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Figure 5.

Circuit Diagram of Microcontroller

The schematic diagram for making the water pump automatically turns on when

the water level is low, and is turned off when the water level is at a certain level is shown in

Figure 5. In section 1, the ultrasonic sensor measures the depth of the water. The trigPin is

connected to Digital I/O pin 8, and the echoPin is connected to Digital I/O pin 7. For the section

2, it controls the water pump to make it automatic. The input pin of relay optocuoupler module 5V, 10 A

1 Channel is connected to Digital I/O pin 6. As for the section 3, it is the light indicator that indicates

whether the water pump is on and off.

Calculation of Return of Investment (ROI)

Cost of Output per day=Output per day∗Cost of Jug eq . 7

Total Cost of the Product

Payback period= eq . 8
Cost of Output per day

Total Output per day = 80 gallons/day
Total Cost of the Product = ₱ 34,508
Cost of Output per day = Output cost
Cost of Jug = ₱ 30 / jug
Payback period = Period to recover

Calculation of Return of Investment (ROI)

a. Investment Turnover
∗1 jug
Total Cost of the Product=₱ 34,508 day
Output per day=120 =24 jugs / day
5 Gallons
Cost of output per day=Output per day∗Cost of Jug

∗₱ 30
day Cost of output per day=₱ 720 /day
Cost of output per day=24

Total Cost of the Product ₱ 34,508

Payback period= Payback period=
Cost of output per day ₱ 720/day

days∗1 yr
Payback period=47.93 days=48 days Payback period ( year )=48
365 days

Payback period ( year )= year

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