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Today's teenagers have a different life than previous generations.

Teens have more liberty of speech and as they have less responsibility at
home, they have more time available to be with friends, or to stay connectedto
technology. On the one hand technology facility in many areas for teens
(education, social, politics,etc) and has a reasoning/ thought fasted due,
principally, to games. On the other hand, don´t socialise directly whit friends
and get addicted to phones, games, television, etc. Because of this liberty,
some adolescents haven´t respect for others, have attitudes/ behaviors lesser
adequates, and sometimes haven't awareness of what they are doing.
Adolescentes are now more adventurous and risk more, for example going to
study for another country, but risk taking impulsive decisions.
Today's teenagers have both possitive and negatives aspects. They care about
their physical appearance and growing changes, because they want to be
accepted by their colleagues. So some teens suffer from depression and peer
pressure, which can lead to eating disorders and lack of self esteem.

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