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TANVYT4 BUỔI 1+2 Matching

Matching the listed number and endocrine organs:*

Match the endocrine gland with its location:*
Sympathomimetic; raises heart rate and blood pressure:*


Promotes growth and maintenance of male sex characteristics:*

Parathyroid hormone

Stimulates water reabsorption by kidney tubules; decreases urine output:*

Parathyroid hormone

Directly raises blood calcium:*

Parathyroid hormone

The main regulatory system(s) in the body is (are):*

Integumentary system
Cardiovascular system
Endocrine system
Nervous system
Lymphatic system

What is (are) the gland(s) that the pancreas serves?*


Dysregulation of endocrine systems can lead to:*

Addison's Disease
Varicose veins
Type 2 diabetes

When comparing the endocrine system and the nervous system, generally speaking,
the endocrine system:*

Is faster-acting than the nervous system

Produces effects that are of shorter duration
Uses amplitude-modulated signals
Produces more localized effects
Relies less on chemical messengers

Which of these regulates the secretion of a hormone from an endocrine tissue?*

Negative-feedback mechanisms
Other hormones
Nonhormone substances in the blood
The nervous system

The master gland is the:*

Parathyroid glands
Adrenal glands

The islets of Langerhans are located in the _______ and produce insulin and

Thyroid gland
Parathyroid glands

The _______ is composed of two lobes called the adenohypophysis and


Parathyroid glands
Thyroid gland

Another name for the sex glands is:*

Parathyroid glands
Adrenal glands
Thyroid gland

What is the location of pituitary gland when comparing to the hypothlamus?*


Student Information
Fill in the Blanks
The ______________ gland is located in the neck just below the larynx.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


The master gland is the _________________.

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

pituitary gland

Calcium is mainly regulated by the ________________.


2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

parathyroid hormone

The islets of Langerhans are located in the _____________ and produce insulin and

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


The _____________ is composed of two lobes called the adenohypophysis and


2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

pituitary gland

Another name for the sex glands is _______________.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


The ________________ gland produces thyroxine and triiodothyronine.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


Two glands made up of two parts called the medulla and cortex are the

2 word, do not capitalize, example: one word

adrenal glands

GH or HGH, TSH, ACTH, FSH, and LH are produced by the anterior lobe of the

2 word, do not capitalize, example: one word

pituitary gland

Oxytocin is produced by the hypothalamus and stored in the ___________.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are produced by the _____________.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word

Epinephrine and norepinephrine are produced by the __________ of the adrenal

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Aldosterone and cortisol are produced by the cortex of the ________________.

2 word, do not capitalize, example: one word

adrenal glands

Insulin and glucagons are produced in specialized cells in the _______________.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Hypophysis is another name for the ______________ gland.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Listening Test
Fill in the Blanks.

The endocrine system is one of the two systems that are responsible for
communication and integration between various body tissues, the other being the

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

nervous system

Endocrine communication is achieved by means of ______________ called


2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

chemical messenger

Hormones are produced in endocrine glands and secreted into the ____________ to
reach body tissues.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


A hormone can travel wherever the blood goes, but it can only affect cells that have
___________ for it.

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


These are called target cells. There are two major types of hormones: steroid
hormones derived from cholesterol and are lipid-soluble; and non-steroid hormones
derived from ____________ or amino-acids and are water-soluble.

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


Lipid-soluble steroid hormones can cross the cell membrane to bind to their
receptors inside the cell, either in the _________________.

3 words, do not capitalize, example: one two three

cytoplasm or nucleus

Steroid hormone receptors are typically transcription factors. Upon forming, the
hormone/receptor complex binds to specific DNA sequences to regulate
_____________, and thus mediating cellular response.

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

gene expression

On the other hand, water-soluble non-steroid hormones are unable to cross the
____________ and therefore must bind to receptors located on the surface of the

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

lipid membrane

The binding triggers a cascade of events that leads to production of cAMP, a second
messenger that is responsible for _____________ to hormone.

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

cellular response

It does so by changing enzyme activity or ion channel _____________.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word

Major endocrine glands include: the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland,
thyroid and parathyroid glands, thymus, adrenal glands, __________ of the
pancreas, and testes in men or ovaries in women.

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


The endocrine system also includes hormone-secreting cells from other organs such
as _____________ and intestine.

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


Except for the hypothalamus and the pituitary, different ______________ are
involved in different, more or less independent, processes.

2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

endocrine glands

For example, the pancreas produces insulin and glucagon that keep blood sugar
levels in check; the parathyroid glands produce hormones that regulate calcium and
phosphorus; thyroid hormones control _____________; while the ovaries and testes
are involved in reproductive functions.

2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

metabolic rates

On the other hand, the hypothalamus and pituitary gland play a more central,
______________ role.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


The hypothalamus is also part of the ____________. It secretes several hormones,

called neuro-hormones, which control the production of other hormones by the

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Thus, the hypothalamus links the nervous system to the endocrine system. The
pituitary is known as the master gland because it ____________ the functions of
many other endocrine glands.

1 word, verb (check grammar by yourself), do not capitalize, example: word


A major role of the endocrine system is to maintain the body’s stable internal
conditions, or ______________, such as blood sugar levels or serum calcium levels.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


To do this, it utilizes _____________ mechanisms, which work very much like a

thermostat: the heater is on when the temperature is low, off when it’s high.

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

negative feedback

For example, when __________ level is high, such as after a meal, glucose induces
insulin release from the pancreas.

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

the temperature

Insulin helps body cells _____________ glucose, clearing it from the blood.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Low blood glucose can no longer act on the pancreas, which now stops

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

releasing insulin

Another example is the regulation of ___________ levels which are induced by a

pituitary hormone called thyroid-stimulating hormone, TSH.

2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

thyroid hormones

TSH, in turn, is under control of thyrotropin-releasing hormone, TRH, from the


1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


When thyroid hormone levels are too high, they suppress the secretion of TSH and
TRH, consequently _____________ their own production.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word



Student Information

* Biểu thị câu hỏi bắt buộc


Anatomy and Physiology.

Name the endocrine organs (including the appropriate lobe or region) that produce
thefollowing hormones:*

1 follicle- 5 thyroxine 9 13 melatonin 17 glucagon 21

stimulating epinephrine progesterone

2 6 cortisol 10 oxytocin 14 prolactin 18 renin 22

aldosterone cholecystoki
3 insulin 7 11 estradiol 15 growth 19 23
vasopressin hormone adrenocortic testosterone

4 thyroid- 8 12 gastrin 16 20 24 leptin

stimulating somatostatin melanocyte- adiponectin
25 secretin
hormone stimulating

adenohypophysis Thùy trước tuyến yên 15 4 19 14 1 16

pineal gland tuyến tùng 13

hypothalamus vùng dưới đồi 8

testes 23

kidney 18

adrenal medulla tủy thượng thận 9

stomach 12

adrenal cortex vỏ thượng thận 6 2

pancreas tuyến tụy 17 3

adipose tissue mô mỡ 24 20

intestine 22 25

ovaries 21 11

thyroid gland 5

neurohypophysis suy nhược thần kinh 10 7

* Biểu thị câu hỏi bắt buộc

Mutiple Choices.
Anatomy and Physiology.

