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1. Naila Fatimah
2. Mutiara Putri Tri A.
3. Laisha Sabila R.



The research entitled "what is bargaining" aims to find out about

what is in a bargain because bargaining has knowledge. The
methods used in data collection are literature study methods,
descriptive methods in analyzing data, and informal (narrative)
methods in presenting the results of the analysis.

The results of this study state that bargaining is a form of

interaction in order to reach an agreement. Then, the summary is a
result of summarizing / summarizing the writing to be more
concise with a proportional comparison between what is
summarized and the results of the summary. Furthermore, a book
is a collection of paper/other material bound together at one end
and containing writing/pictures. Finally, academic reading and
writing basically have a very close relationship and need each other


Praise the author goes to God Almighty, because of His grace

this writing can be completed on time. The writing of the
manuscript entitled "what is bargaining" is in the framework
of the final project of English grade X.

The author realizes that this paper is not without flaws. This
is caused by the limited knowledge and abilities that the
author has. Therefore, all criticism and suggestions from
readers will be gladly accepted by the authors for the
improvement of further research papers.

This paper can be fully completed thanks to the guidance and

assistance of various parties. Therefore, it is only fitting that
on this occasion the author would like to express his
gratitude to all parties, especially colleagues in this project
group who have provided input for the smoothness and
completeness of this paper. Finally, I hope that this far from
perfect article will be of use.

Jakarta, May 2023


Table of Content

ABSTRAK …………………………………………………………… i
PREFACE …………………………………………………………… ii
TABLE OF CONTENT.………………………………………………………. iii

BAB I FORWORD ………..….…………………………………………… 1

1.1 Background…………………...………………………………………… 1
1.2 FormulationProblem …………….…………………………………………….. 2
1.3 Objective 2
1.4 Benefit……..................………………………………….……………….. 2
1.5 Method………..………………...…………………………..………………. 3

BAB II DISCUSSION ………….……………………………………………… 4

2.1 Definition of……………………..…………………………………………..…. 4

2.2 Features of…………………….…….……………………….…………… 5

2.3 Structure of………………………………………………………………… 6

2.4 How to Make….……………………….…………………………………… 7

2.5 Example of….……………………….…………………………………… 8

BAB III LID …………………….……..….………………………..…… 9

3.1 Knot …………………………………………………..………………… 9
3.2 Advice …………………….……………………………………………. 10

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………. 11



1.1 Background

Definition of Negotiation According to Expert

Okay, before knowing what a negotiating text is, let's first understand
the meaning of the negotiating text itself. The definition of
negotiation is expressed by several experts, as follows:

1)According to Mulyadi (2016: 147), negotiation comes from the

English word, 'to
Meanwhile, according to Robbins (2003), negotiation is a process in
which there are two or more parties exchanging goods and services,
and trying to agree on such cooperation.

2)According to Jackman (2005), 

negotiation is a process that occurs between two or more parties who
initially have different thoughts, until they finally reach an
Oliver (in Purwanto, 2006) added, negotiation is a transaction in
which both parties have the right to the final outcome. For this
reason, approval from both parties is required, so that there is a
process of mutual giving and receiving something to reach a mutual

From the understanding of negotiation according to the experts

above, it can be concluded that negotiation is an activity carried out
by two or more people, who have different interests, but want the
same goal with an agreement.

1.2 FormulationProblem

1) What is a negotiation text?

2) What are the characteristics contained in the negotiation text?

3) What is the structure in the negotiation text?

4) How to make the correct negotiation text?

5) What is the example in the negotiation text?

1.3 Objective
1) To find out the meaning of the negotiation text

2) To find out the characteristics of the negotiation text

3) To know the structure of the negotiation text

4) To find out how to compile the correct negotiation text

5) To find out the example of the negotiation text

1.4 Benefit
1) Can increase knowledge and insight into what a negotiation text is
and how to compile a correct and organized negotiation text

2) Can increase knowledge and insight for readers about negotiation

texts (structure, characteristics and examples)

1.5. Metode

The methods used in data collection are library study methods, descriptive
methods in analyzing data, and informal (narrative) methods in presenting
analysis results.


2.1 Definition of

Definition of Negotiation Text:

Therefore, we can know that a negotiating text is a text or writing that contains an
agreement between two parties, with different interests. The agreement in question can be
for various purposes, yes. An example is the bargaining case above.
Usually, in buying and selling activities, traders want to get as much profit as possible,
while buyers want to get the lowest price. Finally, bargaining is carried out in order to
obtain a mutual agreement. With the aim, the seller still makes a profit, and the buyer can
get goods at a lower price.

