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InglesIT1  ENGLISH FOR IT 1  Five Reasons Why the Internet is Bad!

Comenzado el miércoles, 14 de junio de 2023, 23:04

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en miércoles, 14 de junio de 2023, 23:13
Tiempo 9 minutos 29 segundos
Calificación 19,00 de 21,00 (90,48%)

Pregunta 1 • Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.
Se puntúa 1. go online to use the internet 
8,00 sobre
8,00 2. billion a large number (1,000,000,000) 

3. common usual; many people have it or do it 

4. fire to make someone leave a company or job 

5. face to face two people together looking at each other 

6. criminal for example, a person who steals things 

7. scam a plan for making money by telling lies 

8. stay connected (1) have good relationships with people, (2) stay online 

Your answer is correct.

La respuesta correcta es: 1. go online → to use the internet, 2. billion → a large number (1,000,000,000), 3. common → usual; many people have it or do it, 4. fire → to make someone leave a company or
job, 5. face to face → two people together looking at each other, 6. criminal → for example, a person who steals things, 7. scam → a plan for making money by telling lies, 8. stay connected → (1) have
good relationships with people, (2) stay online

Pregunta 2 • Use the above words to complete the sentences. Change the forms of verbs and nouns when necessary.
correcta 1. More than eight billion people live on Earth.
Se puntúa 2. I stay connected   and use Facebook every day.
5,00 sobre
3. The police are looking for that man. He is a criminal  .

4. I don’t like to talk on the phone. I like to talk with people face to face  .

5. I don’t trust this email. I think it’s a scam  .

6. Thomas couldn’t finish his homework. His computer couldn’t go online 

7. Don’t be late for work or your boss might fire  you.

8. It is common   nowadays for people to have a cell phone.

Pregunta 3 How Much Do You Understand?
• Watch the video and match the statements.
Se puntúa
6,00 sobre

1. Most people agree that the internet is a good thing. 

2. Many people go online several hours every day. 

3. Some people like to use the internet at work. 

4. You may not exercise enough when you go online. 

5. The friends you have online may not be real friends 

6. Some criminals go online to steal money and scam people. 

Your answer is correct.

La respuesta correcta es: 1. Most people agree that → the internet is a good thing., 2. Many people go online → several hours every day., 3. Some people like to use → the internet at work., 4. You may not
exercise → enough when you go online., 5. The friends you have online → may not be real friends, 6. Some criminals go online → to steal money and scam people.

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