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Heartbreak is a common metaphor used to describe the emotional pain or anguish one feels
after the loss of a loved one, through death, divorce, breakup, physical separation or
rejection of love.

For most teenagers, one of the most common causes of heartbreak is the breakup of a
romantic relationship. A romantic relationship that has been built with a loved one can cause
deep feelings of loss and grief when it ends. This will trigger feelings of heartbreak. The
second cause of heartbreak that is quite painful is the death of someone we care about.
Actually, this is not limited to humans, when we lose our beloved goods or pets, we will also
tend to feel heartbroken.

This feeling arises because of compassion for humans, objects, or animals that leave us.
Heartbreak doesn't just happen to other people. Sometimes, things like expectations,
dreams, and goals can also make us feel heartbroken. When what we have planned and
planned well doesn't go smoothly, we can feel heartbreak and great disappointment.

The figure of a friend who is always there for us, then one day suddenly changes or no
longer cares about us, can also create feelings of heartbreak. Losing a close friend or friend
who has truly become a part of us will definitely leave a deep wound in the heart. Most
adults have probably experienced this. When we are comfortable and comfortable suddenly
we have to switch or change jobs. Of course this is not an easy thing. Losing an occupation
that we love and enjoy can also cause heartbreak.

(Meh sopo)
When people get heart broken, they are many reaction that they express such as crying,
locking self to the bedroom, self harm and it is a fact that broken heart is the majority cause
of suicide. Broken hearts can be a serious problem if the person doesn't have a good
amount of stressor release and emotional release for a broken heart.

Heart brokenness is a problem. Problem needs a solution. Solution of broken heart is
subjective. It depends on the person. Some people prefer to go and spend their time with
their family, their friend, or their beloved one. But a few people prefer to have a time and
spend time alone then do what they love and want to do. There are so many solutions to
face a broken heart. People should have one thing to release their stressor.

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