Which one of the following statements best describes the endocrine system?*
The messenger of endocrine hormones are all lipids in nature
Hormones are transported in blood by the platelets
It is the system of glands that directly secrete their contents in to the ducts
The effects of hormones are long lasting
The response is very quick

Which description is the right one for “autocrine”?*

Are secreted by cells into the extracellular fluid and affect the function of the same cells
that produced them
Are secreted by helper cells and act on other cells of the immune system
Are released by axon terminals of neurons into the synaptic junctions and act locally to
control nerve cell functions
Are secreted into the circulatory system and does not affect any part of the body
Are secreted by neurons into the circulating blood and influence the function of cells at
another location in the body

Steroids are synthesized from:*

Amino acid
Fatty acid

Which description is the right one for “neuroendocrine”?*

Are released by axon terminals of neurons into the synaptic junctions and act locally to
control nerve cell functions
Are the specialized chemical messenger that cause the body to sweat
Are released by glands or specialized cells into the circulating blood and influence the
function of cells at another location in the body
Are secreted by neurons into the circulating blood and influence the function of cells at
another location in the body
Are secreted into the circulatory system and does not affect any part of the body

The tyrosine amino acids forms few but important hormones in the body, Which
among the following options is an example of the hormone made up of tyrosine
amino acids?*
Growth hormone

What is the location of pituitary gland when comparing to the hypothlamus?*


You are presented with a patient complaining of having frequent urinations of dilute
urine, which among the following glands might be the cause of the disorder?*

tiểu loãng => Đái tháo đường => rối loạn ADH => tuyến yên

Adrenal gland
Pituitary gland
Thymus gland
Endocrine pancreas
Thyroid gland

The hypothalamohypophyseal portal system:*

Contains one capillary bed

Carries hormones from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary
Carries hormones from the anterior pituitary to the body
Carries hormones from the hypothalamus to the anterior pituitary
Carries hormones from the posterior pituitary to the body

The metabolic rate of the body is directly control by:*

tốc độ trao đổi chất đc điều chỉnh do T3 &T4 => tuyến giáp sản xuất

The adrenal medulla:*

Is formed from a modified portion of the sympathetic division of the ANS

Produces steroids
Decreases its secretions during exercise
Has cortisol as its major secretory product

If aldosterone secretions increase,*

Blood sodium levels decrease SAI

Blood potassium levels increase SAI
Acidosis results
Blood hydrogen levels increase SAI
Blood volume increases

The release of cortisol from the adrenal cortex is regulated by other hormones.
Which of these hormones is correctly matched with its origin and function?*

ACTH — secreted by the anterior pituitary; stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce cortisol
CRH — secreted by the hypothalamus; stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol
ACTH — secreted by the hypothalamus; stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol
CRH — secreted by the anterior pituitary; stimulates the adrenal cortex to secrete cortisol

Insulin increases glucose uptake in some tissues, except for:*

Nervous tissue
Adipose tissue
Cardiac muscle
Smooth tissue
Striated muscle
Target tissue(s) of Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is:*

Anterior pituitary

Thyroxine is a (1)________ hormone, therefore, its receptor will be located in (2)

__________. Hormone binding to its receptor activates (3) __________, resulting
changes in (4) ________.*

(1) Lipophylic (2) Membrane (3) DNA (4) Protein

(1) Hydrophylic (2) Membrane (3) G protein (4) Kinase LOẠI
(1) Hydrophylic (2) Nucleus (3) G protein (4) Kinase LOẠI
(1) Lipophylic (2) Nucleus (3) cMAP (4) Protein LOẠI
(1) Lipophylic (2) Nucleus (3) DNA (4) Protein

* Biểu thị câu hỏi bắt buộc

Fill in the Blanks.
Word Element and Reviewing.

Abnormal condition (poison) of the thyroid gland: thyro__________*

Not capital, just write the missing letters, no space after finishing


Removal of the pancreas: _________ectomy*

Not capital, just write the missing letters, no space after finishing


Condition of deficiency or underdevelopment of the sex organs: hypo___________*

Not capital, just write the missing letters, no space after finishing


Pertaining to producing female (characteristics): _________genic*

Not capital, just write the missing letters, no space after finishing


Removal of the pituitary gland: __________ectomy*

Not capital, just write the missing letters, no space after finishing


Deficiency of calcium in the blood: hypo_________*

Not capital, just write the missing letters, no space after finishing

Excessive sugar in the blood: __________emia*

Not capital, just write the missing letters, no space after finishing


Inflammation of the thyroid gland: _________itis*

Not capital, just write the missing letters, no space after finishing


Specialist in the study of hormone disorders: ___________ist*

Not capital, just write the missing letters, no space after finishing


* Biểu thị câu hỏi bắt buộc

Multiple Choice.
Word Element and Reviewing.

Deficiency of thyroid activity is called:*


__________ is stimulating secretion.*


________ is the escape of fluid into a material.*


________ is the introduction of blood direction into the blood stream.*


________ is located away from the normal position.*


A very small duct is called:*

Varicose vein

Proptosis may be quantitated with an _________, an instrument that measures the

position of the globes in relation to the lateral orbital rim. The device is easy to use
and is helpful in documenting the results of treatment.*

________ is a simple procedure that involves passing a thin needle through the skin
to sample fluid or tissue from a cyst or solid mass, as can be seen in the picture
below. The sample of cellular material taken is then sent for analysis.*

Core needle biopsy

Fine needle biopsy

_________ is an imaging technique that uses radioactive substances to visualize

and measure metabolic processes in the body.*

Radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU)
Thyroid scintiscan
Positron emission tomography (PET) scan
Radioimmunoassay (RIA)

_________ is an immunoassay that uses radiolabeled molecules in a stepwise

formation of immune complexes. It is a very sensitive in vitro assay technique used
to measure concentrations of substances.*

Radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU)

Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
Thyroid scintiscan
Positron emission tomography (PET) scan
_________ is a type of scan used in the diagnosis of thyroid problems, particularly
hyperthyroidism. It is entirely different from the therapy, which uses much higher
doses to destroy cancerous cells.*

Positron emission tomography (PET) scan

Thyroid scintiscan
Radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU)
Radioimmunoassay (RIA)

