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Our Lady of the Pillar College- San Manuel Inc.

San Manuel, Isabela

Basic Education Department
School Year 2022-2023


Name: ___________________________________________________ Score: ______________

Section: GRADE 8- ST. CLAIRE Date: _______________
Learning Competencies:
• Use a range of verbs, adjectives and adverbs to convey emotional response or reaction to an issue to persuade.
• Use parallel structures.
• Identify and use signals that indicate coherence. (MELCS)
• Use modal verbs, nouns, and adverbs appropriately. (MELCS)
• Use conventions in citing sources. (MELCS)

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the questions carefully then, write the letter of the correct and best answer in the
space provided before the item. Write E if there is no answer among the choices.

One of the most important areas of concern in South Africa is education. Without an educated population, a country
cannot progress not only in terms of economic development but also because of political development. In South Africa, just
like in other parts of the world, parents have a strong desire to see their children progress and have a good life;
____________, families are willing to make sacrifices for education. Unfortunately, the government has not been able to
supply enough classroom spaces for those of school age and many existing government facilities in low-income areas offer
poor-quality education.
Part of the problem is tied to budget constraints, but there are also administrative and corruption issues. Corruption
Watch, a non-government organization, said that between 2012 and 2015 it received more than 1,000 reports of school
principals who had stolen cash from school bank accounts. It also reported school principal posts are so lucrative they are
bought and sold.
____________, a thriving private-school market has emerged in South Africa. One private-school firm we visited
had more than 100 schools and was expanding rapidly, with more new schools opening each year. Given capacity and
quality issues in government schools, as well as a lack of schools in newly developing areas, middle-class families are
seeking to enroll their children in lower-cost private schools in greater numbers.


For items 1-7, refer to the article above.

______ 1. What transition device should be used in the third sentence (first paragraph)?
a. however b. hence c. but d. furthermore
______ 2. What issue is tackled in the article above?
a. poverty b. cross-cultural c. immigration d. education
______ 3. What is an appropriate reaction to the fourth sentence to persuade readers?
a. Their government is not doing its job.
b. The government has not supported education.
c. A campaign to strengthen education should be done.
d. More African children will live in poverty because of no quality education.

______ 4. Which adjective can be used as a response to the issue?
a. appalling b. excellent c. magnificent d. extraordinary
______ 5. What tone of reaction or response is appropriate for this issue?
a. commending b. applauding c. unhappy d. violent
______ 6. What reaction or response is proper for the second sentence (second paragraph)?
a. Hiring principals should be the priority of the government.
b. Checking and monitoring of school budget and operations should be done.
c. The government must find more teachers who can teach quality education.
d. Private sectors should donate at least 10% of their gross income to help poor children.
______ 7. What transition word is appropriate in the first sentence (third paragraph)?
a. Because b. As a result c. Unless d. In addition

“Early pregnancy forces girls to take on an adult role while their bodies are often not ready,” said Atty.
Alberto Muyot, Chief Executive Officer of Save the Children Philippines. “Early pregnancy can also trap girls in an
escapable cycle of poverty, stigmatised by society for being teenage mothers or forced into early marriage. It also
creates a greater risk in terms of maternal complications that affect the mother and the child they bear resulting in low
survival rates.”
There is no single cause for the rising rate of teenage pregnancy, ______________ rather a combination of
factors ranging from biological, social, and cultural. These factors includes the following, but are not limited to (1)
early sexual debut; (2) lack of access to comprehensive sex information and education; (3) Parents, who are identified
by adolescents as one of their preferred source of information on Sexual Reproductive Health information have
limited communication skills; (4) lack of access to family planning services; (5) cultural practices of early union; and
(6) lack of adolescent sexuality and reproductive health (ASRH) policies and its full-implementation.

For items 8-10, refer to the article above.

______ 8. What is the major issue discussed in the article above?
a. peer pressure c. teenage pregnancy
b. sexual harassment d. lack of medical support
______ 9. What reaction or response is appropriate in the first paragraph?
a. Organizations in the health sector should create programs to help more patients.
b. Teenagers should be guided well by their parents to avoid physical hardships in giving birth.
c. Families need seminars on relationship building and parents should initiate this as the heads of the family.
d. Adolescents today are faced with issues like peer pressure as they were always in school and have more
contact with their friends.
______ 10. What transition word will complete the first sentence (second paragraph)?
a. for this reason b. but c. only if d. as well
______ 11. What adverb is appropriate for this reaction about climate change?
“Many people are not aware of our changing climate. Localities should remind them ________ to
participate in the global environment campaign.”
a. always b. tomorrow c. happily d. next
______ 12. What verb is appropriate for this reaction about proper waste management?
“There are many trash bins for different wastes around barangays but many have been ________
protocols about waste segregation.”
a. following b. violating c. making d. watching
______ 13. What is avoided when you acknowledge sources of information?
a. negative comments c. reliable source
b. long paragraphs d. plagiarism
______ 14. How are page number/s written in in-text citations?
a. p. 21 b. pp. 21 c. page 21 d. 21. p.
_____ 15. What comes first when writing in-text citations?
a. year of publication c. name of the author
b. title of article d. page number
______ 16. What punctuation should be used to enclose the in-text?
a. apostrophe b. parenthesis c. bracket d. quotation mark
______ 17. What is included in the in–text citation of paraphrased or summarized texts?
a. (name of the author, page number) c. (title of article, page number)
b. (name of the author, year of publication) d. (title of article, name of the author)
______ 18. What transition word is appropriate to be used below?
A water main downtown broke this morning, _________ several businesses had no water for hours.
a. consequently b. nevertheless c. even if d. provided that
______ 19. What transition word is appropriate to be used below?
_________ most Americans are primarily concerned about AIDS as it exists in the U.S., it should be
remembered that it is now nearly a worldwide disease.
a. besides b. so that c. even though d. in fact
______ 20. What transition word is appropriate to be used below?
Some people in New Jersey built their houses very close to the shoreline. _________, they have had to
spend a lot of money trying to protect their property from the sea.
a. nonetheless b. also c. because d. for this reason
______ 21. What transition word is appropriate to be used below?
Telephone interviewing allows for a large number of responses in a short time and at a relatively low
cost. _________, the method permits interviewers to reach respondents at specific times of the day; this is
an important consideration in the study of radio and TV listening habits.
a. in other words b. that is c. furthermore d. so that
______ 22. What will make the sentence parallel?
“Johnny chose a bouquet of white roses, red carnations, and ___________.”
a. dark chocolates c. yellow tulips
b. brown bag d. more happy moments
______ 23. What will make the sentence parallel?
“Smoking and ___________ are both prohibited on the subway.”
a. spitting b. spitted c. to spit d. has spitted

