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Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Alhamdlillah alhamdulillahi robbil ‘alamin wassholatu wssalamu

sayyidina Muhammadin wa ‘ala alihi washobihi ajmain. Ammaba’du.

Honorable the juries of English Speech Contest.

Honorable all of the audiences.

First of all, lets thanks to God Allah SWT for giving us some mercies and blessing, so we can
attend and get here in this beautiful moment in good condition and happy situation. Secondly,
Sholawat and Salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW, the last messenger of
God who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness.

Ladies and gentleman.

In this occasion I would like to deliver my speech by the title “EDUCATION IN THE

How long we have been lived in the pandemic era?

As you all know, we begin doing online class after the pandemic hit us all. This happened not
only in our country but also in all the world.

The health crisis that occurred due to the Covid19 pandemic has an impact on the education
sector. So our school issued a policy to study at home during the Covid19 emergency response
period. The existence of the study at home policy caused the change in the learning. The learning
process cannot be done directly and is transferred through online learning. The application of
online learning is a new experience that provides comfortable and flexibility in studying without
having to go to school.

However, online learning is still experiencing obstacles. The availability of inadequate network
access resulted in unclear communication and instructions in study. The ability of the economy
to fulfill internet quotas hinders student participation in taking online study. Giving many
homeworks to the students will makes their concentration decrease. The government needs to
provide subsidized internet quota for students. So, the learning activities can be run smoothly and
as expected.

The goverment is currently facilitating online learning by providing technological media that can
support online learning. For example, the zoom aplication, google meet, youtube and other
aplications than can support current learning. Online learning makes educators have innovation
and creativity in carriying out learning.

Ladies and gentleman.

The government have informed about what we can do in this time to stay healthy and still
perform our duties as a students. 

Let’s pay attention to social distance. I know everyone missed going out and meeting friends.
However, by staying home, we minimize the chances of spreading the dangerous virus.  Make
the most of social media, take a new skill or take online course. Use the moment to be better 

We can fight this virus by keeping ourselves health and other safe. Hope this pandemic can end
soon. While waiting, let’s not do anything that can make it worse.

That is all I wanted to say. Remember everyone keeping your distance is more important these
days. We don’t want the virus keep spreading when we did so many things to keep the number
down. Let’s start from ourselves and do various health awareness. 
Let’s keep safe and never giving up or lost hope during this difficult time. 

Please forgive me for any mistake. Thank you very much for your attention, good bye and see

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb

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