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Level of Capability of Grade 12 SMAW Students at

Morong National Highschool

1.To Identify the Capability of Grade 12 SMAW Students
of Morong National Highschool
2.To Determine if the pandemic affect the performance of
grade 12
3.To identify how grade 12 students manage to perform
even without a proper equipment during the quarantine
To address the Capability of grade 12 Smaw students of
morong national highschool
The Grade 12 SMAW Students Of Morong National Highschool

2019 when the pandemic starts, the classes are suddenly stop
while The students are in their mid term class, And the pandemic
goes so dangerous so the government stopped every class and
make them graduate and after two years the government decide
to make the Modular’s and class online. Afterward so many
students cant join into a class during the pandemic cause some
of the students cant afford to buy a gadget or their money is only
good for a week. And it hard for the student to learn using
modules due to no explanation and also its hard to understand
cause details in the module are not complete and also its hard to
perform a performance tasks in modular and its hard for the
TVL strands, SMAW is the most affected strand cause Welding
need a welding machine, Welding rods and also Carbon Steels
that cant afford of ordinary people.
Based on SMAW students they are only passed because of the
pandemic and they says that they haven’t learn a thing in
modular but some of them learned welding in their junior
highschool and almost all of them are Capable of passing the
NC2 even though they almost don’t get instruct by their

Statement of the problem:

In General, the study aims to determine the level of
capability of grade 12 SMAW Students

The Study Was specifically to Answer the following

1. What effects does a lack of welding
Equipments have on the performance of
Grade 12 Smaw students?
2. What are the effects of having Limited Welding
materials for Grade 12 Students?
3. What are the Best solution for incompetent students?

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