_________ is commonly performed in primary aldosteronism, being indicated to

identify aldosterone-secreting adenomas and to differentiate adenomas from bilateral
adrenal hyperplasia.*

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Adrenal vein catheterization
Adrenal arteriography

_________ evaluates adrenal dysfunction by allowing x-ray visualization of the large

and small arteries of the adrenal gland vasculature and parenchyma.*

Adrenal vein catheterization

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Adrenal angiography
Adrenal arteriography

_________ combines a series of X-ray images taken from different angles around
your body and uses computer processing to create cross-sectional images (slices) of
the bones, blood vessels and soft tissues inside your body.*

Computerized tomography (CT) scan

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
Adrenal angiography

_________ a technique using echoes of ultrasound pulses to delineate objects or

areas of different density in the body.*

Computerized tomography (CT) scan

Adrenal angiography
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Radioimmunoassay (RIA)

After at least 8 hours of fasting, which plasma glucose level is diagnostic of diabetes

120 mg/dl
126 mg/dl
100 mg/dl
140 mg/dl

Based on a standardized oral glucose tolerance test, after 2-hour gluocose load,
which plasma glucose level is considered as normal.*

< 140 mg/dl

< 120 mg/dl
< 199 mg/dl
< 100 mg/dl
< 200 mg/dl

Which level of HbA1c is considered as normal:*

< 7.5%
< 10%
< 5.7%
< 8%
< 7%
Since red cells have a lifespan of up to 120 days, the HbA1c value reflects plasma
glucose levels over the preceding ________ weeks.*


Provocative stimuli can be used for Growth Hormone Provocation Test:*


The _________ test involves administration of a small amount of it intravenously,

following which levels of TSH will be measured at several subsequent time points
using samples of blood taken from a peripheral vein.*

Thyrotropic-Releasing Factor (TRF)

Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone (TRH)
Growth Hormone
________ is an antibody directed against thyroglobulin which is a key protein in the
thyroid gland essential to the production of thyroid hormones (thyroxine and

Antithyroid Peroxide

To evaluate the function of adrenal glands cortex, the test(s) can be used is (are):*

ACTH suppresion test

Plasma aldosterone assay
Plasma cortisol assay
ACTH stimulation test

* Biểu thị câu hỏi bắt buộc


A PET scan creates 3-D ______________ of the body.

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words

It does this by using ______________, which are usually administered to a patient
through intravenous injection.

2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

radioactive tracers

The tracers are made up of carrier molecules that are tightly bonded to a radioactive
atom, called an ___________.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


The carrier molecule can interact with or bind to specific proteins or _____________
in the body.

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


The ______________ that will be used depends on what the doctor is looking for.

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

carrier molecule
If she suspects cancer, or is monitoring a known cancer’s growth, she may use
_____________, a modified form of glucose, which gets absorbed by tissues.

1 word, capitalize, example: WORD


When tissues absorb a lot of glucose, it may indicate a ______________.

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

cancerous tumor

The radiation from the tracers poses little ___________ to the patient since they
quickly pass out of the body.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


The isotope produces small particles called ____________, which interact with
surrounding electrons.

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


This interaction results in the complete annihilation of both particles, releasing two
photons that speed off in __________________.

2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

opposite directions

The detectors in the PET scanner measure these _____________ and use this
information to create an image of the distribution of FDG in the body.

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


TA 4 B5+6

Match the disease with the increase/decrease of hormone and abnormalities in
endocrine organs/glands:*

1 Hypo

2 Hyper

3 Adenohypophysis

4 Adrenal cortex

5 Adrenal medulla

6 Neurohypophysis

7 Ovaries

8 Pancreas

9 Parathyroid glands

10 Testes

11 Thyroid gland
12 ADH

13 Aldosterone

14 Cortisol

15 Epinephrine

16 Insulin

17 GH

18 Parathyroid hormone

19 Thyroxine

Cretinism (suy tuyến giáp) 1 11 19

Diabetes insipidus (đái tháo nhạt) 1 12 6

Graves disease (Cường giáp) 2 11 19

Tetany (uốn ván) 1 9 18

Cushing syndrome 2 4 14

Diabetes mellitus (đái tháo đường) 1 8 16

Endemic goiter (bướu cổ) 1 11 19

Myxedema (phù niêm) 1 11 19

Addison disease 1 4 13 14

Acromegaly (to đầu chi) 2 3 17

Pheochromocytoma (u tủy thượng thận) 2 5 15

Gigantism 2 3 17

Matching the disorder with its definition:*

1 condition of sugar in the urine (tình trạng đường trong nước tiểu)

2 deficient sodium in the blood (thiếu Na trong máu)

3 deficient sugar in the blood (thiếu đường trong máu)

4 condition of increased secretion from the thyroid gland (tình trạng tăng tiết từ tuyến giáp)
5 excessive calcium in the blood (thừa Ca trong máu)

6 constant muscle contraction (co cơ liên tục)

7 condition of excessive thirst (tình trạng khát nước quá mức)

8 condition of excessive ketones (dư thừa keton)

9 normal thyroid function (chức năng tuyến giáp bình thường)

Hyponatremia 2

Polydipsia 7

Hypoglycemia 3

Glycosuria 1

Euthyroid 9

Hyperthyroidism 4

Tetany 6

Ketoacidosis 8

Hypercalcemia 5

Match the following terms:*

1 form of diabetes mellitus (đái tháo đường)

2 test of sugar metabolism (xét nghiệm chuyển hóa đường)

3 hormone that increases water reabsorption (hormon làm tăng tái hấp thu nước)

4 a form of insulin

5 hormone that stimulates the adrenal cortex (hormon kích thích vỏ thượng thận)



NIDDM Noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus 1


OGTT oral glucose tolerance test 2

Match the following terms:*

1 enlargement of the thyroid

2 overactivity of the adrenal cortex

3 underactivity of the adrenal cortex

4 lack of thyroid hormone in adults

5 small gland in the brain that is regulated by light

6 condition caused by hyperthyroidism

7 chronic thyroiditis

8 substance used in testing for diabetes

9 tumor of the adrenal medulla

10 hormone produced by the adrenal cortex

Addison disease3


Graves disease6

Hashimoto disease7

Cushing syndrome2




Glycosylated hemoglobin8


Multiple Choice.
_________ is a rare, inherited disorder that affects the endocrine glands and can
cause tumors in the parathyroid, pituitary glands and the pancreas.*

Multiple endocrine adenomatosis

Addison’s disease
Cushing’s syndrome
Schmidt syndome
Conn’s syndrome

_________ is a group of rare inherited autosomal recessive disorders characterized

by a deficiency of one of the enzymes needed to make specific hormones.*

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Conn’s syndrome
Addison’s disease
Schmidt syndome
Cushing’s syndrome

