − idj+1 )2 − (iqj − iqj+1 )2
If the foot z is on the line segment between ij and ij+1 , it
is the nearest reachable current point. Then the new current
command point is upated with: iref = z(idz , iqz ).
Case 3: if iref and iz are both outside the hexagon, the
nearest point will be the vertex of the current hexagon. Fig.
6 (c) represents the condition that ij+1 is on the left of the
ij . If iz is on the left of ij+1 , the selected current vector is
i0 ij+1 . The relative output basic voltage vector is j + 1th.
Otherwise, the vector will is jth as (26). The voltage vector
can be operated directly on the motor, like MPC, to obtain
the fast dynamic.
FIGURE 6. Four cases for the proposed method. (a) iref is inside the
hexagon. (b) the foot point z is on the side. (c) z is on the extension of ij ij+1 jout = j + 1 (if idz < idj+1 )
and ij+1 is on the left of ij . (d) z is on the extension of ij ij+1 and ij+1 is (26)
on the right of ij .
jout = j (if idz > idj )
Case 4: if ij+1 is on the right of the ij as shown in Fig. 6
(d), the conclusion is opposite as (27).
4) The output of the proposed method (
jout = j + 1 (if idz > idj+1 )
The output signals of the conventional current controllers are (27)
the reference voltages, e.g. DPCC. As for the direct drive jout = j (if idz < idj )
method, e.g. FCS-MPC, the signal is the selected voltage In this way, four cases switch based on the position of iref
vector. The purpose of the proposed method is to change the and iz . The current point moves towards the reference with
current trajectory and find the nearest available current point the fastest speed in every period.
to the reference. Therefore, the dynamic is improved even
with the voltage limit because there is no saturation in the V. VALIDATION
algorithm. Both MPC and DPCC are used in the algorithm Several experiments are performed on a SPMSM platform, as
which can switch fluently between each other. The output of shown in Fig. 7 to validate the effectiveness of the proposed
the proposed method is divided into four cases as shown in method. The rated values and parameters of the PMSM are
Fig. 6. given in Table I. The test SPMSM is in the power-driven
Case 1: if iref is inside the hexagon, the point can be state and driven by a servo motor which is in the power
directly reached with DPCC. The output dq-axis reference generation state. The servo motor is controlled in speed mode
voltages is calculated and SVPWM is used to sovle the time by a commercial controller and the SPMSM is controlled
duration of the basic voltage vectors. Note that the SVPWM in current mode to operate the proposed method. The DC-
here is not limited by the inscribed circle. link voltage of the inverter for SPMSM is supplied by a
Case 2: if the current reference is large, i.e. iref is outside programmable DC power, thus, the voltage can be tuned
6 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2962742, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

speed (rpm)

idq [10A/div]



90 fd

60 fq
FIGURE 7. Experiment setup. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Time [sec]

TABLE 1. Nominal PMSM parameters FIGURE 8. Experiment results at 1500rpm, id = −15A, iq = 29A.

Symbol Quantity Quantity

nrated Rated speed 1700rpm
Te,rated Rated torque 24N m 4

idq [10A/div]
Irated Rated current 29.1A 3

Rs Stator resistance 0.04Ω 0 2
L Stator inductance 0.72mH 1
ψf Permanent-magnet flux linkage 0.05W b 0
1 1.002 1 1.002
np Pole pairs 11
Time [sec] Time [sec]
fe,rated Rated electrical angular speed 311.7Hz
FIGURE 9. Zoomed waveforms of Fig. 8.

for different experiments. The current control methods are

carried out on a 32-bit floating-point DSP TMS320F28335. i0 z i ref ij

The sampling frequency of the current loop is set as 10 kHz, 30 30 30

which is equaled to the switching frequency of insulated-
iq (A)

iq (A)

