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Importance of Computer – Unit 01

What is a computer?
• Computer is a fast electronic device made to fulfil our needs.

Functions of a computer
• There are 03 basic functions of a computer.
1. Input – give data to the computer.
2. Process – process data
3. Output – get information

Significant features of a computer

1. Speed and Efficiency
2. Accuracy
3. Reliability
4. Consistency
5. Storage Capacity
6. Cost
7. Intelligence

Devices with Embedded Computers

• Devices with computers to perform a specific task are called embedded devices.
Mobile phones
Washing Machines
Modern television

Components of a Computer

Grade 6 – Information and Communication Technology – Isipathana College, Colombo 05.

• A computer is a unit which consists of many parts.
• We can categories those parts into components according to the nature of the function
they do.
1. Input Devices
2. Output Devices
3. Central Processing unit
4. Main Memory
5. Storage Devices
6. Communication Devices

Input Devices
o The devices which use to enter data and instructions to computers are called input
o Examples –
Web Camera
Barcode Reader

Output Devices
o The devices which use to retrieve the data and information are called output devices.
o Examples –
Computer Monitor
Multimedia Projector

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

o Controlling the computer and processing data according to the given instructions are
done by the Central Processing Unit.
o The Central Processing unit is located inside the system unit on the mother board.

Main Memory
o We use main memory to store data, information and instructions temporarily.
Grade 6 – Information and Communication Technology – Isipathana College, Colombo 05.
o It also called as Random Access Memory (RAM).

Storage Devices
o The devices which use to store data, information and instructions are called storage
o It can be divided into 02 main parts.
1. Internal Storage Devices – Internal Hard disk
2. External Storage Devices – External Hard disk, CD, DVD, Flash drive

Communication Devices
o The devices which are used to exchange the processed data and information are called
communication devices.
o Examples –
Network Interface Card (NIC)

What is a Software?
o A software is a set of programs designed to execute certain tasks by using a computer.
o Examples –
Word Processing Software – MS Word
Computer Games
Video Editing Software
Painting Software
Media Player

Where we can use Computers?

o Activities in all sectors have become easy by the use of computers.
o Examples –

01.Computers in Schools
Grade 6 – Information and Communication Technology – Isipathana College, Colombo 05.
o Computers simplify work and bring effectiveness to office works in the school
o Computers are used instead of blackboard and books in the learning process.
o Obtain additional knowledge related to subjects by accessing the internet.

02.Computers in Banks
o Use of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) to deposit and withdraw money.
o Using electronic cards to settle bills when purchasing goods.
o Internet banking and mobile banking are latest trends in the banking system.

03.Computers in Hospitals
o Digital thermometer is an embedded computer device which can be used at
o Use of computer and embedded computer devices in Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
o Use of computers and embedded computer devices in an operation theatre.

04.Computers in Factories
o Human labor is replaced by computer devices. As a result, production can be
o The use of robotic technology is a latest improvement in industrial work.
Activities in industrial sector have become easier by that.

05.Computers in Agriculture.
o Embedded computer devices are used in various activities such as harvesting,
weeding and water supplying.
o So, the productivity can be increased by minimizing expenditure.

Grade 6 – Information and Communication Technology – Isipathana College, Colombo 05.

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