_________ is diagnosed with low cortisol and aldosterol.*

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Multiple endocrine adenomatosis
Cushing’s syndrome
Addison’s disease
Schmidt syndome

_________ means the adrenal glands produce too much of the steroid hormone
aldosterone. This condition, results from overproduction of aldosterone by one or
both adrenal glands.*

Cushing’s syndrome
Conn’s syndrome
Addison’s disease
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Multiple endocrine adenomatosis

_________ is an endocrine system disorder in which a noncancerous increase in the

size of male breast tissue occurs.*

Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Conn’s syndrome

_________ is the excessive body hair in men and women on parts of the body where
hair is normally absent or minimal.*

Precocious puberty

_________ is kidney damage that results from having diabetes. Having high blood
glucose levels due to diabetes can damage the part of the kidneys that filters your
blood. The damaged filter becomes 'leaky' and lets protein into your urine.*

Diabetic nephropathy
Nonketotic hyperglycemic hyperosmolar syndrome
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Diabetic retinopathy

_________ refers to the appearance of physical and hormonal signs of pubertal

development at an earlier age than is considered normal.*

Precocious puberty

_________ is the development or premature development of male secondary sexual

characteristics caused by male sex hormones.*

Precocious puberty

Case Study: Acute Pancreatitis

Two weeks after his emergency cardiac bypass surgery, R.B. was admitted to the hospital
with acute

pancreatitis, probably triggered by the trauma of the heart surgery. As a nurse, R.B. knew
that the mild

form of the disease was self-limiting, whereas severe pancreatitis has a mortality rate near
50%. He was

terrified, having survived heart surgery, to now have to worry about multisystem organ
failure. He had

once cared for a patient who died of necrotizing hemorrhagic pancreatitis.

On admission, R.B. had severe stabbing midepigastric pain that radiated to his back, nausea,

abdominal distention and rigidity, and jaundice. He also manifested a low-grade fever,

tachycardia, and decreased breath sounds over all lung fields. His cardiac enzymes were

normal, but he showed an increase in serum leukocytes, amylase, and lipase. CT scan of the

showed pancreatic inflammation with edema. His chest radiograph showed bilateral pleural

and atelectasis.

R.B.’s treatments included NPO, an NG tube, medications to decrease his pain and gastric

and supplemental oxygen. He was monitored for all physiologic parameters, with close
attention paid to
his fluid and electrolyte balance and intravascular volume, and recovered and was
discharged after 6 days.

Necrotizing hemorrhagic pancreatitis can be described as:*

Enlargement of the pancreas with anemia

None of the above
Inflammation of the pancreas with overgrowth of tissue
Inflammation of the pancreas with tissue death and bleeding
Marsupialization of a pancreatic pseudocyst

R.B.’s midepigastric pain was located*

Lateral to the anterior costal margins

Inferior to the sternum
Cephalad to the clavicle

Intravascular volume and hemodynamic stability refer to:*

Measured amount of urine in the drainage bag

Movement of cells through a flow cytometer
Body fluids and blood pressure
Blood count and clotting factors
Speed with which pancreatic fluid moves

Case Study: Hyperparathyroidism

B. E., a 58-year-old woman with a history of hypertension, had a partial nephrectomy 4 years
ago for

renal calculi. During a routine physical examination, her total serum calcium level was 10.8
mg/dL. Her

parathyroid hormone level was WNL; she was in no apparent distress, and the remainder of
her physical

examination and laboratory data were noncontributory.

B.E. underwent exploratory surgery for an enlarged right superior parathyroid gland. The

three glands appeared normal. The enlarged gland was excised, and a biopsy was
performed on the

remaining glands. The pathology report showed an adenoma of the abnormal gland. On her
first postoperative

day, she complained of perioral numbness and tingling. She had no other symptoms, but her

serum calcium was subnormal. She was given one ampule of calcium gluconate. Within 2
days, her calcium

level had improved and she was discharged.

Renal calculi are:*

Kidney stones
Stomach ulcers
Bile obstructions
Muscle spasms

B.E.’s serum calcium was 10.8 mg/dL, which is:*

10.8 grams of electrolytes in parathyroid hormone

10.8 milligrams calcium in 100 cc of blood
21.6 liters of calcium in 100 grams of serum
10.8 micrograms of calcium in 100 cc of serous parathyroid fluid
5.4 micrograms of calcium in her serous fluid

B.E. had perioral numbness and tingling. Perioral is:*

Lateral to the eye

Circumferential to the perineum
Within the buccal mucosa
Peripheral to any orifice
Around the mouth

Case Study: Diabetes Treatment With an Insulin Pump

M.G. a 32-year-old marketing executive, was diagnosed with juvenile-onset (type 1) diabetes
at the

age of 3 years. She vividly remembers her mother taking her to the doctor because she had
an illness

that caused her to feel extremely tired and very thirsty and hungry. She also had a cut on her

knee that would not heal and had begun to wet her bed. Her mother had had gestational

during her pregnancy with M.G.; M.G. was described as a “macrosomia” because she
weighed 10 lb

at birth.

M.G. has managed her disease with meticulous attention to her diet, exercise, preventative

care, regular blood glucose monitoring, and twice-daily injections of regular and NPH insulin,

she rotates among her upper arms, thighs, and abdomen. She continues in a smoking
cessation program

supported by weekly acupuncture treatments. She maintains good control of her disease in

spite of the inconvenience and time it consumes each day. She will be married next summer

would like to start a family. M.G.’s doctor suggested she try an insulin pump to give her more

and enhance her quality of life. After intensive training, she has received her pump. It is

the size of a beeper with a thin catheter that she introduces through a needle into her
abdominal subcutaneous

tissue. She can administer her insulin in a continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion

(CSII) and in calculated meal bolus doses. She still has to test her blood for hyperglycemia
and hypoglycemia

and her urine for ketones when her blood sugar is too high. She hopes one day to have an

M.G.’s diabetes is also described as:*

Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

Adult-onset diabetes
Diabetes insipidus
Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Gestational diabetes occurs:*

In a woman during pregnancy

At the time of delivery of a large baby with high blood sugar
At the time of puberty
To any large fetus
During menopause

The term macrosomia describes:*

An excessive amount of sleep

Too much sugar in the amniotic fluid
A large body
Inability to sleep during pregnancy
Excessive weight gain during pregnancy

M.G. injected the insulin into the subcutaneous tissue, which is:*

Above the pubic bone

Only present in the abdomen, thighs, and upper arms
Below the skin
A topical application
In a large artery

Normally after we eat or drink, our body will break down sugars from our food and
use them for ____________ in our cells.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


To accomplish this, our pancreas needs to produce a hormone called insulin. Insulin
is what ______________ the process of pulling sugar from the blood and putting it in
the cells for use, or energy.

