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SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 13 (Climate Action)

components are highlighted in the advertising. The advertisement encourages the use of
electric vehicles, which, by lowering greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil
fuels, aid in responsible production and consumption. The advertisement also emphasises
the significance of combating climate change, which is consistent with SDG 13.

Identify and describe the main objectives of the advertisement. It could be to raise
awareness, promote a product or service, change consumer behaviour, or support a
social cause.

The objectives of the advertisement are to:

a. Raise awareness about the environmental benefits of electric vehicles.

b. Encourage consumers to consider purchasing an electric vehicle as a means to reduce

their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

c. Position the brand as a leader in sustainable transportation solutions.

The advertising appeal used in the advertisement is a combination of emotional and rational
appeal. The emotional appeal is evident through the use of powerful imagery and music,
which evoke feelings of hope and inspiration. The rational appeal is demonstrated by
presenting facts and figures about the environmental benefits of electric vehicles, such as
reduced CO2 emissions and improved air quality.
Evaluate the advertisement in terms of its appropriateness and effectiveness
to influence consumers. Support your answer with at least TWO (2) reasons.

The advertisement is both appropriate and effective in influencing consumers for the
following reasons: a. Relevance: The ad addresses a pressing global issue (climate change)
and offers a solution (electric vehicles) that is directly related to the brand's product
offerings. This makes the message relevant and engaging for the target audience. b.
Emotional connection: The ad effectively uses emotional appeal to create a connection with
the audience, making them more likely to consider the brand's message and potentially take
action by purchasing an electric vehicle. In conclusion, the advertisement provided in the link
showcases elements of SDG 12 and SDG 13, promoting the use of electric vehicles as a
means to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. The objectives of
the advertisement are to raise awareness about the environmental benefits of electric
vehicles, encourage consumers to consider purchasing an electric vehicle, and position the
brand as a leader in sustainable transportation solutions.

The advertising appeal used in the advertisement is a combination of emotional and rational
appeal, which effectively creates an emotional connection with the audience and presents
facts and figures about the environmental benefits of electric vehicles. Overall, the
advertisement is both appropriate and effective in influencing consumers to consider
purchasing an electric vehicle as a means to contribute to a more sustainable future.

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