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AI Tools

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

What is it?

Natural language processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence within computer science that
focuses on helping computers to understand the way that humans write and speak.


• Voice-controlled assistants like Siri and Alexa.

• Natural language generation for question answering by customer service chatbots.
• Streamlining the recruiting process on sites like LinkedIn by scanning through
people’s listed skills and experience.
• Tools like Grammarly which use NLP to help correct errors and make suggestions for
simplifying complex writing.
• Language models like autocomplete which are trained to predict the next words in a
text, based on what has already been typed.

Chat GPT is an example of AI using NLP.

Cloud Computing
What is it?

Cloud computing is the delivery of different services through the Internet. These resources include
tools and applications like data storage, servers, databases, networking, and software.

Types of cloud services?

• Email
• Storage, backup, and data retrieval
• Creating and testing apps
• Analyzing data
• Audio and video streaming
• Delivering software on demand

Types of Cloud Computing?

• IaaS provides IT infrastructure to end-users via the internet and is commonly associated
with serverless computing.
• PaaS serves both software and hardware to end-users, who are generally software
developers. PaaS allows the user to develop, run, and manage their own apps without
having to build and maintain the infrastructure.
• SaaS is a software licensing model, which allows access to software on a subscription basis
using external servers without having to download and install them locally.

Computer Vision

What is it?

Computer Vision is a branch of computer science concerned with developing digital systems that can
process, interpret, and comprehend visual input (pictures or videos) in the same way that people

Human vision is similar to computer vision, with the exception that people have a head start. Human
vision benefits from lifetimes of context to teach it how to distinguish objects apart, how far away
they are, whether they are moving, and whether something is incorrect with an image.

Computer vision teaches computers to execute similar tasks, but using cameras, data, and
algorithms rather than retinas, optic nerves, and visual cortex, it must do it in a fraction of the time.


• Face recognition on your phone to unlock your device.

• Traffic monitoring and fining system.
• Detect emotion on someone’s face.

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