1 word, verb, do not capitalize, example: word


Diabetes mellitus occurs when insulin production is deficient. This results in a high
level of ____________ in the body.

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

blood sugarsugar

Without insulin in our body, ___________ cannot enter the body cells and is
excreted through urine, which results in its loss.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word

An increase in blood glucose concentration leads to loss of water in cells, via
___________, to blood.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word

To understand what happens in a diabetes patient, we need to understand what
happens in the ______________.

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

normal mechanism
Whenever the blood glucose level increases, the pancreas responds by secreting

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word

Insulin has two functions here, it converts glucose to glycogen and increases the
____________ of glucose in cells.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word

This is how the glucose levels fall and the blood sugar level goes _____________.

3 words, do not capitalize, example: one two three

back to normal
The pancreas will secrete less insulin when the blood sugar level is low. It decreases
the glucose metabolism and gives the chance for sugar level to increase and
_____________ the blood sugar level to normal.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


People with diabetes are having problems in their ____________.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


It produces _____________ or none at all, halting its effectiveness to process


2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

insufficient insulin

This causes blood sugar level to ____________ the lack of glucose metabolism.

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

arise from

Meanwhile, the rest of the cells are in need of the energy but are not supplied

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


The cells’ ____________ leads to wide problems in nearly every major body system.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Diabetes has two main types: type 1 and type 2. Type 1, also called juvenile
diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, is an ____________ disorder.

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

immune system

Our own immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas,
____________ our body’s ability to make insulin. With type 1 diabetes, one must
take insulin to live.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Most people are diagnosed as a child or young adult as it is _____________.

1 word, verb, do not capitalize, example: word


Its symptoms include frequent urination, __________, fatigue, insulin shock, and
diabetic coma.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Insulin shock can be described as a feeling of ____________, sweating, and


1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Diabetic coma can be described as partial or complete loss of _______________.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Type 2 is related to ____________. It is usually suffered by older people but lately,

this type occurs more frequently in younger people.

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

insulin resistance

Obesity is the prime risk factor of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is mostly a result
of poor ___________, dietary, and exercise habits.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Its symptoms include ______________ and fatigue.

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

blurred vision

Prolonged insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes can eventually leads the beta-cell in
pancreas to ___________ and stops producing insulin effectively. Insulin medication
must be needed later on.

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


TA 4 B7
Label Organs
Male Reproductive System



4*seminiferous tubules



6*ductus deferens

7*seminal vesicles


8*ejaculatory duct


10*prostate gland

11*bulbourethral glands



13*glans penis


Choose the Right Answer

Which one of the following surrounds the testicles?*

The penis
The sperm duct
The scrotum
The urethra

The joining together of male and female gametes to form a zygote is called:*


Humans reproduce by:*

Asexual reproduction which involves one parent

Sexual reproduction which involves one parent
Asexual reproduction which involves two parents
Sexual reproduction which involves two parents

Which one of the following statements is incorrect?*

The testicles produce millions of sperm

Semen is produced in the seminal vesicles
Hormones are produced by the testicles
All males are born with one testicle

Approximately how many sperm cells are produced by each testicle daily by a
mature male?*

85 million

Which one of the following is most likely to occur in a boy during puberty?*

He produces eggs
His shoulders broaden
The colour of his eyes change
He stops playing with toys

Another name for the sex cell is:*


Which one of the following is least likely to occur in a boy during puberty?*

His voice deepens

Hair grows on the chest and under the arms
His hair turns grey
Sperm starts to be produced

During sexual intercourse, the erect penis is placed inside the vagina of the woman.
Which one of the following statements is incorrect?*

The man releases millions of sperm during intercourse

Sperm is released into the vagina
The sperm travel towards the egg
The tail of the sperm enters the egg first

Which part of the male reproductive system transfers sperm into the woman?*


The release of semen from the penis during intercourse is known as:*

Which one of the following is not part of the male reproductive system?*

Prostate gland
Seminal vesicles

What is the name of the tube that carries the sperm from the testes to the urethra?*

Seminal vesicles
Sperm duct
Prostrate gland

Seminiferous tubules develop central lumen after:*

Prepuberal time
Old age

These cells of the testes secrete testosterone.*

Cells of germinal epithelium

Cells of Leydig or interstitial cells
Secondary spermatocytes
Sertoli cells

Which of these is an accessory reproductive gland in male mammals?*

Gastric gland
Prostate gland
Mushroom-shaped gland
Inguinal gland

Fill in the Blanks

Spermatozoa are produced in the seminiferous tubules in the male glands called the


Male testes are located in the ____________.*


The testes are where ____________ are produced and mature.*


Spermatozoa mature in a coiled tube called the _____________.*


Fluid secreted from the ____________ protects sperm at the time of ejaculation.*

prostate gland

Additional protective substances are added during ejaculation by the

_____________ gland and bulbourethral glands.*

The ___________ carries semen during ejaculation to the external opening of the


The ____________ becomes swollen with blood, which causes enlargement during
sexual arousal.*


____________ is composed of spermatozoa and fluids from the seminal vesicles,

prostate, and bulbourethral glands.*


The _____________ is referred to as the foreskin.*


Match the definition*

1 circumcision cắt bao quy đầu

2 ejaculatory duct ống phóng tinh

3 epididymis mào tinh hoàn

4 glans quy đầu

5 scrotum bìu dái

6 seminiferous tubules ống sinh tinh

7 testosterone nội tiết tố nam

8 urologist nhà tiết niệu học

9 vas deferens ống dẫn tinh

10 semen tinh dịch

6 Structures within the testes Cấu trúc bên trong tinh hoàn

7 Male sex hormone hormone sinh dục nam

2 Propel spermatozoa at the culmination Đẩy tinh trùng lên đỉnh

4 Expanded tip of the penis Mở rộng đầu dương vật

1 Elective surgical removal of prepuce Phẫu thuật tự chọn loại bỏ bao quy đầu

8 Specialist in the male reproductive system Chuyên gia về hệ thống sinh sản nam giới

5 Sac of skin located outside the body Túi da nằm bên ngoài cơ thể

3 Maturation of sperm begins here Sự trưởng thành của tinh trùng bắt đầu từ đây

10 Spermatozoa and fluid Tinh trùng và chất lỏng

9 Union of ducts of seminal vesicles and vas deferens Sự kết hợp của ống dẫn tinh và ống
dẫn tinh

Listening Test

___________ is the epic story of a single sperm facing incredible odds. To unite with
an egg and form a new human life. It is the story of all of us.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