iq (A)
15 15 15
gate-bipolar-transistors (IGBTs). The dead time of the power 0 0 0
devices is set as 1µs. The rotor position and the currents of
-15 -15 -15
phase A/B are measured by a resolver and current sensors.
-20 0 20 -20 0 20 -20 0 20
An external 12-bit D/A converter is applied in the hardware id(A) (t=0.5s) id(A) (t=1.0s) id(A) (t=1.5s)
circuits. The digital variables are converted to analogy signals
and shown on a scope DLM2034 in the experiments of FIGURE 10. Experiment results on the current plane.
this work. In the following experiments, the dq-axis current
reference are used directly instead of a torque command.
certain instant. When a large reference is commanded, the
A. PERFORMANCE AT STEADY STATES points iref and z are located outside the hexagon. Due to
First, the experiment results of the proposed method at steady the position of the points, case 4 is first operated (as shown in
states with accurate parameters are presented in Fig. 8, of Fig. 10 (b)) and then turns to case 2. Note that cases 2, 3 and 4
which the zoomed waveforms are shown in Fig. 9. The are all possible when iref is outside the hexagon. It depends
servo motor accelerates from 0 to 1500rpm and the current on the angle of the hexagon, which is related to the position
command point are set as (-15A, 29A) at 1s and (0A, 0A) of rotor. When the current is close to the command point, the
at 1.5s. The condition that the reference point is beyond case return to case 1. When the current reference returns to
the max current circle Imax is not concern in this work, the origin, the method is first operated in case 2 as Fig. 10 (c).
because it can not be reached without violating the limit. The It can be seen that the algorithm can switch fluently to select
currents track the reference fast and a small error, about −2A, the optimal case for the fast dynamic.
exists in id due to the delays of the system. The estimated
disturbances are shown at the bottom of Fig. 8. fq increases B. PERFORMANCE COMPARISON WITH DIFFERENT
with the speed when the motor accelerates. The value is METHODS
equal to the back-EMF while fd is zero when there is no In this section, the experiments of three methods: DPCC,
parameter mismatches. In the begining of the experiment, FCS-MPC, the proposed predictive method are performed
the current command point is the origin which is within and compared. The motor is rotated at rated speed (1700rpm)
the current hexagon as shown in Fig. 10 (a). The proposed and then step reference iq is operated. First, the DC-voltage
method operates at case 1. The hexagons are calculated based is set as 200V and the results are shown in Fig. 11. It can
on the sampled currents, rotor speed and position at the be seen that, the dynamics of FCS-MPC and the proposed
VOLUME 4, 2016 7

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2962742, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

20 20
10 10
id (A)

id (A)
30 30
0 0
-10 -10
proposed MPC
40 20 40 proposed MPC 20

iq (A)

iq (A)
iq (A)

iq (A)
20 20

0 10 0 10

4 Ref 4 Ref

2 0 2 0
proposed proposed
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 -10 0 10 0 2 4 6 8 -10 0 10
Time [msec] id (A) Time [msec] id (A)
(a) (b) (a) (b)

FIGURE 11. Experiment results with 200V DC-voltage. (a) current waveforms. FIGURE 13. Experiment results with 185V DC-voltage. (a) current waveforms.
(b) current trajectories. (b) current trajectories.

i0 z i ref ij i0 z i ref ij
30 30 30 30 30 30

15 15 15 15 15 15

iq (A)

iq (A)

iq (A)
iq (A)

iq (A)

iq (A)

0 0 0 0 0 0

-15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15

-20 0 20 -20 0 20 -20 0 20 -20 0 20 -20 0 20 -20 0 20

id(A) (t=2.2ms) id(A) (t=2.4ms) id(A) (t=2.6ms) id(A) (t=2.7ms) id(A) (t=3.4ms) id(A) (t=4.8ms)

FIGURE 12. The current plane at different instants with 200V DC-voltage. FIGURE 14. The current plane at different instants with 185V DC-voltage.

