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English A

Aspirants Science School

Summer Vacation Task

 Unit # 6: The Story of Doctor Doolittle.

 Words / Meanings.
Words Meanings Words Meanings
Ask Buy
Wondered Knew
Idea Visitor
Poor Leave
Walk Upset
 Words / Sentences.
Words Sentences
 Answer these Questions.
i. Who followed doctor dolittle?
ii. Did doctor dolittle live alone?
iii. How many different kinds of pets lived with doctor dolittle?
iv. What did doctor dolittle have to say about “Best People”?
v. Who gave doctor dolittle idea to become on animal doctor?
vi. What did the parrot say to doctor dolittle in its own language?
vii. What did doctor dolittle write in its butcher’s book?
 Dictation:
He lived in ………………… their hands. Pg # 64.


 Unit # 8: The Wise Villagers.

 Words / Meanings.
Words Meanings Words Meanings
Mad Built
Peaceful Road
In peace Declared
Talk about Dangerous
 Words / Sentences.
Words Sentences
 Answer these Questions.
i. Did the villagers have any enemies?
ii. Where was the new road going to be built?
iii. What were the men doing with the rope and the cup?
iv. What were the villagers doing with penknives?
v. What were the villagers doing with the ants?
 Dictation:
The man from ……………… laughed and laughed. Pg # 85.

English B
Aspirants Science School
Summer Vacation Task from 3rd Term Syllabus Class 4th

 Essay: “Quaid – e – Azam”


 Story: “Three Greedy Friends”

 Application: “For Fee concession”
 Letter: “To friend on his / her birthday”
Aspirants Science School
Summer Vacation Task from 3rd Term Syllabus Class 4th

 Unit # 4: “Matter and its characteristics”

 Answer these Questions.
i. What is matter?
ii. What is the difference between a solid and a liquid?
iii. Do the particles in a liquid stay in one place?
iv. Do liquid have a fixed shape?
v. Why is it not a very good idea to use aerosol sprays?
 Unit # 5: “Forms of Energy and Energy Transfer”
 Answer these Questions.
i. Define heat.
ii. Define temperature.
iii. Which two scales are commonly used to measure temperature?
iv. Which instrument used to measure temperature?
v. In what conditions do sound echo?
vi. Can sound travel in a vacuum?
Aspirants Science School
Summer Vacation Task from 3rd Term Syllabus Class 4th

 Tables: (6 to 13)
 Table of 6.

 Table of 7.
 Table of 8.

 Table of 9.

 Table of 10.
 Table of 11.

 Table of 12.
 Table of 13.

 English and Urdu counting (1 to 70)

 Roman counting (1 to 50)
Aspirants Science School
Summer Vacation Task from 3rd Term Syllabus Class 4th

Aspirants Science School
Summer Vacation Task from 3rd Term Syllabus Class 4th

Aspirants Science School
Summer Vacation Task from 3rd Term Syllabus Class 4th

Aspirants Science School
Summer Vacation Task from 3rd Term Syllabus Class 4th

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