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Character Traits/Moral Values/Messages/Themes

Examples Evidence/Evidences
· Jim is knowledgeable about the Character Traits
yacht and the sea. He shows the -Knowledgeable/
children how to steer the yacht. He brave/responsible
tells them the shoal can be
dangerous for them as they could
run ashore. He also shows them Moral Values
the shoals using charts.
1. Jim teaches John – We should share our
and the siblings about knowledge with others.
the yacht and the sea. · At night, the Goblin rolls
– We should take care of
violently. The children are worried
people who are younger than us.
but Jim assures them it is the big
ship that goes from England to
Holland everyday.
-value of knowledge/

Character Traits
– brave/responsible /

· When the children are out at Moral Values

the sea, the rain starts to fall. Big
winds and waves crash over the – We should be responsible
bows and splash on the cabin roof when we are put in charge of
and the children. Although John something.
2. John fights against feels tired and the weather is not
the storm. – We should not panic when
helping him, he does not stop
we are facing difficulties.
fighting against the storm. He tries
his hardest to steer the yacht to the – We should do our best to
right direction. He wants to keep his protect the people we love.
siblings safe.

– love for family/
Character Traits
– responsible /loving/

After finding his children at Flushing

in Holland, Commander Walker Moral Values
takes responsibility to send
telegram to Mrs. Walker, bring the – We should be responsible
children to eat at a café and buy for our children’s safety.
3. Commander Walker supplies for their journey back – We should love our family
brings the children home. members.
back to Harwich.
– We should be considerate
Commander Walker takes over to and try to understand when
sail to Goblin. He steers the yacht something wrong happened to
because he knows John is tired. He our children.
is also not mad at the children for
what happens.
– love for family/ responsibility
for family

Character Traits
– responsible

· Jim has an accident when he

leaves the children and goes to get Moral Values
4. Jim Brading petrol. When he wakes up he is
very worried about the children. He – We should be responsible
worries about the for the things we do.
children and keeps leaves the hospital to go find them
his promise to take even though his head is still in pain. – We should keep our
care of them. He feels sorry to about what promise.
happens and he intends to
apologise to Mrs. Walker.
– love for family/

Character Traits
– Brave/responsible
· After the tide pulls them out of
the Beach End Buoy, they are
5. John makes the forced to put on sails to avoid hitting
decision to to go sea. the buoys. After that, John decides Moral Values
to go out to sea so that they can get – We should be responsible
away from the shoals. when we are put in charge of
– We should not panic when
we are facing difficulties.

– Bravery/responsibility

Character Traits
– Responsible/loving
· When the Goblin is out at sea.
Susan is worried. She is worried
that Mother will think they did not Moral Values
keep their promise.
– We should be responsible
6. Susan is worried to keep our promise.
about their Mother · After they meet Father, Susan
– We should not make our
reminds her dad to send the
parents worried about us.
telegram to Mother and she also
makes sure that the telegram is
– love for family/ responsibility

Character Traits
– caring/loving

Moral Values
· When the children have to go
7. John is worried out to sea to avoid the shoals, – We should love our family.
about his siblings. Susan and Titty get seasick. John
– We should do our best to
feel bad for them and is worried
protect the people we love.
about them.

– love for family/responsibility
Character Traits/Moral Values/Messages/Themes

Examples Evidence/Evidences

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