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Psychological test NO.

Self-Concept questionnaire (SCQ)


To assess the individual’s Self- Concept on 6 specific dimensions using the Self-Concept


Self is defined as “totality of an individual’s conscious, experiences, ideas, thoughts &

feelings with regard to him/herself.”

They define the individual’s existence. It refers to how we perceive & describe ourselves.

Self-concept has been referred by Lowe (1961) as one’s attitudes towards self and by
Paderson (1965) as the organized configuration of perceptions, beliefs, feelings, attitudes
and values which the individual views as part of the characteristics of him/ her. Roger (1951)
stated that “self –concept is an organized configuration of perception of the self, which are
admissible to awareness. It is compared of such elements as the perceptions of one’s
characteristics and abilities, the percepts and concepts of the self in relation to others and to
the environment, the value qualities which are perceived as associated with experiences and
objects, and the goals and ideals which are perceived as having positive or negative valence”

Characteristics of self concept:

 Is the way we perceive ourselves & ideas we hold about our competencies &
 It consists of positive & negative view of oneself which may be general or specific.
E.g.: academic competence.
 Self-concept is learnt.
 Self-concept is organized.
 Self-concept is dynamic.

Thus, self refers to the totality of an individual’s conscious experiences ideas, thoughts and
feelings with regard to him/herself. Self-concept is a cognitive and behavioural aspect of self.
It is the way we perceive ourselves and the ideas we hold about our competencies and

Self-concept is a dominant element in personality pattern; therefore the measurement of

self-concept becomes essential. There are several terms that are synonymous with self-
concept such as self-image, ego, self-understanding, self-perception and phenomenal self.

Basic information:
Date of birth

Material required:

1. Self-Concept question cum answer booklet

2. Self- Concept Questionnaire manual
3. Writing material.

Brief description of the test:

Self-Concept Questionnaire (SCQ) provides 6 separate dimensions of self-concept: physical,

social, intellectual, moral, educational and temperamental self -concept. It has 48 items
which give an overall Self-Concept score. The operational definition of the 6 dimensions is:

 Physical: individual’s view of their body, health, physical appearance and

 Social: individual’s sense of worth in social interactions.
 Temperamental: individuals view of their prevailing emotional state and
predominance of particular kind of emotional reaction.
 Educational: individual’s view of themselves in relation to school, teachers
and extracurricular activities.
 Moral: individual’s estimation of their moral worth, right and wrong activities.
 Intellectual: individual’s awareness of their intelligence and capacity of
problem solving and judgement.


The subject is seated comfortably and is explained the reason for the test. Care is
taken to see that the table is cleared of any distractions and the subject is willing to
take the test. The test is administered to identify the individual’s Self-Concept. The
subject is asked to write down all the information required on the question cum
answer booklet. The following instructions are then given “As you can see we have a
booklet in front of you which consists of 4 pages. The test consists of 48 statements
with a 5 option response. The statements are regarding your responses to various
situations and your likes and dislikes. Please tick the response that best describes
you. There is no right or wrong answers just the ones that best describe you. Please
do not take a lot of time while answering the statement. Let it be the first response
that comes to you. On an average it takes around 20 minutes. Your response will be
kept strictly confidential. Please ensure that all responses are marked. In case of any
doubts please feel free to ask”. Once the subject has completed the questionnaire,
the scoring is done using the scoring key and manual.


The scoring is done as per the manual and the interpretation duly noted.

1. Answer sheets are corrected using the key on page 6.

2. Interpretation and classification of raw scores for all dimensions table 3 on page
3. Interpretation and classification of raw scores for total self-concept table 4 on
page 8.


1. Care is taken to see that the subject understood the instructions.

2. Care is taken to see that distractions are minimized
3. Care is taken to see that the time taken is not too much.
4. Care is taken to see that the subject was in a calm and comfortable state.


The subject was found to be relaxed and comfortable. He was willing to take the test and
curious to know the results. The subject was found to do the test in a systematic manner
(any other observations made)

Subject’s introspection:

(To be written verbatim)


Individual answer sheet attached alongside.

Discussion and conclusion:

The following is the data of the subject:

Physical Socia Temperamental Educational Moral Intellectual Over

l all

The subject on the SCQ had the above scores which clearly show that the subject is
high in , above average in the , average in the ,
below average in and low in . The areas in which the subject
has a good self concept are .The areas in which the subject needs to work on
are . On the whole the subject’s self-concept is .


1. Psychology textbook for class XII reprinted by NCERT; Dec, 2009.

2. Saraswat, R.K ; Self-Concept Questionnaire ; National psychological
corporation; Agra;2007

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