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TOPIC: Choose any spoken or written text of about 300
words and follow the instruction.

Lecturer: Mr. Duong Minh Hoang

Student’s name: Phạm Thị Quỳnh
Student’s ID: 0220h1164

Hanoi, 2022

This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge, the content of this paper is our own work.

This paper has not been submitted for any degree or other purposes. We certify that the

intellectual content of this paper is the product of our own work and that all the assistance

received in preparing this paper and sources have been acknowledged.

Date: 20/12/2022

Students’ signatures: Quynh

TOPIC: Choose any spoken or written text of about 300 words and follow the
Diary of Wimpy Kid
First of all, let me get something straight: This is a Journal, not a diary. I know

what it says on the cover, but when Mom went out to buy this thing I specifically

told her to get one that didn’t say “diary” on it. Great. All I need is for some jerk to

catch me carrying this book around and get the wrong idea. The other thing I want

to clear up right away is that this was mom’s idea, not mine. But if she thinks I’m

going to write down my “feelings” in here or whatever, she’s crazy. So just don’t

expect me to be

All “Dear Diary” this and “Dear Diary” that. The only reason I agreed to do this at

all is because I figure later on when I’m rich and famous, I’ll have better things to

do than answer people’s stupid questions all day long. So this book is gonna come

in handy. Like I said, I’ll be famous one day, but for now I’m stuck in middle

school with a bunch of morons. Let me just say for the record that I think middle

school is the dumbest idea ever invented. You got kids like me who haven’t hit

their growth spurt yet mixed in with these gorillas who need to shave twice a day.

And then they wonder why bullying is such a big problem in middle school. If it

was up to me, grade levels would be based on height, not age. But then again, I

guess that would mean kids like Chirag Gupta would still be in the first grade.


Greg Heffley, C. (1988). Diary of Wimpy Kid (1st ed., pp. 1-2). Abrams Books.

1.Select 15 words from the text and write the phonetic names of all the
segments in each word.
Index Words Phonetics Explanation
1 up /ʌp/ central open short vowel + voiceless
bilabial oral stop
2 to /tuː/ back close long vowel + back close long
3 get /ɡet/ voiced velar oral stop + back open short
vowel + voiceless alveolar oral stop
4 got /ɡɒt/ voiced velar oral stop + back open short
vowel + voiceless alveolar oral stop
5 all /ɔːl/ back close-mid long vowel + voiced
alveolar lateral approximant
6 day /deɪ/ voiceless bilabial oral stop + back open
short vowel + front close short vowel
7 one /wʌn/ Voiced labial-velar approximant + central
open short vowel + voiced alveolar nasal
8 book /bʊk/ voiced bilabial oral stop + back close short
vowel + voiceless velar oral stop
9 on /ɑːn/ Voiced labial-velar approximant + central
open short vowel
10 of /ɑːv/ central open short vowel + voiceless
bilabial oral stop
11 stuck /stʌk/ voiceless alveolar fricative + voiceless
alveolar oral stop + back open long vowel
+ voiceless alveolar oral stop
12 be /biː/ voiced bilabial oral stop + front close long

13 out /aʊt/ voiced alveolar lateral approximant + back
close short vowel + voiceless velar oral
14 Let /let/ voiceless alveolar fricative + voiceless
alveolar oral stop + back open long vowel
+ voiceless alveolar oral stop
15 do  /duː/ voiceless bilabial oral stop + back close
long vowel

2. Select 10 words from the text. For each word, choose one segment that is
realized in a specific way because of its phonetic environment, transcribe it
phonetically, and provide an explanation.
Word Phoneme Realization Specification Explanation
mixed /m/ [ɱ] Realized as a /m/ is realized as a
labio-dental nasal labiodental nasal
before a labio-dental
think /k/ [k̚] No audible /k/ is produced without
release an audible release
because it precedes
another oral stop (/t/)
said /d/ [dⁿ] Nasal release Oral stop /d/ is produced
nasally as it is followed
by a homorganic nasal
stop /n/
up /ʌ/ [ʌ̃] nasalized /ʌ/ is nasalized because
it stands before a nasal

twice /t/ [ɾ] Voiced alveolar Alveolar oral stop /t/
tap between two vowels and
before an unstressed
answer /s/ [sʷ] Labialized Consonant /s/ is
labialized next to a
rounded vowel / ɔ:/
gorillas /l/ [l̥ ] Partially Approximant /l/
devoiced following an aspirated
oral stop /k/ is partially
first /s/ [sʷ] Labialized Consonant /s/ is
labialized next to a
rounded vowel / w/
later /l/ [l̥ ] Partially Approximant /l/
devoiced following an aspirated
oral stop /p/ is partially
think /h/ [hʷ] Labialized Consonant /h/ is
labialized next to a
rounded vowel / ɔ:/
3. Select 05 polysyllabic words (words having more than one syllable) and
draw tree diagrams to analyze their syllable structures.
Five polysyllabic words are: carry, get, wrong, idea, book,

/ bʊk /


Rhyme Onset Rhyme

Nucleus Coda Nucleus

s ɪ s t ə

/ aɪˈdiː.ə/


Rhyme Onset Rhyme

Nucleus Coda Nucleus

t ɜː t l


σ1 σ2

Rhyme Onset Rhyme

Nucleus Coda Nucleus

m ɛ n i

/ ɡet /


Rhyme Onset Rhyme


n ɪə l i

/ ker.i /


Rhyme Onset Rhyme

Nucleus Coda Nucleus

nn ɛ v ə

4. Analyze 05 potential cases of assimilation, elision, epenthesis, and/or liaison.

Provide the citation form, the connected speech form, and an explanation for
each case.

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