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Revival after covid 19 by LOVE

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb, good morning everyone, how are you today?

First of all, let us offer our praise and gratitude to Allah SWT who has given us
health so that we can gather in this competition. And don’t forget lets say sholawat
and greetings to our prophet Muhammad SAW.
The honorobale all juries, all speech contest committees and all my belove
audiences, Before I say further, I would like to introduce myself first, my name is
Azzierrha Zannatun Nissa DE, I'm from vocational school one of Bojongpicung, and
on this occasion allow me to give a speech about "Revival after covid 19 by

Ladies and Gentlemen

As we know, 2 years ago we have gone through a pandemic which has really
brought a lot of changes to our lives. According to available data, the outbreak of this
virus began on March 2, 2022. It was at that moment that all the changes occurred.
We are all on lock down and have to stay at home. Students who originally went to
school every day but since this pandemic happened, we should do anything from
home, traders who could not trade freely as usual, and so many people lost their job.
This is make a drastic economic downturn to our country.
This pandemic has bad effects to us, especially children and teenager. First,
the change in moral and manners degradation that happens now. Indonesia as
known as a country who has great of politeness. But now, we can see many children
or teenager have bad attitude in communication. They often speak harshly and even
fights back to everyone both younger or older people. Beside it, there are also small
criminal acts that have begun to be carried out by teenager, such as brawls and
Secondly, because all activities during this pandemic are online, learning
has to be done from home. There are so many obstacles experienced by them such
as difficulties in getting internet access, handphones that don’t support, etc.
Therefore, distance education is fairly ineffective because students can't get what the
teachers explained.


Third, I had an experience as a student when I were studying at home. My

friends and I felt hard to get what's the point of the subject and do the assignments
by “copy paste”, not from our thought purely. We had in learning loss.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

That's some bad impact left by the pandemic a few years ago, which is still
impacting and felt by us today So, how to minimize these problems as our revival?
Maybe, in my opinion, we can do some little steps as listed within L.O.V.E as an
abbreviation of Learn, Open, Vote, and Empowering.
Learn. Everything is a lesson; every time is a learning. Every event that
happens in this world is a lesson for us, including Covid-19. Let's make the impact of
this pandemic a learning momentum for ourselves and those around us. The world is
constantly changing, don't stop to learn and more creative.
Open. Humans are social creatures who need each other. Not respecting
others means that we are very arrogant and have a closed mind and heart, which
ultimately harms ourselves. It would be better if we have an open mind and heart so
that we can live in harmony, comfort and peace.
Vote. Life is choice, we have the right to choose things that are good or
bad. We have also been given reason from God to use it as well as possible. So,
let's vote wisely in using technology.
The last, Empowering. The best human being is useful for others. Our
usefulness can only be realized by empowering ourselves and others. The Covid
pandemic has destroyed many things, only with strong determination, helping each
other and moving together, we can get back up for a better life.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Tere Liye ever said "life must go on, no matter how painful or happy, let
time be the medicine". Covid 19 that happened some time ago brought many
sadness, but everything moving towards. Indeed, we must not forget the past, but we
must move up and take lessons from the past, and make the better future for us by
reviving the morals and restoring education. Let's rebuild a smart, skilled and good


moral Indonesian young generation with L.O.V.E, starting with yourself, from now
and from small thing

Ladies and gentlemen that I really love.

Maybe that's all I can say to you. I'm sorry if there's so many mistakes while I said a
speech, and thank you so much for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

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