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Story Idea Brainstorming

By Jim Edwards

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© Jim Edwards and Guaranteed Response Marketing, LLC – All Rights Reserved
Basic Story Formula


"Let me tell you a quick story about ...."

Tell the story to:

Fit the time you have

Develop the intended emotion

Answer the questions: "What happened?" and "How did it make you feel?"

Transition to the Moral of the story:

"So the moral of this story is ...."

"So the big takeaway here is ...."

What's the Moral, meaning, or "point" of the story you'll tell them?


What is the emotion / feeling you want people to have at by the end of your story?


What do you want people to do (ACTION) as a result of hearing your story?


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© Jim Edwards and Guaranteed Response Marketing, LLC – All Rights Reserved
Story Idea Prompts
Let me tell you a quick story about a special teacher I had in ______________ who taught me
something important...

Let me tell you a quick story about a special pet who made me feel ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about a memorable childhood experience (good or bad)...

Let me tell you a quick story about experiences I had as a _________ (job: waiter, pizza deliver

Let me tell you a quick story about a place that made me feel ______________ and why...

Let me tell you a quick story about a person who make me feel ______________ and why...

Let me tell you a quick story about a time when I felt so embarrassed I could die...

Let me tell you a quick story about a time when I felt proud of ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about a time when I felt exhilarated about ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about a time when I got in trouble at ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about a time when I felt challenged with a HUGE project...

Let me tell you a quick story about a situation that didn't seem funny at the time, but does

Let me tell you a quick story about a time when I overcame a HUGE obstacle or
______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about a trip I took and felt scared...

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© Jim Edwards and Guaranteed Response Marketing, LLC – All Rights Reserved
Let me tell you a quick story about a trip I took and made a cool discovery...

Let me tell you a quick story about the day I got ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about something my child / grandchild said or did ______________

Let me tell you a quick story about something my pet ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about when I graduated from ______________ (or didn't

Let me tell you a quick story about a once in a lifetime experience I had with ______________

Let me tell you a quick story about a vacation experience I had that was a dream / nightmare...

Let me tell you a quick story about a conversation I had with a dying ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about major health crisis for me personally and how I dealt with

Let me tell you a quick story about major health crisis for someone I love and what happened...

Let me tell you a quick story about a divorce / breakup I went through...

Let me tell you a quick story about divorce / breakup for parents, loved ones, etc....

Let me tell you a quick story about major accident in my life / or lives of loved ones...

Let me tell you a quick story about unexpected / unusual trauma I went through with
______________ ...

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© Jim Edwards and Guaranteed Response Marketing, LLC – All Rights Reserved
Let me tell you a quick story about weight loss / weight gain I experienced after
______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about physical disability or recovery I had with ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about some big challenge I overcame with ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about some big challenge a loved one overcame with
______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about a defining moment in my life when it came to my
______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about a time when my ethics / morals were tested...

Let me tell you a quick story about a moment where I had to make a split second decision about
______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about a moment when weeks, months, years of hard work finally
paid off...

Let me tell you a quick story about a time when I had to accept defeat, retreat, and reorganize
to come back stronger...

Let me tell you a quick story about a moment when I got knocked down by ______________
but got back up again...

Let me tell you a quick story about an experience I had trying to figure out technology in order
to ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about mastering a new skill for work or hobby...

Let me tell you a quick story about remodeling my house / painting / cutting down a tree /
learning to drive a stick shift...

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© Jim Edwards and Guaranteed Response Marketing, LLC – All Rights Reserved
Let me tell you a quick story about visiting a friend / family member in the emergency room for
______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about a recent trip to the grocery store where I ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about going to the mall last ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about going to the gym this past ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about visiting family and friends over the ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about a seemingly unimportant event that happened around the

Let me tell you a quick story about a news story on ______________ that caught my attention...

Let me tell you a quick story about something that happened at the movies...

Let me tell you a quick story about a movie I saw about ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about an experience I had driving my car in ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about something that happened when I was stopped at a traffic
light one time...

Let me tell you a quick story about when a bolt of inspiration hit me out of the blue one day
about ______________ ...

Let me tell you a quick story about ______________ that happened when I was working around
the house...

Let me tell you a quick story about something I picked up from reading a book about
______________ ...

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Let me tell you a quick story about an interesting thought about ______________ I had in the
bathroom / thinking on the potty...

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© Jim Edwards and Guaranteed Response Marketing, LLC – All Rights Reserved

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