During __________, about 300 million sperm enter the vagina.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one two

sexual intercourse

Soon afterward, millions of them will either flow out of the vagina or die in its

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

acidic environment

However, many survive because of the protective elements provided in the

__________ surrounding them.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


Next the sperm must pass through the ___________ and opening into the uterus.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


Usually, it remains __________ but here the cervix is open for a few days while the
woman ovulates.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

tightly closed

The sperm swim through the cervical mucus, which is thinned to a more
____________ for easier passage.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

watery consistency

Once inside the cervix, the sperm continue __________ the uterus though millions
will die trying to make it through the mucus.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

swimming toward

Some sperm remain behind, caught in the ___________ of the cervix, but they may
later continue the journey as a backup to the first group.*

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


Inside the uterus, muscular uterine ___________ assist the sperm on their journey
toward the egg.*

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


However, resident cells from the women's immune system mistaking the sperm for
___________, destroy thousands more.*

2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

foreign invaders

Next, half the sperm head for the empty fallopian tube, while the other half swim
toward the tube containing the unfertilized egg. Now, only ___________ remain.*

3 words, do not capitalize, example: one two three

a few thousand

Inside the fallopian tube, tiny __________ pushed the egg toward the uterus. To
continue, the sperm must surge against this motion to reach the egg.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


Some sperm get trapped in the ____________.*

3 words, do not capitalize, example: one two three

cilia and die

During this part of the journey, ____________ in the reproductive tract cause the
membranes covering the heads of the sperm to change.*

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


As a result, the sperm become ____________, swimming harder and faster toward
their destination.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


At long last, the spam reached the egg. Only a few dozen of the original __________
million sperm remain.*

a number

The egg is covered with a layer of cells called the corona radiata. The sperm must
____________ this layer to reach the outer layer of the egg, the zona pellucida.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

pushed through

When sperm reached the zona pellucida, they attach to specialized sperm receptors
on the surface, which triggers their ____________ to release digestive enzymes,
enabling the sperm to burrow into the layer. Inside the zona pellucida is a narrow
fluid filled space just outside the egg cell membrane.*

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


The first sperm to make contact will ___________ the egg. After a perilous journey
and against incredible odds, a single sperm attaches to the egg cell membrane.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Within a few minutes, their __________ fuse and the egg pulls the sperm inside.
This event causes changes in the egg membrane that prevent other sperm from
attaching to it.*

2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

outer membranes

Next, the egg releases chemicals that push other sperm away from the egg and
create an ___________ fertilization membrane.*
1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


As the reaction spreads outward, the zona pellucida hardens, __________ any
sperm unlucky enough to be caught inside.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Outside the egg, sperm are no longer able to attach to the zona pellucida,
meanwhile inside the egg, the tightly packed _____________ spreads out.*

3 words, do not capitalize, example: one two three

male genetic material

A new membrane forms around the genetic material, creating the _____________.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

male pronucleus

Inside the genetic material reforms into ___________ chromosomes. The female
genetic material awakened by the fusion of the sperm with the egg finishes dividing,
resulting in the female pronucleus which also contains _____________

a number


As the male and female pronuclei form, spider web-like threads called ___________
pull them toward each other.*
1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


The two sets of chromosomes joined together, completing the process of fertilization.
At this moment, a ____________ arises instantly determining gender, hair color, eye
color and hundreds of other characteristics.*

3 words, do not capitalize, example: one two three

unique genetic code

This new single cell, the zygote, is the beginning of a new __________.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

human being

And now the cilia and the fallopian tube gently sweep the zygote toward the uterus,
where he or she will ____________ in the richer uterine lining, growing and maturing
for the next nine months until ready for birth.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


TA 4 B8

Label Process
Fill in the flow chart showing the passage of sperm:


seminiferous tubules



vas deferens


ejaculatory duct





Fill in the Blanks

Inflammation of the testes:*


Inflammation of the tube that carries the spermatozoa to the vas deferens:*


Resection of the prostate gland:*


Inflammation of the prostate gland:*


Process of producing (the formation of) sperm cells:*

Fixation of undescended testicle:*


Inflammation of the glans penis:*


Condition of scanty sperm:*


Lack of semen:*


Pertaining to a testicle:*


Choose the Right Answer(s)

Testosterone is produced in the:*

Seminiferous tubules of the testes

Anterior lobe of the pituitary

Sperm cells

Interstitial cells

The site of spermatogenesis in the male is the:*


Ductus deferens
Efferent ductule

Seminiferous tubules


Which is the most correct sequence of sperm flow in the male duct system?*

Testes, epididymis, ductus deferens, urethra, seminal vesicle

Seminiferous tubules, prostatic urethra, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, ampulla

Seminiferous tubules, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, ampulla, urethra

Seminiferous tubules, epididymis, vas deferens, ampulla, ejaculatory duct, urethra

Testes, ductus deferens, urethra, seminal vesicle

Which of these factors causes a decrease in GnRH release?*

Decreased inhibin

Decreased LH

Decreased FSH

Increased testosterone


Stimulates the development of terminal hairs

Decreases red blood cell count

Decreases blood volume

Prevents closure of the epiphyseal plate

Support spermatogenesis:

Which of these is consistent with erection of the penis?*

Dilation of arterioles

Parasympathetic stimulation
Compression of veins

Engorgement of sinusoids with blood

A 65-year-old man with poorly controlled hypertension and diabetes mellitus is

unable to have successful sexual intercourse with his wife, even though he wants to.
His wife is very concerned and brings her husband to the physician. This patient has
this type of sexual dysfunction:*

Erectile dysfunction

Increased libido

Retrograde ejaculation

Delayed ejaculation


Listening Test


Erectile dysfunction leads to an inability to develop and maintain a full


1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


Causes include psychological ones like stress, _____________, and depression.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one two

performance anxiety

In addition, there are a number of physiologic causes as well. The most common
physiologic cause for erectile dysfunction is an ____________ due to atherosclerosis
and blood vessel damage from hypertension.*

3 words, do not capitalize, example: one two three

inadequate blood supply

Atherosclerosis is caused by the buildup of atheromatous plaques that can harden

the ___________ supplying the penis, which makes it difficult for them to dilate.*

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


Hypertension causes wear and tear in the __________ cells and decrease their
ability to produce nitric oxide.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


Another condition that can also damage the arteries is diabetes mellitus. High
glucose levels can cause hyaline _____________ in the small arterioles in the

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


This is where the arteriole walls develop hyaline deposits, which makes it harder for
them to ___________.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


It also builds up in the capillaries causing the basement membrane to thicken which
makes it harder for oxygen to efficiently move from the vascular space to the tissues,
causing hypoxia and ___________ of the smooth muscle cells.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


