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Exercise and Psychological Well-being

I. Objectives:
➢ Students will understand the relationship between exercise and psychological
➢ Students will learn the psychological benefits of exercise and how it can
improve mental health.
➢ Students will explore different types of exercise and develop a plan to
incorporate exercise into their daily lives.

Subject Matter:
Topic: The psychological benefits of exercise, such as reduced stress, improved
mood, increased self-esteem, and better cognitive function
Reference: Internet, Textbooks, and YouTube

II. Materials: Whiteboard or chalkboard

• Markers or chalk
• Handouts or worksheets
• Videos or images related to exercise and mental health

III. Procedure:
A. Pre-activity
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Review of Previous Lesson
B. Motivation:


C. Activity:
Picture analysis:
➢ The teacher will show different pictures and let the students guess if
the picture shows whether it increases or decreases anxiety, stress and

D. Analysis:
➢ Review the students' completed assignments to assess their understanding
of the relationship between exercise and psychological well-being.
➢ Look for evidence of comprehension regarding the psychological benefits
of exercise and the students' ability to apply the knowledge to their own

E. Abstraction:
➢ Summarize the key points discussed during the lesson and highlight the
importance of regular exercise for psychological well-being.
➢ Emphasize that exercise is a powerful tool for improving mental health and
encourage students to prioritize physical activity as part of their selfcare

F. Application:
➢ Encourage students to apply the knowledge gained in the lesson by
incorporating regular exercise into their daily lives.
➢ Provide resources or suggestions for different types of exercises and
activities they can try.
➢ Remind students to monitor their own mental well-being and reflect on
how exercise affects their mood, stress levels, and overall psychological
IV. Assessment:
➢ Use the completed assignments as a form of assessment to evaluate the
students' understanding of the lesson content.
➢ Assess their ability to apply the information to their own lives and make
connections between exercise and psychological well-being.
➢ Provide individualized feedback to help students further develop their
understanding and application of the topic.

V. Assignment:
➢ For the assignment, ask students to interview one of their family members
who has experienced stress, depression, or anxiety and inquire about their
coping mechanisms and strategies for dealing with such experiences.


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