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Choose the best word or phrase to complete each of
the following sentences.
1. Phrases form both semantic units and .............. units. (thiên về lý thuyết đơn thuần)
a) Syntactic
b) Morphological
c) Lexical
d) Discourse

2. In the clause The baby is sleeping in the hammock, «in the hammock» is positionally
regarded and labelled as a/an .............. (áp dụng lý thuyết)
a) NP
b) AdvP
c) PP
d) AP

1. Which of these is the best definition of syntax?

a. The study of the rules governing specifically the sounds that form words.
b. The study of the rules governing sentence formation.
c. The study of the rules governing morpheme formation.
d. The study of the rules governing word formation.

2. Which of these is not a degree adverb?

a. Frankly
b. Highly
c. Extremely
d. Hardly

3. ................... are sequences of words that can function as constituents in the structure of
a. Clauses
b. Sentences
c. Structures
d. Phrases
4. A typical verb phrase has as its head ................
a. an adjective
b. an adverb
c. a verb
d. a noun

5. .................. are constructions with one phrase constituent bearing the subject relation and
another constituent bearing the predicate relation.
a. Phrases
b. Sentences
c. Clauses
d. Structures

6. Which of these is a degree adverb?

a. Amazingly
b. Beautifully
c. Oddly
d. Rather

7. Which of these is not belonged to major class?

a. Verb
b. Noun
c. Preposition
d. Adverb

8. A/An .................. verb is one that takes both a direct object and an indirect object.
a. monotransitive
b. ditransitive
c. complex transitive
d. intensive

9. The underlined word in the sentence ‘This is an interesting film’ functions as

a/an ...................
a. attributive
b. predicative
c. adjective
d. adjective phrase
10. In the clause ‘The baby sleeps soundly.’, ‘soundly’ is an adjunct of ..................
a. location
b. terminus
c. manner
d. direction

10. In the clause ‘The baby sleeps soundly.’, ‘soundly’ is an adjunct of ..................
a. location
b. terminus
c. manner
d. direction

11. All, both, half are the ................. in a NP.

a. predeterminers
b. determiners
c. adjectivals
d. modifiers

12. Phrases form both semantic units and ................. units.

a. grammar
b. lexical
c. form
d. syntactic

13. The word groups as well as the single words that occupy the adverb positions and perform the
adverb functions are ................ .
a. nominals
b. verbals
c. adverbials
d. adjectivals

14. The complement is the generic term for all the completers of the verb, which include the
direct object, indirect object, subjective complement, and ..................
a. predicator complement
b. pre-modifier
c. post-modifier
d. predicative adjective
15. In a NP, demonstratives occur in the .................. slot.
a. pre-determiner
b. determiner
c. pre-modifier
d. complement

16. The head adjective may optionally be ....................... by a prepositional phrase.

a. pre-modified
b. complemented
c. filled
d. post-modified

17. Such quantifying adjectives as ‘several’ and ‘many’ are expressions of

...................... quantity.
a. definite
b. intensifying
c. uncountable
d. indefinite

18. Which of these is not a quantifier?

a. some
b. enough
c. either
d. mostly

19. Among the modifiers of the head noun, ...................... have the closest relation to the head
noun and cannot be separated from this head noun.
a. ordinals
b. numerals
c. quantifying adjectives
d. noun modifiers

20. The head adverb may optionally be pre-modified by a/an ......................

a. intensifying adverb
b. attributive adjective
c. degree adverb
d. post-nominal modifier
Exercise 1:
Draw the tree-diagrams for the following sentences, using a triangle notion to
represent a noun phrase, an adverb phrase and a structure of a verb.
1. The advanced learner’s dictionary is on my bookshelf.
2. We have seen that interesting film.
3. The old lady strolled towards the church.
4. The new uniform made the little girl very uncomfortable.
5. His classmates wished him a happy birthday.
6. The doctor sounded the patient’s chest.
7. Mary will order a nice birthday cake for her daughter.
8. Ms.Thi is teaching us Chinese.
9. She brought the red roses to the living room.
10. Tom resembles his grandfather.

Exercise 2:
Draw the tree-diagrams for the following sentences, using a triangle notion to
represent a noun phrase, an adverb phrase and a structure of a verb.
1. The little girl was walking out of the supermarket.
2. The boys found Peter in a good mood.
3. His brother gave the front gate a push.
4. The street appeared deserted.
5. The final exam is next Monday.
6. Daisy has read this interesting book.
7. Ed will save a place for me.
8. Ms.Baker bought her children some milk.
9. She has put the tennis racket under the bed.
10. This bag weighs 10 kilos.

Exercise 3:
Draw the tree-diagrams for the following sentences, using a triangle notion to
represent a noun phrase, an adverb phrase and a structure of a verb.
1. The wedding took place on 24 May.
2. The boss regarded him as the most competent employee.
3. The bank has refused the poor man a loan.
4. The girls stayed friends for years.
5. My father is a good teacher.
6. The children have eaten that delicious cake.
7. Mary will hand the package to her father.
8. Jimmy gave me a Christmas present.
9. She got off the bus at 12th street.
10. The blue pen costs 20 dollars.

Exercise 4:
Draw the tree-diagrams for the following sentences, using a triangle notion to
represent a noun phrase, an adverb phrase and a structure of a verb.
1. I find Brahm’s music deeply moving.
2. They remained good friends.
3. My grandfather’s villa stands near the river.
4. She cut some slices of cake for me.
5. The women with babies had their reserved seats.
6. Parents should allow their children more freedom.
7. Stella is making John her secretary.
8. She is saving the money.
9. Susan has been putting her textbooks on the shelves.
10. She is making her mother some tea.

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