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Form 3 Group Project – Website

In groups of 6 students, create a website with the following criteria:

1. The subject of the website will be a social/cultural festival unique to a country of your choice
(Nothing local, or very familiar to you in pop culture)
2. Two persons will be solely responsible for at least one webpage. (Put your names on the page
you do). The homepage should have contributions from everyone in the group.
3. All pages must be linked together in a logical way. Navigating the website should be easy for the
4. You must include a table and links to external websites (for your sources)
5. There must be no copy-pasting. Information must be put into your own words. Links to the
original sources must be included on each page as necessary.

Marks will be awarded for:

1. Demonstrating the proper use of all tags and attributes learnt in class.
2. Proper indentation of HTML code. The HTML code must be presentable and readable
3. All pages appropriately linked
4. Structure/design of the entire website is logical/ appropriate
5. Layout of individual pages (colour choice, placement of text, pictures) is
6. No plagiarism
7. Cohesiveness of entire website

Deadline for entire project: Friday 19th May

For Today:

1. Seat yourselves into groups

2. Do some preliminary research with your group and pick a country and a festival that is unique to
that country as your website topic.
3. Create a timeline for the completion of your project. Include all major milestones for your group
– e.g. when more in-depth research should be completed, when structure of website should be
completed, when individual pages are due. Etc.
4. Each person in the group is to create a personal timeline for completion of their aspects of the
5. Your choice of topic, along with your group and individual timelines are to be submitted by the
end of class TODAY, on paper.
6. Use the rest of time to work on your individual websites. Learn to use the other tags and
attributes as on your handout. Research how to create a table with HTML.

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