This hypoxia also causes the ____________ nerve fibers to die off.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Damaged parasympathetic nerve fibers can’t release acetylcholine, so there’s less

nitric oxide _____________, and less nitric oxide is produced.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

synthase activation

Also, conditions like stroke, ____________, and back or pelvic trauma can directly
damage the nerves, leading to erectile dysfunction.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: two three

multiple sclerosis

Next, _____________ that causes testosterone levels to fall, like hypogonadism, can
cause erectile dysfunction.*

2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

endocrine dysfunction

This happens because low testosterone levels are associated with lower levels of
nitric oxide synthase, which causes less nitric oxide to be produced, and less smooth
muscle ___________.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one

Since testosterone production decreases with age, it’s normal for erections to
become more difficult to _______________ later in life.*

3 words, do not capitalize, example: one two three

achieve and maintain

Finally, many medications can cause erectile dysfunction as a ____________.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

side effect

These include diuretics because they leave less fluid in ____________, making it
difficult to achieve an erection, and medications like antidepressants and
methadone, but those mechanisms are not as well understood.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

your circulation

There is no specific test to diagnose erectile dysfunction, so the diagnosis largely

relies on the ____________ of the individual.*

2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

sexual experiences

Careful questioning of _____________ as well as blood tests to check for

testosterone and glucose levels, a neurological assessment, and duplex ultrasound
to evaluate blood flow and atherosclerosis can be done to investigate the cause of
erectile dysfunction.*

2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

psychological stressors
Treatment of erectile dysfunction largely focuses on addressing the ____________
cause. In terms of medications, PDE-5 inhibitors, like sildenafil can be used.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


These medications inhibit the PDE-5 enzyme in endothelial cells which normally
breaks down cGMP, leading to higher levels of cGMP. That allows for more smooth
muscle relaxation which __________ an erection.*

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


Sometimes, vacuum erection devices can be used. These devices apply

____________ around the penis which can help draw in blood to achieve an

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

negative pressure

Finally, ___________ like prosthetic implants can be embedded into the penis. They
do not cause erections, but it could help keep the penis rigid.*

2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

surgical procedures

All right, as a quick recap, erectile dysfunction is the inability to develop or maintain
an erection and it could have psychological or ____________ causes.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word

Organic causes can be due to cardiovascular disorders like hypertension,
neurological problems like those caused by ______________, or hormonal
dysfunction where testosterone levels decrease.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Various medications, like ___________ can also cause erectile dysfunction as a side

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


There’s no ____________ test to diagnose erectile dysfunction, so, diagnosis is

typically geared at detecting pre-existing causes.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Treatment includes PDE-5 inhibitors like sildenafil, _____________, and surgery.*

3 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: these two words

vacuum erection devices

TA 4 B9+10


1 circumcision cắt bao quy đầu

2 cryptorchidism Bìu thiếu tinh hoàn

3 cystitis viêm bàng quang

4 hydrocele sưng bìu (Do ứ nước)

5 hypospadia lỗ tiểu nhỏ

6 orchiectomy cắt bỏ tinh hoàn

7 orchiopexy Phẫu thuật cố định tinh hoàn

8 orchitis viêm tinh hoàn

9 Peyronie’s disease bệnh Peyronie

10 prostatectomy cắt bỏ tuyến tiền liệt

11 prostatitis viêm tuyến tiền liệt

12 semen analysis phân tích tinh dịch

13 testicular torsion xoắn tinh hoàn

14 transurethral needle ablation cắt bỏ kim transurethral

15 transurethral resection of the prostate

16 urethritis viêm niệu đạo

17 urethral stricture hẹp niệu đạo

18 urinary incontinence tiểu không tự chủ

19 varicocele giãn tĩnh mạch thừng tinh

20 vasectomy thắt ống dẫn tinh

excision of the prostate gland cắt bỏ tuyến tiền liệt 10

removal of the end of the prepuce loại bỏ phần cuối của bao qui đầu 1

swollen vein near the spermatic cord tĩnh mạch bị sưng gần thừng tinh 19

failed to drop testicles(s) into the scrotum không thả (các) tinh hoàn vào bìu 2

inflammation of the prostate viêm tuyến tiền liệt 11

prostate removal by electro/cryo techniques cắt bỏ tuyến tiền liệt bằng kt điện/cryo 15

examination of spermatozoa kiểm tra tinh trùng 12

male sterilization procedure quy trình triệt sản nam 20

surgical fixation of a testis phẫu thuật cố định tinh hoàn 7

excision of one/both testes cắt bỏ một/cả hai tinh hoàn 6


1 circumcision cắt bao quy đầu

2 cryptorchidism Bìu thiếu tinh hoàn

3 cystitis viêm bàng quang

4 hydrocele sưng bìu (Do ứ nước)

5 hypospadias

6 orchiectomy cắt bỏ tinh hoàn

7 orchiopexy Phẫu thuật cố định tinh hoàn

8 orchitis viêm tinh hoàn

9 Peyronie’s disease bệnh Peyronie

10 prostatectomy cắt bỏ tuyến tiền liệt

11 prostatitis viêm tuyến tiền liệt

12 semen analysis phân tích tinh dịch

13 testicular torsion xoắn tinh hoàn

14 transurethral needle ablation cắt bỏ kim transurethral

15 transurethral resection of the prostate

16 urethritis viêm niệu đạo

17 urethral stricture hẹp niệu đạo

18 urinary incontinence tiểu không tự chủ

19 varicocele giãn tĩnh mạch thừng tinh

20 vasectomy thắt ống dẫn tinh

narrowing lesion of the urethra Hẹp niệu đạo 17

inability to control urination Tiểu không kiểm soát 18

fluid in the scrotum Ứ nước trong bìu 4

treatment with low-level radiofrequency energy Điều trị bằng NL sóng vô tuyến 14

abnormal urethral opening on the penis lỗ niệu đạo bất thường trên dương vật 5

inflammation of the testicle Viêm tinh hoàn 8

inflammation of the urethra Viêm niệu đạo 16

inflammation of the urinary bladder Viêm bàng quang 3

induration of part of the penis Độ cứng 1 phần dương vật 9

rotation producing ischemia of the testes Xoay tạo thiếu máu cục bộ của tinh hoàn 13


Match the meanings with their abbreviations

Match the meanings with their abbreviations*











Acquired immune deficiency syndrome AIDS

Human immunodeficiency virus HIV

Rapid plasma reagin/test of syphilis RPR

Sexually transmitted disease STD

Test for syphilis VDRL

Enzyme immunoassay EIA

Herpes simplex virus HSV

Venereal disease VD

Cytomegalovirus CMV

Cytomegalic inclusion disease CID

Fill in the Blanks

An infection of the genitourinary tract is _________.*


A test for gonorrhea is __________.*

gram stain/culture

A test used to confirm the presence of HIV is the _________.*

western blot

__________ is a bacterial infection found in both men and women and known as the
“silent STD.”*


Infection of the skin and the mucosa of the genitals is called __________.*

genital herpes

A __________ is performed on mother and newborn to determine exposure to any of

several viral diseases.
TORCH test

Viral infection that is transmitted in the uterus from mother to fetus is called

cytomegalic inclusion disease

A test for syphilis is _____________.

rapid plasma reagin test/ FTA-ABS test

The advanced stage of HIV infection is known as __________.

acquired immune deficiency syndrome

____________ are a sexually transmitted condition caused by the human

papillomavirus that affects both men and women.

venereal warts

A chronic, infectious disease caused by spirochete bacterium affecting any organ of

the body is _____________.