predictive method are faster than DPCC. However, the cur- case switches between 1 and 2 frequently.
rent ripple of FCS-MPC is much larger than the proposed
method. Moreover, it is the drawback of MPC that the d-axis C. PERFORMANCE WITH PARAMETER MISMATCH
current can not be controlled precisely. Since only the eight In this section, several experiments with different parameters
basic voltage vectors are used, the currents are always in the are performed. Since the real parameter of SPMSM is hard
process of large scale adjustment. In Fig. 11 (b), the current to change in a short period, instead, the parameters used in
trajectory from the origin to the reference of three methods algorithm are changed for comparison. The performance of
are shown. Since it takes longer time to reach the current the proposed method with the MHE (here named method 1)
command, the curve of DPCC contains more points. A large is compared with that of DPCC and the proposed current
negtive id occurs in the proposed method due to the optimal control without MHE (here named method 2). The results
trajectory as shown in Fig. 12. z is on the left of the origin in are shown in Fig. 15. The motor speed is 800rpm and the
the first periods and the currents are controlled to track z or performance of three methods shows similar performance
the blue point ij+1 by case 2 or 4. If the point z locates on with the nonimal parameters in (a). When the flux is set as
the side of the hexagon, the method switches to case 2. 1.5ψf 0 , iq of DPCC and method 2 deviate from the reference
The results with lower DC-link voltage 185V are shown value in both no load and load condition. However, the
in Fig. 13. In this condition, the currents of DPCC can not currents of method 1 do not change because the flux is not
track the references due to the serious saturation and the used in the algorithm and the voltage terms are replaced by
limit of voltage modulation. It aslo takes longer time for fd , fq . When the resistance changes to 10Rs0 in (c), iq of
FCS-MPC to track the reference. However, the currents of DPCC and method 2 become larger than the reference after
the proposed method can still show good performance. The the command is operated. While the current performance
negative id reduces the d−axis voltage and the combination of the method 1 is hardly influenced because the voltage
of FCS-MPC increases the utilize of the DC-link voltage. error caused by the resistance variation is compensated by
Because the current hexgons with lower voltage (as shown the estimated disturbance. While the variation of inductance
in Fig. 14) are smaller than those of the Fig. 12, the i0 and influence the d−axis current most, with large iq according
iref locate close to the side of the hexagon when the current to (8). It can be seen that, the accuracy of flux linkage
point is near the reference with large back-EMF. The current affects the current tracking performace more seriously, since
reference point iref goes beyond the hexagon more easily the back-EMF is usually larger than the voltage drop on
with the current harmonic and the rotor rotation, so that the the impedance when the motor is rotating. With the help
8 VOLUME 4, 2016

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2962742, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

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VOLUME 4, 2016 9

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2962742, IEEE Access

Author et al.: Preparation of Papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS

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[29] F. Toso, M. De Soricellis, M. Preindl, and S. Bolognani, “Moving horizon
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degrees from the Harbin Institute of Technology,
Harbin, China, in 2004, 2006, and 2010, respec-
tively. Since 2015, he has been a associate Profes-
sor with the School of Electrical Engineering and
GENJI PEI received the B.E. degrees from the Automation, HIT.
Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin, His research interests include high speed motor
China, in 2016. After that, he has been a Ph. D drive, servo control in the Nano-field. He holds six
candidate in the School of Electrical Engineering patents.
and Automation, HIT. He worked as a joint Ph.
D candidate in the Institute for Electrical Drive
Systems and Power Electronics, Technical Univer-
sity of Munich, German from 2018 to 2019. His
research interests include parameter identification,
robust control, model predictive control of PMSM.

RALPH KENNEL (M’89-SM’96) was born in

1955 at Kaiserslautern (Germany). In 1979 he
got his diploma degree and in 1984 his Dr.-Ing.
LIYI LI (M’09-SM’17) received the B.E., M.E. (Ph.D.) degree from the University of Kaiser-
and D.E. degrees from the Harbin Institute of slautern. Since 2008 he is Professor for Electrical
Technology (HIT), Harbin, China, in 1991, 1995, Drive systems and Power Electronics at Technis-
and 2001, respectively. Since 2004, he has been a che Universtaet Muenchen (Germany). His main
Professor of the School of Electrical Engineering interests today are: Sensorless control of AC
and Automation, HIT. drives, predictive control of power electronics and
In 2013, he became "Yangtze Fund Scholar" Hardware-in-the-Loop systems.
Distinguished Professor and is currently supported Dr. Kennel is a Senior Member of IEEE, a Fellow of IEE and a Chartered
by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Engineer in the UK. Within IEEE he is Treasurer of the Germany Section
Young Scholars. He has authored or coauthored as well as ECCE Global Partnership Chair of the Power Electronics society
more than 110 technical papers and is the holder of 50 patents. His research (PELS).
interests include design, drive and control of linear motors, design and drive
of high-speed/power density permanent magnet machines.

10 VOLUME 4, 2016

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