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Course & Year: _BS PHARMACY 2__Schedule: _____________________

RIZAL LAW AND THE 20th Century Context
1.) Considering the context of the 1950s, what issues and interests were at stake
in the debate over the Rizal Bill?

The Catholic Church's opposition to the proposed law was one of the topics raised
in the Rizal Bill discussion. They feared that people would see them negatively
since they claimed to be followers of the Lord. They were so worried about the
reputation of the Catholic Church that they worried that reading Rizal's book
would make churchgoers stop believing and listening to them.

2.) List two things in the law that you think are important. Explain.

There’s this statement in the law saying “today, more than any other period
of our history, there is a need for a re-dedication to the ideals of freedom
and nationalism.” and “the life, works and writing of Jose Rizal, are
constant and inspiring source of patriotism with which the minds of the
youth, especially during their formative and decisive years in school,
This claims, in my opinion, are significant since, as a young person, I was not
very interested in our past. As shown, young people nowadays are more
interested in and supportive of other nations like watching K-dramas and
cheering for K-pop idols. This remark urges us to renew our commitment to our
country. We must also recognize our riches and take a greater interest in our own
country. We can learn through the writings and life of our ancestors like Jose
Rizal to see what we can improve in order to keep up with other nations rather
than only praising their works.

3.) Do these issues remain pertinent in the present day? Justify your answer
through a concrete example.

No, I think the issue of Catholics with law is no longer present in the era. In our
church, there was once when, in the homily, the priest pointed out the flaws in
our own church while acknowledging the problems in the institution during the
time of Rizal. This demonstrates that Catholics are aware of their shortcomings
during those times and it no longer affects the relationship between them.

4.) What are the issues today in which you can strongly perceive the intervention
of the religious institution? Cite one, Explain.

Politics is one current problem where religious institutions have stepped in. The
INC religion chose Bongbong Marcos, the current president of our country, as
their leader during the 2022 elections. This, in my opinion, is inappropriate since
voting is one way we display our nationalism. Given the situation, the church's
members are being ordered to elect the president, which disregards their right to
5.) If the Rizal law was passed nowadays, what do you think would be different?
Give one Concrete example.
If the Rizal Law had been enacted today, I believe there would be no
change. The methods used by senates to approve laws may have changed,
but the legislation itself is, in my opinion, not debatable since it serves the
interests of the nation.

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