____________ is an inflammation of the genital tract mucosa membrane caused by



A blood test for the presence of cytomegalic inclusion disease is a ____________


A blood test to detect for the presence of HIV antibodies is __________.

enzyme immunoassay

A viral infection that damages the body’s natural immune defenses against disease
is __________.

human immunodeficiency virus

Choose the Right Answer(s)

Anorchism is:*

Narrowing of the opening of the prepuce

Absence of sperm in semen

Congenital absence of one or both testes

Male deprived of testes or external genitals

The site of spermatogenesis in the male is the:*



Efferent ductule

Ductus deferens

Seminiferous tubules

Ejaculation is:*

Secretion responsible for male sex characteristics

Formation of sperm

Ejection of sperm and fluid from the male urethra

A tube formed by union of vas deferens and duct of seminal vesicles

Corpora cavernosa is:*

Deficient amount of sperm in the seminal fluid

Abnormal congenital opening on the underside of the penis

Narrowing of the opening of the prepuce

Two columns of erectile tissue lying side by side that form the bulk of the penis

Vasovasostomy is:*

Removal of all or a segment of the vas deferens to produce

Reversal of a vasectomy by rejoining the cut ends of vas deferens

Surgical fixation of undescended testes in the scrotum

Excision of one or both testes

Oligospermia is:*

Deficient amount of sperm in the seminal fluid

Malignant tumor of the testes

Absence of sperm in the semen

Failure of testes to ejaculate semen

Masturbation is:*

Sensitive tip of the penis

Inability of the male to achieve an erection to perform sexual intercourse successfully

Deficiency of the testes or their secretion with impaired sexual power and eunuchoid

Stimulation of the genital organs by some means other than sexual intercourse

Eunuchoidism is:*

Male deprived of testes or external genitals

Inability of the male to achieve a sufficient erection

Deficiency of the testes or their secretion with impaired sexual power and eunuchoid

Stimulation of the genital organs by some means other than intercourse

Chancre is:*

Cauliflower-like, fleshy growths

Skin lesion

Tightness of foreskin

Discharged pus

Castration is:*

Weak muscle tone

Removal of damaged tissue


Deficient amount of sperm

Listening Test


A vasectomy procedure is a __________ of birth control for men, where the surgeon
cuts and seals off a section of the male reproductive tract in order to prevent sperm
from exiting the man's body during ejaculation.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one two

permanent method

Câu trả lời của bạn

A man's reproductive system includes the testes, two oval-shaped structures in

which sperm a man's ___________ are produced.*
2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

reproductive cells

Câu trả lời của bạn

Leading from each testicle is the vas deferens, a tube that carries sperm to the
urethra, a channel in the penis that transports ___________.*

3 words, do not capitalize, example: one two three

urine and sperm

Câu trả lời của bạn

During ejaculation each vas deferens propels sperm through the seminal vesicles
and the prostate gland, structures that provide ___________ and transport for the
sperm, now called semen.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

liquid nourishment

Câu trả lời của bạn

This combination of sperm and supporting fluids continues its journey through the
urethra and is __________ out of the penis.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


Câu trả lời của bạn

During __________, the semen passes into a woman's reproductive system, where
the sperm can meet and fertilize an egg.*
1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


Câu trả lời của bạn

If you don't want to impregnate a woman, you may choose a ____________ from
one of several categories.*

3 words, do not capitalize, example: one two three

birth control method

Câu trả lời của bạn

Abstinence to completely avoid __________ by not having sexual intercourse.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


Câu trả lời của bạn

_________ to temporarily avoid pregnancy through use of various methods during

sexual intercourse.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Câu trả lời của bạn

Or sterilization to permanently avoid pregnancy by having a medical procedure. A

__________ is one form of sterilization.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word

Câu trả lời của bạn

Before the procedure begins, you will be given injections of a ____________ to

numb the area.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: two three

local anesthetic

Câu trả lời của bạn

In a conventional vasectomy, a scalpel will be used to make a ___________ on one

side of your scrotum, the thin skin pouch that houses the testicles.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one two

small incision

Câu trả lời của bạn

Your physician will locate the vas deferens and ___________ it through the

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


Câu trả lời của bạn

At this point, you may feel a __________.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one two

pulling sensation

Câu trả lời của bạn

The vas deferens will be cut and a small piece may be ____________.*
1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


Câu trả lời của bạn

Next, the newly cut ends of the vas deferens will be tied, sealed with __________ or

2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

surgical clips

Câu trả lời của bạn

The vas deferens will be returned to the ___________ and the incision closed with

1 word, do not capitalize, example: one


Câu trả lời của bạn

The same steps will be repeated on ___________ of the scrotum. This procedure
takes about 30 minutes in the non scalpel method.*

3 words, do not capitalize, example: one two three

the other side

Câu trả lời của bạn

Your doctor would use a special ringed instrument to hold and expose the
__________. From this point on the procedure is the same as the conventional
2 words, do not capitalize, example: two words

vas deferens

Câu trả lời của bạn

This method is usually associated with faster healing and fewer ____________ and
is just as effective as the conventional method.*

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


Câu trả lời của bạn

Immediately following either procedure, you will be asked to ___________ at the

doctor’s office for a short time.*

1 word, do not capitalize, example: word


Câu trả lời của bạn

The incisions will heal in a few days with little or no ____________.*

1 word, plural, do not capitalize, example: words


Câu trả lời của bạn

After your procedure, you will need to limit your _____________ for one to two days.
You will not be able to shower for 24 hours.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: one word

physical activity
Câu trả lời của bạn

You will need to avoid lifting __________, performing hard labor, and exercising
strenuously for five to seven days.*

2 words, plural, do not capitalize, example: two words

heavy objects

Câu trả lời của bạn

You will need to avoid ___________ for seven days.*

2 words, do not capitalize, example: two three

sexual activity

Câu trả lời của bạn

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