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Lesson plan

Scool: Școala Gimnazială GEORGE VÂSAN Amara

Grade: 8th B and C
Date: 04.11.2022
Level: pre-intermediate
Book: Art Klett
Lesson title: comparison of adverbs
Lesson type: teaching grammar
Time 50 min
Aids: handouts
Skills: all
Aims: by the end of the esson Ss should be able
- To recognize the adverbs within simple written contexts
- To read and translate a text
- To answer questions formulating with adverbs in different comparison degrees
- To solve gap exercises
- To solve ordering exercises
- To practice the comparison of adverbs
- To present the comparison of adverbs
- To match pictures with texts
SHINE Students book 3 and Shine Workbook 3, Macmillan Publishing House

Activity 1
Time 10 min
Class management IW
Aim: -To recognize the adverbs within simple written contexts
-To read and translate a text
-To answer questions formulating with adverbs in different comparison degrees
- to match pictures with texts
Ss read and transate a text about watersports SPLASH
Then they match the pictures to the text
They answer the followig questions
1 Which sport can you do more easily?
2 Which sport do you have to work hardest at?
3 Which sport do you go fastest?
4 In which sport do you go highest?
The T checks orally
They should give the following answers to the questions related to the text
A water –skiing
B windsurfing
C snorkeling
D parascending
1 snorkeling
3 water-skiing
4 parascending

Activity 2
Time 3 min
Class management IW
Aims -
- To practice the comparison of adverbs
- To present the comparison of adverbs
- To solve gap exercises
Ss complete a chart
The T checks orally

Activity 3
Time 8 min
Class management IW
Aims - To practice the comparison of adverbs
- To present the comparison of adverbs
- To answer questions
- to listen to a discourse about water sports
Ss listen to a discourse then they fill in a table.

Activity 4
Time 5 min
Class management IW
- To practice the comparison of adverbs
- To present the comparison of adverbs
Ss receive a table from which they have to compare and contrast information in order to make
up correct sentences containing the comparison of adverbs

Activity 5
Time 5 min
Class management
- To practice
the comparison of
- To present
the comparison of
Ss receibe scrambled words that they must order. Checking is done orally

Activity 5

Time 8 min

Class management PW


- To practice the comparison of adverbs

- To present the comparison of adverbs


Ss work with a partner, they choose a sport that they describe, than present orally

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