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Null Hypothesis -2


There is no significant difference among the socio emotional climate of school

teachers based on their age.

Variable Category Count Average F- value table value Result

age Below 25 45 47.4 Not

1.193 3.041 significant
Above25 105 45.04

Table (4.4.2) shows that the calculated F- value (1.193) is less than the table value F
(3.04.1) at 0.05 level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis, "there is no significant
difference among the socio emotional climate of teachers based on their age" is accepted.

Null Hypothesis-3

There is no significant difference between the socio emotional climate of rural and
urban school teachers.


Test of Significance of mean difference between the socio emotional climate of rural and
urban school teachers.

Variable Category Number Mean S.D t value table Result


Locality Rural 98 45.543 6.85

of school 2.35 1.96 significant
urban 52 47.849 6.51

Table (4.4.3) shows that the calculated t- value (2.35) is greater than the table Value't'
(1.96) at 0.05 level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis, "there is no significant
difference between the socio emotional climate of rural and urban school teachers" is
rejected. Comparing the rural and urban teachers, urban teachers have high socio emotional
climate than the rural teachers.

Null hypothesis -4

There is no significant difference among the socio emotional climate of teachers with respect
to the type of school.


Variable Category count average F-value table value Result

Aided 74 47.511
Type of
school Private 28 46.297 4.188 3.041 significant

Govt 48 43.4

Table (4.4.4) shows that the calculated F-value (4.188) is greater than the table Value
F (3.041) at 0.05 level of significance; Hence the null hypothesis, "there is no significant
difference among the socio emotional climate of teachers" based on their pe of school is
rejected. Comparing the socio emotional climate of private and Govt School teachers. Aided
school teachers have high socio emotional climate than the her two groups.

Null Hypothesis -5

There is no significant difference between the socio emotional climate of single and joint
family teachers.

Table -4.4.5

Test of significance of mean difference between the socio emotional climate of single
and joint family of school teachers.

Variable Category Number Mean S.D t value table Result


Type of Single 83 47.313 6.523

family 1.647 1.96 Not
joint 67 45.726 6.968 significant

Table (4.4.5) shows that the calculated t-value (1.647) is less than the table Value
F1.96) at 0.05 level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis, "there is no significant
difference between the socio emotional climate of single and joint family school teachers" is

Null Hypothesis -6

There is no significant difference among the socio emotional climate of school

teachers with respect to their educational qualification.


Analysis of variance obtained for socio emotional climate of teachers base on their
educational qualification.

Variable Category count Average F-value t value Result

UG 5 49.4
Educational PG 81 46.938 Not
qualificatio M.PHIL 79 45.063 1.469 2.417 significant

Table (4.4.6) shows that the calculated F-value (1.469) is less than the table Value F
(2.417) at 0.05 level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis, there is no Significant
difference among the socio emotional climate of teachers based on their educational
qualification" is accepted.


Analysis of variance obtained for socio emotional climate of teachers based on their work

Variable Category count Average F-value table value Result

Work Above 10 78 45.358

experience years significant
9.736 3.041
Below 10 72 50.84

Table (4.4.7) shows that the calculated F- value (9.736) is greater than the table Value
'F' (3.041) at 0.05 level of significance Hence the null hypothesis. "there is no significant
difference among the socio emotional climate of teachers" based on their work experience is
rejected. Comparing the work experience of school teachers with teachers who have above 3
yrs have high socio emotional climate then the other two groups.

4.5. Mean and Standard Deviation of teacher's values

Grand Total

No Categories of the values Mean S.D

1 The orifice 86.32 4.42

2 Economic 88.75 7.18

3 Aesthetic 94.19 6.41

4 Social 91.01 6.47

5 Political 84.1 5.45

6 Religious 80.28 8.06

Among the six value, theoretical values have 86.32 mean, Economic values have 88.75 mean,
Aesthetic values have 94.19 mean, social values have 91.01 mean, political values have 84.1
mean, Religious values have 80.28mean.

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