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Exercise and Psychological Well-being

I. Objectives:
 Students will understand the relationship between exercise and psychological
 Students will learn the psychological benefits of exercise and how it can
improve mental health.
 Students will explore different types of exercise and develop a plan to
incorporate exercise into their daily lives.

Subject Matter:
Topic: The psychological benefits of exercise, such as reduced stress, improved
mood, increased self-esteem, and better cognitive function
Reference: Internet, Textbooks, and YouTube

II. Materials: Whiteboard or chalkboard

 Markers or chalk
 Handouts or worksheets
 Videos or images related to exercise and mental health

III. Procedure:
A. Pre-activity
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Review of Previous Lesson
B. Motivation:


C. Activity:
Picture analysis:
 The teacher will show different pictures and let the students guess if
the picture shows whether it increases or decreases anxiety, stress
and depression.

D. Analysis:
 Review the students' completed assignments to assess their
understanding of the relationship between exercise and psychological
 Look for evidence of comprehension regarding the psychological benefits
of exercise and the students' ability to apply the knowledge to their own

E. Abstraction:
 Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson and highlight the
importance of regular exercise for psychological well-being.
 Emphasize that exercise is a powerful tool for improving mental health
and encourage students to prioritize physical activity as part of their self-
care routine.

F. Application:
 Encourage students to apply the knowledge gained in the lesson by
incorporating regular exercise into their daily lives.
 Provide resources or suggestions for different types of exercises and
activities they can try.
 Remind students to monitor their own mental well-being and reflect on
how exercise affects their mood, stress levels, and overall psychological
IV. Assessment:
 Use the completed assignments as a form of assessment to evaluate the
students' understanding of the lesson content.
 Assess their ability to apply the information to their own lives and make
connections between exercise and psychological well-being.
 Provide individualized feedback to help students further develop their
understanding and application of the topic.

V. Assignment:
 For the assignment, ask students to create a personal exercise plan that
includes specific goals, types of exercises, and a schedule.
 Encourage them to consider their own preferences, availability, and
fitness level when designing the plan.
 Request a short reflection on their expectations for the plan and how they
anticipate it will impact their psychological well-being.
 Collect and review the exercise plans in the next class session.


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