2.2 Features of

Features of Negotiation Text:

Like other types of text, negotiating text also has characteristics or characteristics that
distinguish it from other texts. The characteristics of the negotiating text, among others:
•Generate deals
•Reduce mutually beneficial decisions
• Prioritizing common interests
• Means for finding solutions
• Leads to practical goals

2.3 Structure of

Negotiation Text Structure:

Like any other text, negotiating text also has a structure that you need to pay attention to,
especially when you want to make a negotiating text later. The structure of the
negotiating text consists of 6 parts, namely orientation, request, fulfillment, offer,
agreement, and closing. Here's the full explanation:

1.) Orientation
Orientation is the initial part of the negotiating text. Orientation usually contains
greetings or greetings between the two parties.

2.) Request
Then, the request is the part where one/both parties express problems. This problem is in
the form of a desire to be achieved or resolved.

3.) Fulfillment
Fulfillment is the part where one/both parties can fulfill a request or not.

4.) Offer
Furthermore, bidding is the pinnacle of negotiations. Here, there is a process of
bargaining between one party and another to reach a mutual agreement.

5.) Agreement
Consent is the part when one party and the other agree/agree with a bargaining decision.

6.) Closing
Finally, the closing is the part that indicates that the negotiations have been agreed and
ended. Closing also usually contains thanks and greetings.

2.4 How to make it

How to Make Negotiation Text:
After you know about the meaning, purpose, characteristics, and structure of a
negotiating text, now let's try to make a negotiating text, come on! How do you do it?
Well, there are several steps in making a negotiating text. You can pay close attention to
the following step by step, OK? Check it out!

1. Preparation and planning

At this stage, you can determine the theme of the negotiation activity. For example, the
theme is buying and selling activities. Or it could be negotiation activities to determine
certain policies in a company, and so on.

2. Determine the related parties

In negotiation activities, it is necessary to determine the relevant parties. For example, the
theme is buying and selling, so determine who acts as a seller and who acts as a buyer.

3. Determine the things to be negotiated

You need to define what you want to negotiate in the text. For example, the theme is
buying and selling, then what is being traded? Is it in the form of goods or in the form of
services? Then, also determine the time and place of negotiation.

4. Prepare the delivery of arguments

At this stage, each party expresses what it wants wisely.

5. Design bargaining and problem solving activities

In this activity, bargaining is carried out between the parties involved to reach an
agreement. For example, the theme is buying and selling, then the bargain can be in the
form of an agreement on the price of the goods or services being traded.

6. Determine the cover

This stage is the final stage that closes the negotiation process. For example, between the
two parties say thank you and greetings. In addition, if the negotiations are formal in
nature, they can also be closed with a written agreement and the signing of certain

documents between the parties involved.

7. Write the structure of the negotiating text

So, the steps above are still in the form of an outline or framework. At this stage, you can
write down the structure of the negotiating text, then adapt the framework to the structure
of the negotiating text. As previously discussed, the structure of the negotiating text
consists of orientation, request, fulfillment, offer, agreement, and closing.

8. Develop the framework into a text

After adjusting the framework with the structure, all you have to do is develop it into a
complete text. Do not forget! In the process of developing an outline into text, you must
pay attention to the language rules used so that the negotiating text is easily accepted and
understood by readers.

2.2 Example of

Example of Negotiation Text:

Okay, I don't think it's complete if we've discussed the theory, but haven't gone into the
examples, okay? So that you understand more about negotiating text material, here's an
example of a short negotiating text with the theme of buying and selling activities. Try to
pay close attention, okay!
Buyer: "Excuse me sir, I want to buy this guitar. How much is it, please?"
Seller: "That guitar costs 750 thousand, son."
Buyer: "Can the price be less, sir?"
Seller: "Hmm, okay. How much do you want to bid, son?"
Buyer: "Just 600 thousand sir, how?"
Seller: "Wow! That price doesn't seem to work, son."
Buyer: "What about 625 thousand?"
Seller: "Increase a little son, 650 thousand father take off this guitar."
Buyer: "Okay sir, I agree. Here's the money, okay?"
Salesman: "Thank you son. Here is the guitar."


3.1 Knot

Negotiation text is a form of discussion activity involving

two or more parties to obtain an agreement that is
approved by each party involved in it. Negotiation itself
can be called a form of interaction carried out to reach an
agreement. These negotiations are usually carried out
between 2 or even more parties with conflicting interests
and a desire to solve the problems they face together. In
some cases, these negotiations involve a 3rd party or are
called negotiators. These negotiators play an active role as
intermediaries for the negotiating parties and usually have
good negotiation skills and business ethics.

3.2 Advice

Writing is only an introduction. For this reason, improvements need to be made

by all parties involved in the academic field. Similarly, the improvement of all
aspects needs to be done for the perfection of this article.


Zabadi, Fairul, dan Sutejo. (2015). Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Pusat Kurikulum
dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemendikbud.
Pengertian Teks Negosiasi: Jenis, Ciri-Ciri, Struktur, Contoh Dan Pembahasannya
[daring]. Tautan:


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