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Writing 1

Ingrid Urquiza
Barbara Ivonne Llano


We thinks the most positive effects of social media on families is that relatives
spend a lot of time away from each other can keep in touch with each other and feel
closer to the other despite the distance, Family members can send or receive text,
audio and videos.
If we travel abroad, we can call or do videocalls with our family. As technology
has changed with time, people in general has had to adapt and look for positive
side of it.
From other hand, the social media negatively affects young people and children more
than anything, since they spend all their time on their cell phones and prefer to
use them instead of going out with friends or doing some sport. Unlike the young
generation, some adults still prefer to read news in newspaper, watch tv shows on
tv or just talk face to face with friend; this makes young people see them as dumb
in the face of technology and, for example, in some homes due to the difference in
knowledge regarding technology, young people simply prefer not to talk to their
parents, to ignore them, in some cases there are discussions and misunderstandings.

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