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I. General Information
A. Project Title      : UMMB Production
B. Business Location : Travesia Guinobatan, Albay
C. Proponents    : Group 1
         Nerio Consuelo   
         Benilda Mosar
         Myrna Solano
         Rossana Pavia
         Edmundo Vallo
D. Production Cycle   : 1 week after production
E. Total Project Cost   : 632.00
F. Projected Gross Income : 968.00
G. Executive Summary   :
 The proposed business chosen by the group was
Urea Molasses Mineral Block (UMMB) production, the proponents
will produced 8 kls. per week and UMMB will be sold in
Guinobatan Albay and nearby municipalities. The three membes of
the group will assigned to do the UMMB and molding of UMMB
II. Project Rationale
A. Brief Description of the business
 UMMB or urea molasses mineral block is a food supplement for
goats, carabao, sheep and cows. This is a block containing a
mixture of urea molasses, cement , salt  and rice bran. It is a
readily available source of energy
    protein and minerals for the dairy animals as a feed
supplement, it provides for animals with essential nutrients
usually deficient in forages and crop residue. Urea molasses
mineral block (UMMB) is pepared in a solid, hard, compact form but
it is water soluble. It is given to ruminants as a lick. It helps
in increasing appetite and maintain the energy and health of the
animals but avoid giving UMMB to animals that are not more than six
months and to those animals that are in their pregnancy period. In
making UMMB there are 4 major steps  preparation of said items,
mixing, molding and drying and stored for 1 week. The size of
UMMB may vary depends on the ruminants.. small size UMMB for
small ruminants and the bigger size for large ruminants. Aeration
is important to make sure the binding of UMMB is strong enough and
leave the block to dry completely before feeding to the animals.
III. Objectives
The General objective of Urea Molasses Mineral Block production is
to provide the group with the opportunity to experience selling and
developed the managerial and entrepreneur skills and traits for UMMB
The specific objective were as follows:
1. To produced good quality of UMMB
2. To provide affordable price
3. To apply the knowledge of UMMB production as
source of income to others.
IV. Significance
The UMMB production will bring significant to other people to provide
employment. Owner of small ruminants will provide the quality and
affordable price of UMMB. The easiest way to contact a buyer is
through networking, using gadgets such as computer and
cellphone that would be easy to communicate the buyer. Regular buyer
especially local farmer would prefer through house to house
for delivering the product.
    (Storage Facility)
UMMB needs to be stored in a specific facility to
preserved its quality. Providing simple storage area of UMMB to
avoid from excessive rain and direct sunlight to provide its
shelf life.

V. Project Management
There will be 2 to 3 member form the group assigned in UMMB

VI. Estimated Budget Breakdown/Capital Requirements.
Rice bran 4 kls 28/kl 112.00
Molasses 4 liters 45/L 180.00
Cement 1 kl. 25/kl 25.00
Urea 1 kl 60/kl 60.00
Salt 1/2 kl 20/kl 10.00
Basin 1 80/pc 80.00
Pail 1 65/pc 65.00
Wood mixer 2 30/pc 60.00
Empty Bottle 8 5/pc 40.00
Total 632.00

VII. Financial Statements
UMMB 8 kls. 200/kl 1600.00
Total Sales 1600.00

Rice bran 4 kls. 28/kl 112.00

Molasses 4 liters 45/liter 180.00
Cement 1 kl 25/kl 25.00
Urea 1 kl 60/kl 60.00
Salt 1/2 kl 20/kl 10.00
Basin 1 80/pc 80.00
Pail 1 65/pc 65.00
Wood Mixer 2 30/pc 60.00
Empty Bottle 8 5/pc 40.00
Total Expense 632.00
Projected Income 968.00

Prepared by:               Evaluated and Endorsed by:

Group 1                    
Nerio Consuelo
Benilda Mosar Regional Director
Myrna Solano
Rossana Pavia
Edmundo Vallo

Approved Disapproved

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