______ 24. What will make the sentence parallel?

“Jane usually either braids her hair or ___________ it up in a French twist.”
a. put b. puts c. putting d. to put
______ 25. Which is NOT a parallel structure?
a. School lunches are nutritious, economical, and taste delicious.
b. Government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.
c. Football, baseball, and basketball can all be considered very American sports.
d. I come to bury Ceasar, not to praise him.
______ 26. Which is NOT a parallel structure?
a. The escaped prisoner was wanted, dead or alive.
b. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of
c. Whether in class, at work, or at home, she was always busy.
d. To err is human; forgiving is divine.
______ 27. Which of the following is NOT a parallel structure?
a. I think, therefore I am.
b. The new instructor was both enthusiastic and demanding.
c. We must either raise revenues or it will be necessary to reduce expenses.
d. Sir Humphry Davy, the celebrated English chemist, was an excellent literary critic as well as a great
______ 28. Which of the following is NOT a parallel structure?
a. The crowd that had gathered outside the court was loud and angry.
b. Examples of aerobic exercises are distance running, swimming, cycling, and walking.
c. It is a truism that to give is more rewarding than getting.
d. Annie's dress was old, faded, and wrinkled.
______ 29. What will make the sentence parallel? “When Delores realized that her father had made lima beans
and rice for dinner, she __________, claimed to feel nauseous and excused herself from the table. The
bag of stale popcorn in her room would tide her over until breakfast.”
a. clutched her stomach c. did clutch her stomach
b. was clutching her stomach d. has been clutching her stomach
______ 30. What will make the sentence parallel? “Not only did Hank despise the way June chewed with her
mouth open, _________ finding her wet towels all over the bathroom floor.”
a. but also disliking c. but did dislike
b. but he also disliked d. but also disliked
______ 31. What will make the sentence parallel? To protect her delicate hands, Fran will not rake the yard, do
the dishes, or __________.
a. scrub the bathtub c. won’t scrub the bathtub
b. refuses to scrub the bathtub d. get to scrub the bathtub
______ 32. What will make the sentence parallel? “When Diane takes her beagle for a walk, Santana enjoys
sniffing for edible garbage, __________, and lunging at squirrels.”
a. howling at bicyclists c. howls at bicyclists
b. she howls at bicyclists d. howled at the bicyclists passing
______ 33. What will make the sentence parallel? “After Amanda cashes her paycheck, the money goes to her
savings account, cappuccino fund, and __________.”
a. credit card balance c. toward her credit card balance
b. paying her credit card bill d. into the credit card
______ 34. What will make the sentence parallel? “In preparation for her run, Alicia __________, applied
sunscreen, and increased the volume on her iPod.”
a. did tighten her shoelace c. has been tightening her shoelace
b. was tightening her shoelace d. tightened her shoelace
______ 35. Which will make the sentence parallel? “We searched the car trunk, __________, and the top of the
refrigerator, but we could not find the box of cornflakes that we remember buying.”
a. looked on the pantry shelves c. on the pantry shelves
b. the pantry shelves d. inside the pantry shelves
______ 36. What will make the sentence parallel? Belinda saw very little of the horror movie, for she shut her
eyes __________, when she heard the monster's footsteps in the dead leaves, and when characters started
a. at the part of the violin c. while listening to the violin
b. during the violin music d. when the violins began to play

II. WRITING ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Using the given information below. Acknowledge the sources by writing the
appropriate in-text citation. Use the space given below each item. (10 points)


Text: “He spoke to us in German and then left us behind.”

Source: Donaldson, Sam (1985). Bantering on Watergate. Penguin Books. New York. 45.



Text: “Students can expect to find a wider variety of options available to them at college than they had in high school.
They really have no idea what opportunities exist in the big world. The possibilities are endless.”

Source: Smith, Snuffy (2005). How to go to college. Scribner’s. College.


III. SHORT RESPONSE ITEM. In at least four sentences, give your reaction on the issue stated in the article below.
Use the rubric to guide you in your response. (14 points)

Poverty and homelessness are worldwide problems. According to Habitat for Humanity, one-quarter of the
world's population lives in conditions that harm their health and safety. Many do not have shelter, a basic human need
for survival.
This social issue also goes beyond the 25% of the population directly affected. Because of the lack of shelter for
this vulnerable population, there is greater stress on government and social programs, including schools and healthcare


“Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than
who is crooked in speech and is a fool.”
Proverbs 19:1

Submitted by: Checked by: Submitted to:

English Teacher JHS Coordinator School Principal

(Name and Signature of Parent)

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